AA Confusion for new Ranger

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-wakuzel, May 21, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-wakuzel Guest

    Hey All ~
    Just hit lvl 10 and am really confuse on AA's. I see a bar that I can move to 100 or 0...is this the points for the AA's? I'm not sure where to even start. If you guys can guide me a bit it would be appreciated!
  2. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    Determines the percentage of combat experience you gain that goes to gaining AA experience.

    So if you had it at 100, all of your experience will go to getting AA points and essentially stop you from leveling. Move it to 50 and half of your experience will go to gaining AA. Move it to 0, this is basically 'normal' mode, where regular adventure experience will go to gaining levels, but you still get AA experience from killing named mobs and disco etc.
  3. ARCHIVED-wakuzel Guest

    Ok that makes sense. So do you put points in the AA's? How many do you get? Is it kinda like a skill tree?
  4. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    wakuzel wrote:
    you get up to 250 which can be put in any of the trees(with teh stated restricitions of each of them) and utnil you reach a certain level(70 I think I may be wrong) only 50 in the predator and 50 in the ranger.once you reach max level and as the poster above says you get them by first time quests special quests and discoveries . Yes it is a skill tree actually 3 of them.
    you will find a sticky thread about AA builds that might help you. http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/...topic_id=416874
    IIrc you start with the agility line then move to ranger tree and go down till you can get double attack. at least that is how it was. I hope we still have enough of the old guard rangers to give you more help then I can.
  5. ARCHIVED-wakuzel Guest

    Thanks Dalannae, very helpful.