Access to Reign of Shadows Expansion

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Pikachuuu, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. Pikachuuu New Member


    There was no good subject to use making a ticket on this, so if a red name could look this over and inform, please do.

    In General chat, someone had mentioned they had bought the Reign of Shadows expansion but couldn't access any of the areas because they weren't a Member. I had asked if there was any indication you needed to be a Memeber on the expansion page, but they said no.

    I am taking a look at the buy page for RoS on 3/3/21 and there is zero indication you need to be a Member to access these zones, even in the small type. Do you think that's fair? If you want people to be a Member for this, might want to indicate that.






  2. Beee Well-Known Member

    You can accsess City of Mydst if you are lv 120 via wizard portal without havining an active membership. You have to do the quests from there to reach the other zones.
    Kaitheel likes this.
  3. Louly Well-Known Member

  4. Tkia Well-Known Member

    Kaitheel likes this.
  5. Louly Well-Known Member

    My mistake sorry :(
  6. Pikachuuu New Member

    Ah. This person in General chat was level 110 and said they had no place to level, that all the zones in RoS were Members only
  7. Treggar Active Member

    They would have to level in BOL zones or use the lvl 120 boost token that comes with ROS expansion.
  8. Torri Active Member

    Heck, over the course of about a week to ten days with the use of one vitality potion and one click of the Vet reward Orb I hit 120 on the final quest of the PoP timeline.

    I'm surprised no one in your chat corrected such blatant misinformation. Now I'm embarrassed to see you are on my server. We should be better than that. But now you know what you'll need to do