AA Respec

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Kyndriana, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kyndriana Guest

    I've read through these forums multiple times; the information given in this forum is outstanding and us newbie's thank you!
    Wysp's AA section on the FAQ explains how she suggests spending the AA points. I am confused ... I guess I don't understand what "respec" is or what it's purpose is. She says go down Agility, the respec to Sta (I think, the actual line isn't what's important though), then go down Agi again and respec to Wis. Why would I go down agi, then respec (move those points?) somewhere else, only to go back down it again?
    I think I must be missing something, and I asked in guild but no one there really had an answer either. Would someone here be able to explain it? I'm not really interested in what lines I should be going down, there are other threads that is being discussed/debated in, I'm just confused on the whole respec thing.
    Thanks in advance!
  2. ARCHIVED-eqaddictedfool Guest

    I believe what she was saying was take those 3 lines. No purpose in taking a line then moving the points from it to go into another line. respec generally means take away old points and put them into something possibly more useful.
  3. ARCHIVED-thecynic315 Guest

    Because the WHOLE agi line is useful, but only the last 2 abilitys in WIS are really useful and only Fortismo in STA is useful. BUT the 4-4-4-8 in AGI is slightly less useful then the 4-4-4-8 in STA & the 4-4-6-8-2 in WIS.