A question for Gage

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-BanixX, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-BanixX Guest

    Hi gage,

    I am on the 3rd part of the monk Armor Quest.. You seem to have done that part...

    May I ask how, where the heck are the mimics and the feign zombies? I couldnt find them in Stormhold tonight... and how tough is it?

    Thanks for your help......

    21 Monk
    Life After Death
  2. ARCHIVED-BanixX Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-GangsterFist Guest

    I dont know if you are asking me, but i will answer anyways.

    Enter storm hold, go down to the first room and enter the first main room

    go thru 2nd door on the right

    when you hit the T junction go left, then you will have to go right

    1st room is where the captain spawns.

    Go straight past all the rooms till you can't go straight anymore. You will have to kill zombies and skeletons as you go.

    Then hang a right, and go straight.

    Then when yut hit a T, go left. It will curve around.

    Once the curve stops the first door on your left is the stairs

    Take them down, don't jump down you will die. Watch out for 2 roaming skeletons

    at the bottom of the stairs there is only 1 hallway go down it.

    This will lead you to the atrium.

    Go left, you will enter a T junction.

    To your left is a mimic, skeletons, and zombie hand maidens

    To your right is the battle priest

    At the battle priest door (facing it) turn left and follow that corridor, you will veer left around a small curve.

    At the end there is a T, the door to the right is the marksman. Kill him and through that door there is another passage.

    Take that down the way and you will see some non aggro little white mobs called mists or something to that effect. The feign zombies spawn in there

    I hope that is followable, I did it in my head so it may not be 100% accurate, if you can make it to the atrium then you are good to go.
  4. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    He is right ;)

    I did it with some guildies who know SH so I just kinda followed them and killed stuff :0
  5. ARCHIVED-BanixX Guest

    Thank you both of you.