A general space where we can place a monument for loved ones

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Starcloud, Nov 13, 2022.

  1. Starcloud Member

    Hello all,
    I do wonder if it is possible for all of us to get an area where we can place monuments for our loved ones or lost fellow players. I've tried to set it up in one of my prestige houses, but people need to get exclusive acces.
    Over the years we have lost soo many players that deserve a special spot in this game. All I'm asking for is some sort of a memorial park, since soo many players use to spent most of their time in eq2 and deserve to be honored.

    Starcloud, Maj_Dul server
  2. Dude Well-Known Member

    You can set one up in the outdoor areas of guildhalls.
    Breanna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Cusashorn Well-Known Member


    If you break out of the Commonlands or Antonica T3 or T4 guildhalls, you have the good majority of the Commonlands and Antonica to use as a build area.
  4. Starcloud Member

    has nothing to do with a breakout .. im well aware that can be done .. it is in general that I do know people do want this .. how hard can it be for the EQ2 dev crew to make a memorial park .. we have lost many awesome players that made a difference in this game. We simply need an area that is created by the dev crew
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  5. Dude Well-Known Member

    Very hard. We don't need this at all. You can remember your loved ones in a park in your guildhall without cluttering up the game and wasting dev time on something that you can already accomplish.
  6. Edriliane Active Member

    I think what Starcloud is trying to explain is that a more public place for a memorial would be appreciated. Unfortunately, something like that isn't so simple to do. The amount of work necessary to set up and maintain a place outside of personal houses and guildhalls probably isn't a realistic thing to expect from the devs.

    However, as a community of decorators, can we agree to set up an official memorial place per server on the leaderboards ? Something of a group project perhaps ? And then we'd make a post here on the forum to add names periodically. Since books can be edited even if a house is published it would be a viable solution. But that's just an idea. Tell me what you think.
  7. Dude Well-Known Member

    That sounds reasonable and a good idea. Very few people have had such widespread impact on the game and/or the community to deserve public, company sanctioned memorialization. Many people, however, have impacted small groups of people or maybe even a server. It would make great sense for that group of people to create something in their memory.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  8. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    How would this even go about? Are we supposed to get a collective database of everyone who has passed in the last 19 years and commemorate them all? Are we going to sort them out by individual servers, or are the people on Maj'Dul supposed to know who someone from Skyfire was?

    What about when someone else passes afterward? Is the zone supposed to be updated to honor them as well?

    Don't get me wrong, I think the sentiment is great, but wasting dev time to create something public for something private that players can customize through their own means is not the way to go.
    Tkia and Dude like this.
  9. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I agree with Dude and Cusashorn to an extent. I think instead of individual graves or such, maybe just put a statue up somewhere in like a new zone that says something about "to all those fighters who we have lost" or something.
  10. Starcloud Member

    It was more like an suggestion. I do know that most of us play this game for well over 17 years now. We have lost players that were a good asset to this game and at some point made a difference. Back in the days we were much closers with the devs. We use to do fun stuff with the devs on test and test many new zones. These days we hardly ever have a chat or feedback with any of the devs. Personaly I did not think about graves, more like a memorial park of some sort .. it is just that a bunch people from the old days played this game on a daily base due to personal reasons. tbh I do not think that the player base these days do understand the old playerbase. Like I said, was just a suggestion for old day one players
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    I'm not against a general memorial, like Tasnee suggested. They could put it in an old-world zone somewhere free of enemies so anyone can easily travel and observe. I just don't think the devs should be spending time on a full zone.

    FWIW, Cloudrat was honored a couple Frostfells ago with the little Ratonga Angel Tree Topper house item, but I can't say I've heard of anyone else who has passed being honored in any such way.
  12. Stellacious Active Member

    Hello Deco Friends,

    Yes, such a place has been planned for!

    Each year as part of the Frostfell Neighborhood event (on most servers) A memorial is included in the event. If anyone hears of a loss you would want to reach out on the deco channel and ask for any of the neighborhood overseers (the leadership of this event is new each year to give opportunity to many). When we hear that someone has passed a monolith, statue, tree, or other item is placed in the memorial with their name. Individuals, wanting can send an item i.e. a note, a flower, a book etc to the overseer so that the item can be placed in the memorial near the respective individuals item area.

    These Frostfell Neighborhood houses have traditionally been picked up shortly after they are published and placed on each participating server to the Developers Pick portion of the Housing Leaderboards. After the contest is complete and the house (on each participating server) is published everyone can visit and see the memorial/s.

    Servers are added as interest in the event is sufficient to warrant the work. Help to drum up some interest if you would like to see your server involved or Participate on a different server that is more active. Either way still let us know of any lost friends so they can be included.

    Cloudrat's memorial was the first, it hoovers above the neighborhood on that little island above the Teneborous Island home that was used that year.

    Please let me / us know as we strive to remember all our loved ones!

    Thanks so much,
    Stellacious (Skyfire) :)

    PS Spread the word
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. draidean Well-Known Member

    This. In addition to the Frostfell neighborhoods.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.