A Few Possible Changes for Necros

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Rhadamanthys, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Rhadamanthys Guest

    Dumbfire pets: Could make them just like dots, but I think it may be better just to keep them the way they are. However, allow them to make use of pet buffs such as howl of the damned and consumption. Another possible change is to allow them to do damage based off of your stats; ability modifiers, crit bonus, crit chance, potency, etc. do not work for them (that I am aware of) and so they can't really be enhanced.
    Dimensional Storage: While somewhat useful in some situations, this should at least save the buffs that were on the pet at the time you stored it.
    Minion's Constitution and Minion's Pact from Shadows: These are just repeats of other AA's we get but they are much worse. 1% increase to hitpoints versus 2.5%, 4% increase to debuff versus 15%. Either make them better or put in more unique AA's. For example, we could get something for siphoning of souls that allows us to have more than 1 use of each spell at a time or allow those spells to be used while the spell is active on a mob.
    Implode, Shadowstep, Shockwave, Lifeburn, and other types of those abilities should use your ability modifiers, crit bonus, etc.
  2. ARCHIVED-Garlin1 Guest

    I'd just be happy seeing Lifeburn change Xelgad said would happen... happen
  3. ARCHIVED-Garlin1 Guest

    oh and swarm pets shouldn't be dispellable too. I mean I love sending an army of the already worthless dumbfire pets at a mob just to have them NO not AoEd to death but dispelled....