A new mystery appears in Nektropos Castle...

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Cusashorn, May 4, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    It has nothing to do with her.
  2. ARCHIVED-Fizwick Guest

    Oh, well, glad you have such outstanding proof. Guess we're settled.
  3. ARCHIVED-Bigoo Guest

    Text from first 2 Collection books in Nektropus Castle:Tribulation ..
    I know there is third Collection book.."From below to Castle"..
    But we may read this two first...:smileyhappy:

    My Treu Beloved(Please highlight if you want to read)
    Notes by Lord Rikantus Everling
    My one true beloved has long been gone,but I have loved no other like I loved Alana.
    Though I have loved again,I can never forget.
    Theeral knows of her, but enduress my emotions.
    She knows I have brought her wealth in coin and in offspring.
    She offers me much as well.
    This is why are one.
    But even a great love cannot bury another great love.
    I often pity myself for loving twice in a lifetime and
    it is at these times that I find my soul in pain and
    I must begin my march of solace to Alana's chabers.

    At first Theeral could not accept the extent of my love.
    She learned this after one of my frequent boouts of extended melancholy.
    The first time she discovered the destination of my midnight walks in Freeport,she was terrified.
    As I walked the streets she and her servant Plimptos secretly followed me,darking and dashing in the shadows.
    I never liked that serverant child of hers.
    There was something evil about him.
    I would learn that at a later date and see that he was bestowed with one of my most cursed trinkets.

    Along the streets and alley Theeral followed me to a simple graveyard that was soon to be removed by order of the current chief constable,a boisterous paladin that was beginning to stir up trouble in Freeport.
    Within the humble graveyard I walked to my personal mausoleum.
    It was like a grand palace at the center of a timber village.
    I have ordered the construction of this tomb for my future family,but even though my present family was still alive and well,the mausoleum was not vacant.

    Peering out from behind a twisted tree,
    Theeral watched as I opened the tomb with a special key that I held around my neck at all times.
    A torch was lit along the walls and I kneeled to weep in both sadness and joyous reflections.
    Just then,Theeral entered.
    She was in shock as she saw me weeping before three caskets.
    Demanding to know whose caskets were placed within the personal resting place of the family of Lord Rikantus Everling,I told her.

    In my youth,after I took the seat of master merchant for the House of Everling upon the disapperance of my father,
    I met my first love on the road to a haggling festival in Rivervale.
    She was standing beside the road,near her cart and tent.She was clearly a fortune teller of sorts.
    I ordered my carriage to stop.
    I dismounted and approached.
    Her named was Alana and her beauty was matched by none.
    I could do no more than to fall in love with her forever and after my long fortune was told,I did just that.

    Along with Alana came her meager belongings,mostly tricks of her trade.
    So to,came a personal servant sworn to serve her as a child.
    The was the wretched Plimptos.
    I was happy to not only curse the man,but strike his name from my castle.
    The ancient word for whelp would do nicely,pelleas.
    For all the chaos that servant caused this house,Theeral's gifts to me made them all worth while.
    From my true love came my first born,Maltus.
    Soon after he,came Ollix.
    The joy my family brought me veiled the curses of Everling,but unfortunately,
    they would rear their head to make themselves known.

    There came a time when a mysterious illness overtook my beloved family.
    A fever overtook them and mad delusions soon followed.
    Like madmen,my loved ones could be found wandering the streets screaming of invisible creatures all about,slowing torturing them.
    Neither doctor nor mage of the great trade city could find a remedy for the odd illness.
    Even journeying to the Temple of Life in Qeynos was futile.
    The madness grew and I was forced to confine my loved one or
    see them sentenced to the Freeport Asylum where they would never return from.

    Confining my loved ones until I could free them from their insanity would not last.
    There came a day when their prison chambers were unlocked.
    Someone had unlocked the doors and untied their restraints whild I was away on business.
    Before I could return they had somehow flew into the sprawling maze of streets.
    One by one their madness led them into horrific accident I refuse to recall.
    My dreams of replacing a life of cursed curios with the joy of a family was tragically extinguished.
    I could never prove it,but I felt the mischief of Plimptos.

    The void created by the loss of my beloved family nearly sucked me into oblivion.
    I found myself incapacitated by sadness for many year.
    If not for the aid of a few friends within the Academy of Arcane Science,
    I too would be as lost as my family.
    When I was freed from my pit of despair I had the bodies of my family preserved and placed within my mausoleum.
    After this I swore to myself I would escape the curses that followed the House of Everling.
    Far from Freeport I would construct the most magnificent and impenetrable castle ever built.
    Not even an ancient curse would breach my walls.

    I was a fool for thinking such things.
    No curse can be outrun or shielded,but perhaps it could be contained as the cursed curios had taught us over the ages.
    If a curse did follow me then it will stay with me and no more would I peddle such tradegy upon the world..
    once I was finished finacing my hidden fortress.
    Far from the great empires in the dense dark forestlands I will hide.
    Along with me shall come the evil trinkets,my severants and my beloved family.

    When my refuge was complete,I placed my family within grand tombs inside the catacombs of my new manor.
    But,this was not enough.
    My house was theirs even after death,but if that were to be true they must have chambers just as I.
    I furnished three rooms,one for Marcus,one for Ollix and one for my Alana.
    When I wished to speak to them I would not face the sarcophagi in the cold depths of Nektropos Castle,NO!
    When I wish to console with my loved ones I would spend time within the chambers where their spirits played.

    Here in Nektropos Castle I live with two loves, a family gone and family new.
    Theeral and my precious daughterss accept my madness.
    Though they rarely vist the chambers of my past the know never to disturb them.
    My servants are told to tend to these chambers as they would any other.
    Even bowls and goblets are taken to these rooms and removed when mysterious emptied.
    They are here ,I can feel them.
    These are the places where a cursed man goes to escape the prison he build for himself.

    Our Lady of Betrayal(Please highlight if you want to read)
    Notes by Lord Rikantus Everling
    Long have I traveled Norrath in search of wonders others would avoid.
    Many years have I studied tomes of valor in search of deviant treasures that I could place within my cursed cache.
    It was in my youth that my father began this quest and
    it would be in my time as Lord of the House of Everling that the quest would terminate.
    Through tales told from my father's maw to stolen tomes from the vaults of truth and love.
    I have discovered the Lady of Betrayal- Ullkorruuk.

    The House of Everling made it fortune within the great trade city of Freeport,
    a city always shielded from evil by the followers of Marr.
    Living amidst the paragons of valor and passion
    one could eventually see tears within the benevolent fabric of such benevolance.
    My father stove to discover an artifact of such faults,a trinket that no doubt would be cursed.
    Those things that are cursed are the fruit of my family.
    My father would never find the artifact he longed for,but his words would lead me on my quest long after his death.

    Knighthoods and priesthoods are bound to faith,given their strength by their willing belief in things that cannot be proven as just.
    The blind faith of such religious societies will always have those few who falter.
    A fall from such wisdom leads even the greatest legends of chivalry in a forsaken pit,never to be graced by his god again.
    But hope persists.
    Whisper abound of a place where the forsaken have made safe haven.
    The hidden shrine is veiled within an island of vast thinkers.
    In my father's time,he would never know such a place,but his time is over.

    Across the spine of Ro and through the great city,I found path across the sea.
    Within the land touched by the hand of decay I found my clues.
    Through dense jungle,across wounded lands and over frozen mountaintops-the land of eternal maelstrom exists.
    Within the inhospitable desolate land exists the forsaken city.
    Only in such natural hostility could such a place remain unseen.
    Employing the powers of curses I crossed the sea of rage and entered the halls of the fallen.
    Here slumbered the knowledge I sought,secrets hidden in the texts of valorous faiths.

    The fallen were not pleased to meet me.
    A detachment of knights rode me out to meet my approach,
    riding atop armored beasts with lances that seemed to be forged of crude iron and were most likely heavier than beast and rider.
    These cavalier spoke no words save one phrase,"Follow and you shall live."
    Such words,accompanied with imposing weapons,cannot be argued.
    They led me beyond a massive marble gate that only the Krombral could have moved.
    I soon learned that this small detachment was but a drop of the cavalry that rest within the entry hall of the subterranean city.

    I could see gates leading deeper into this marble fortress.
    One of the knights dismounted,I could tell from the cape and adornments upon his armor that he was the leader of this band of cavalry.
    The knigh ushered me forward through one of the gates and down a long descending stairwell.
    As we walked I could see faint images of pantheons barely illuminated by ornate sconces perched along the walls.
    At the end of the stairwell we met a towering,but thin,door.
    The knight grabbed the heavy knocker and pounded upon the door.
    It opened ever so slowly,light beaming forth blinding me from the majesty beyond.

    My eyesight returned and my ears filled with layered chants.
    I found myself in a grand circular hall whose ceiling stretched great heights.
    The interior of the massive hall was adorned by statues and images of every deity known to Norrath,
    even a few from long dead civilizations.
    Each of these statues or images created a shrine to the god and around each shrine were placed gifts relative to the forsaken that prayed around it.
    My soul filled with joy as I came to realize that I had finally discovered the city of the forsaken,the secret city of the fallen,Zebuxor.

    My elation was soon replaced with fear as all the chants ceased.
    The throngs of worshippers bowed their heads.
    In the distance I could see another towering door slowly swing wide.
    Within this doorway a figure entered,but so great were the masses that all I could see was the high elaborate crown of this royal figure.
    Amidst the sea of ragtag forsaken faithful,the grand figure cut a swathe towards me.
    My fear rose as I could see the daunting crown that peeked above the faithful slowly approach.
    Finally the figure was upon me as the final wall of people stepped back to allow my audience with the ruler of the forsaken city.

    "What power have your fallen froms?"the ruler asked in a beautiful effeminate voice.
    I couild not see much of her face beneath the elaborate helm,if it was a female,but what I could see was as alluring as the voice.
    I must answer her in truth ,though a lie would seen more fitting.
    It was as if she cast a spell over me.
    "I am not forsaken.I seek knowledge of a dissident power."I repilied,sheepishly.
    Slowly she replied in a foreboding demeanor,"You are forsaken now."

    "I sense the aura of your betrayal."She said.
    "Your past has forsaken you for such actions.It is that has led you to our temple city."
    I could do nothing in more but listen within her hypnotic presence.
    "You quest for the unusual leads your house,but in your quest you should anchored your faith,unwittingly."
    She save a beguiling smirk and continued.
    "Though you seek cursed treasures of unorthodox faith,you will instead find your faith here among the fallen."
    She pointed to a dark corner of the titanic hall.

    The masses of fallen worshippers parted to create a twisting path towards the dark recesses of a peculiar little shrine.
    Her voice commanded me,"Go!I began my slow,almost penitent,march towards the shrine.
    The walls of the fallen began to chant in whispers.
    As I drew closer to the shrine I noticed it was precariously placed between two other shrines,althought it seemed as though these shrines were not even adjacent to one another.
    To one side of the meager shrine was the shring of love and to the other side was the shrine of lover and to the other side a portion of the shrine of hate embraced it.
    I continued my march.

    As I entered the shadows of the little shrine I began to make out the visage of a statue.
    The statue was that of a commanding,yet comforting female knight.
    Donned in the finest armor this visage stood atop the back of a knight.
    Protruding from knight's back,a lance breached the armor of the dead.
    My eyes slowly followed the lenght of the lance until it met the hands of the female knight.
    I could sense a great betrayal as bound to this shrine.
    What was this image I see before me and why do I feel as though I should pay homage here?
    "You belong to her."The ruler of Zebuxor was at my back.
    I did not even notice her approach.
    "She is the Lady of Betrayal.Like you,she sought the unknown.
    Her desire of the unknown was so great that she betrayed the power that gave her light."
    "Who is my goddess?" I begged.
    With another of her beguiling smirks,the ruler answered.
    "She is Ullkorruuk.Her betralal of love was so great that she was embraced by the powers of hate.
    Give new life among the stars,she now sits in the pantheon of hate,forever renamed and never to be graced by Marr again.

    I began to weep before the statue.
    My tears streamed as I fell to my knees.
    I crawled closer to the statue and reached out to it.
    "Do not forsake me maiden of betrayal.End the madness of my house.Ease the curses that haunts us."
    Although my house has long been indifferent towards the faiths,almost agnostic some would clam,I found myself praising before the statue.
    "What can I give you for my salvation,my lady?"I cried.
    "Your offering begins."said the ruler behind me.
    My fingertips finally reached the feet of the statue-all went black!

    Vhalen wrote:http://eqiiforums.station.sony.com/eq2/board/print?board.id=lore&message.id=10755&page=1&format=all

    Not many have heard of Ullkorruuk. She is a relatively new sub deity whose tale might be told in the future. The events behind her ascension to sub deity have much to do with some of the major rumblings in the planar realms. Although, you cannot know all, here is a bit.

    Ullkorruuk Plane of Existence: Plane of Hate
    A.K.A.: The Archtraitor, Lady of Insurrection
    Related Deities: N/A
    Worshipers: Traitors, Vengeful Teir’Dal
    This little known and young deity resides on the Plane of Hate. She is often closely related to treason since most of her followers, what little there are, have dissented from the ranks of some organization or nation in order to strike back at that former organization for some deep-seated reason. She is allied with Innoruuk, the god of hate. Ullkorruuk appears as a female human paladin who has chosen to betray her native plane, the Plane of Love, for reasons as yet unexplained. She was once a member of Erollisi Marr’s elite guard. She betrayed the queen of love and later became a minion of hate. Her real name was abandoned and she took her new name, Ullkorruuk. She wears garb similar to Erollisi Marr, but it has a dark evil undertone.
    Message Edited by Bigoo on 08-29-200612:06 AM
    Message Edited by Bigoo on 08-29-2006 12:07 AM
  4. ARCHIVED-Bigoo Guest

    The 3rd collection book..in Nektropus Castle :Tribulation
    Frow Below to Castle (Please highlight if you want to read)
    Notes by Lord Rikantus Everling
    My pact with the Ebon Mask has brought much hatred my way.
    Although I keept it in whispers,the presence of Teir'Dal updon my estate is impossible to conceal.
    The villagers of my namesake are most unhappy.
    Thought I gave the village life,they cannot dismiss the alliance.
    The uneasiness that has overcome this place forces me to remove myself from their presence.
    No longer will they live in the shadow of their master.
    Although betrayl is often murmured, the dark elves are of great value and one of their gifts will be Nektropos Castle.

    A new fortress is needed to house my loved ones and the cursed curios the family has been unable to peddle.
    I call updon my new friends of Neriak for aid.
    They tell me that they can supply me with the means to build an impenetrable manor.
    This manor would be bound to arcane powers that would protect me from any oppsing force.
    In exchange I shall continue to supply them safe haven and allow their king to establish patrolling forces within the forest.
    I shall keep my mouth shut about this arrangeemnt and pray to my goddess taht the villagers do not get wind of my new home or the increased presence of the Teir'Dal.

    Lord Pazin Punox has displayed the designs the engineers shall follow.
    These plans exist within a very ancient tome.
    When he first removed the old tome from a special satchel,I could smell the stench of flesh.
    It was soon that my eyes revealed to me the source of the stench was the binder of the tome.
    It appeared as the stretched face of a Teir'Dal,stretched tight over the binder giving the appearance of leather at first glance.
    This was clearly no conventional design for a castle.
    Lord Punox assured me that with such designs I could repel any force and contain any evil if need be.

    The fleshbound tome was not the only oddity that would creat the foundation for my castle,the very brickes of the structure would be just as unique.
    Lord Punox reached into his satchel again,removing a small dark block.
    This would be the stone of the castle.
    It was said to be from a cavern deep in Norrath that was carved by Brell.
    This cave exists near the mythical Black Sun Sea.
    These bricks are formed of magical forces of the Underfoot.
    Once removed from the cavern they would be tormented and shaped by special Teir'Dal crafters employing rituals long removed from history.

    The bricks before me was not formed of any magic,but planar touched forces.
    As I brushed my fingertips across it coarse surface I could feel a sense of emotion,almost as if the stones had reflected my thoughts.
    The Teir'Dal lord assured me this was nothing more than one of the powerful wards he would have bound to each brick.
    Surely,such a castle made from such things must be impervious to all.
    With the animosity growing against my house and the powers that I must safeguard,Nektropos Castle will serve me and my family well.

    Message Edited by Bigoo on 08-28-2006 11:54 PM
  5. ARCHIVED-Wulfborne Guest

    Anything new found thus far? I've gotten the new text from Rikantus, Orin (cauldron) and from Mortael... but nothing else new thus far outside of the aforementioned books. Just wondering if anyone else has found something or has some musings on where to go next.

    I spent most of the afternoon yesterday in OOLS and The Vestibule (couldn't go past the goblin room, since I didn't have that quest - chest drop quest starters ftl), but didn't find much there...

    ~Sir Hawke Holyblayde, Hero of Maj'Dul
  6. ARCHIVED-KindredHeart Guest

    Goodness this thread certainly has been quiet for awhile now ;) Anyone have anymore theories or information?
  7. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Yeah it quieted down after the whole mystery was finally revealed when they added Nektropos Tribulations and this thread was removed from the sticky list at the top of the forum.