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Accursed Sanctum Raid Feedback

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Kander, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. Kander Developer

    Hey all,

    We're eager to hear what you guys think about this zone. If you would like to contribute, please send me a PM titled "Accursed Sanctum Feedback" with the following template filled out.

    Named Encounter:
    Guild (or raid force):
    Character Class:

    How well did the difficulty match the rewards? (1-10, 10 being perfectly)
    Was the encounter too difficult or too easy considering the rewards?

    How much fun was this fight? (1-10, 10 being the best fight in the game)
    What made it fun or not-so-fun? (optional)

    You can send feedback for multiple mobs in a single PM, but please wait to send feedback until you have defeated the encounter. Please try to include any positive feedback you have as well as the negative - knowing what you liked is really a lot more useful to us than only knowing what you did not like.

    Above all, remain constructive. :)
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