A Fae Flies Into A Bar... v2

Discussion in 'Roleplaying' started by Iksaress, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. Brienae Active Member

    ((I actually took a risk buying it for Brienae. Due to her wings showing things on her back can be tricky. I never show cloaks on her because her wings clip very badly through it. Ranged weapons won't show at all. Fortunately the Bard's bag sits perfectly between her wings. Not even her four tendrils appear to clip. ))
    Ziqua promptly sat on one of the cushions.
    Maheera curled up next to the kitten.
    Mazsra sighed “I think I'll stand... not sure I'd be able to stand once I sat down.” she smiled at Ziqua “It's alright dear,”
    Maheera nuzzled Ziqua's hand “She's nice. I trust her. She'll listen,” she spoke mentally to Ziqua alone.
    Ziqua sniffed “I-I saw myself, Addy and Alterrriq. We werrre playing then therrre werrre shadows.... the next thing I saw therrrre werrre shadowy men...th-they said if I d-didn't...” she trembled holding back tears “They said if I didn't tell them wherrre the weapons werrre and some treasurrre they werrre going to hurrrt them.” she collapsed into tears.
    Mazsra knelt and scooped the kitten in her arms to comfort her.
    Ziqua sniffed “Therrre was a man therrre... he recognized Alterrriq and me although I've neverrr seen him beforrre. He was trrrying to help us but...therrre was something wrrrong with him... his legs... therrre was something about them....they said he would help locate the weapons if someone else had them.” she swallowed "there was another thing the Freeblood who helped Alteriq... I saw someone forcing her to drink blood from a man. I saw herrr bound with vines. She was screaming... but then I saw a girl touch her and say it would be alrrright and this was the only way she could be cleansed." Ziqua turned her head "the vines already happened but I don't think the otherrr part has yet." she blinked "What did she mean cleansed?"
    Calish hugged Telsi who was still trembling from the encounter with the kitten.
    The pinkies remained asleep as they were set down except Fayberry who blinked drowsily as Aloysious set her down.
    Canty grabbed a throwing knife in one hand as she set her cousin down on the bench with his brothers and sister.
    “Canty stays heres,” Calarys ordered.
    Canty cursed under breath.
    “Cantelope Desmens don'ts use such language in fronts of your's cousins!” Calarys snapped causing the pinkies she held to wake up with whimpers. Calarys sighed and then proceeded to shush and rock her sons back to sleep.
    “But... we can't just stand by either!” Kyriu snapped.
    Casina hid behind Rene as she spoke “Mother and Lady Vanimore are Berzerkers. Aunt Nasara is an Inquisitor,” she swallowed “On top of being a Berzerker Lady Vanimore is insane. Mother goes into a frenzy when she's angry but she's sane once she calms down. Lady Vanimore is always crazy... They won't kill them. They'll only torture them.” she peered around Rene to make sure her mother had not seen her.
    “You're insane!” Alyerra snapped “Has anyone ever told you that?”
    Senriala sighed“He won't come we barely met a day.”
    Nasara laughed “You expect us to believe that? After all the time you spent following us?”
    “He was under the impression there were only two Mihariel sisters.” Senriala hissed “which means he doesn't remember me,”
    They stopped at a gate “Has our father been by yet?” Nasara asked.
    “No, Bishop we have not seen him.” the two guards answered in unison.
    Nasara sighed “I suppose we will have to start without him.” she led the way into the building still holding Aly.
    As they walked in cries for help came from several doors. Jasala grabbed a set of keys while still maintaining a grip on Senriala. She unlocked one of the doors and dragged her captive in.
    Nasara pushed Alyerra into the room. She turned to Vani “Before we head in... you want a surprise for him... what if he arrived in time to see his apprentice lose her voice and her mind? She will need to feed soon. We have prisoners here which should suffice. Interesting fact sentient blood is like a drug to a creatures like her. If we play it right she will do what ever we want her to for blood. As for her voice all I need to do is bless your weapon and she will 'sing' just like her mentor.” the Inquisitor smiled “and of course such a move would completely break Senriala as well. What do you think?”
    Brienae nodded.
    “Brienae, hurry up we don't want to be late,” Henris said acting impatient.
    “Henris why do you have your bow?” Lady De'Esalcoda asked.
    Henris sighed he hated how practiced he had become at lying to his wife “Just in case my dear. With the orcs ever closer I want to be protected just in case we run into some.”
    Lady De'Esalcoda nodded.
    Henris and Brienae glided out the door.

    “Can I get you anything my lord?” the Colain butler asked Alteriq still holding out the tray of cookies.
  2. Bellacouste Active Member

    ((My Mom goes through the same thing with her Fae's wings.))
    Corlana sat down on one of the other cushions and wrote quickly while the girl spoke. She glanced up, a slight frown on her features. "Aleteriq? As in Aleteriq Redmantle, correct?"
    Aloysiius made sure the others were staying before he slipped over to the wall and carefully leaned out to look around the archway. His whole body relaxed and he slipped his daggers back into place on his belt. "Paddy! What's wrong?" He stepped out, back into the entryway.
    Padparadisch spun around, blood dripping from his knuckles. "YOU!" He roared raspily, taking long strides across the room towards the other Bard. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU MEDDLING, GREGARIOUS LOUT!"
    Aloysiius stepped backwards as Padparadisch advanced, his face twisted by unbridled fury as the verbal assault continued.
    Aloysiius put his hands up as he bumped into an empty bench, which screeched as it was pushed back, but Padparadisch kept advancing, until his nose was inches from the human's.
    "Paddy I-"
    The Teir'dal grasped the collar of Aloysiius' shirt roughly. "I AM PADPARADISCH PADATASH!" He roared.
    Rene instinctivly put a hand around the girl's shoulder.
    "Is there any other way in?" Llew asked Casina. "Do you know how many guards there are? Any wards or spellwork?"
    Vanimor smiled. "I always liked the way you think, Nasara."
    Aleteriq waved good-bye to Brienae before turning to the Coldain. He glanced at the cookies and shook his head. "N-no thank you, sir."
  3. Brienae Active Member

    Ziqua nodded “Alterrriq is my friend and so is Addy... I don't want them hurrrt.”
    Mazsra hugged the kitten “We'll do our best to make sure that doesn't happen.” she turned her gaze to Corlana “Addy is Thrain... I don't recall his last name he's a dwarven mystic I believe he also goes by Grumblefoot. Addy is his granddaughter.”
    Ziqua's eyes widened “The man I have seen him before... in anotherrr vision. He was evil then and his eyes werrre black... this time most of the evil was gone but therrre was... a darrrkness inside him... it hurrrts him.”
    Mazsra sighed “I'm afraid I know who that man is too. Only one person it could be: Carl Flamefist. He was possessed. Thrain and I performed an exorcism on him but it left him paralyzed. He was possessed for ten years. Prior to that he was consumed by his lust for power. I believe his paralysis is punishment from the spirits for his sins. I could be wrong. His brothers forgave him and took him home. That's the last I saw of him. They live in Kelethin.”
    The pinkies woke from the shouts.
    “Reallys,” Calarys humphed “Ats this times of nights?”
    Canty crept quietly closer to the unfolding scene. “You don'ts reallys believes whats your's sayings dos yous?” she asked keeping out of sight lest the angry Tier'dal turn on her.
    Cansina sighed “Those are the only two guards and as for spells and wards...” she focused on the building “Nope they'd be inside.” she studied the group “I have an idea.”
    “Alright,” Kyriu sighed.
    “I noticed the woman... I think you called her Senriala... there is something wrong with her mind. We could use that to our advantage.”
    Kyriu raised an eyebrow “How is Aunt Senri's mental illness an advantage to us?”
    Casina raised her own questioning eyebrow “How can a Half-Fier'dal be niece to a Tier'dal?”
    Kyriu smiled “Mama adopted her as sister,”
    Casina blinked “Strange...” she turned to Llew “They'll want a Coercer to keep her aware of what is going on. I have a wand which will transform your reflection so it looks like a possessed essence. I'm sure Mama or Aunt Nasara would have thought to send for one. I'll go with you. If anyone asks questions tell them you thought this would be a good learning experience for your apprentice.”
    “And what about the rest of us?” Kyriu asked.
    Casina frowned “Too big a group... Tier'dal don't hang out in groups this big in the city. Maybe if they're in a dungeon or a cave but really everyone going to the gate will raise suspicion.” she removed her shoulder from the Koada'dal's hand. She summoned her own reflection and pulled two wands from a pocket. “Which would you prefer Frost Drake or Lion?” she asked Llew.
    Nasara smiled.
    “Now do we want to feed her first or slice her throat first?” Jasala asked having listened to the conversation. “By the way I must say Lady Vanimore very few people can tell us apart. I wish more people were as astute as you.”
    Senriala and Alyerra were huddled in a corner. “Why?” Senriala asked “You promised me you would never come looking for them.”
    “I wasn't looking for them,” Alyerra answered “I was looking for you. I came to rescue you... not that I'm doing a particularly great job.”
    Senirala hugged her daughter “At the very least you should not have come alone.”
    “I didn't.” Alyerra answered “Ky, Tetri, Llew, Dan and their grandfather came with me... we were separated is all.” she clutched her stomach “I don't understand... I didn't feed that long ago unless...” she tried to hold her breath “What is this place I smell so much blood it's...”
    Senriala frowned “We can't let them know. I'm sure they would use that. I wish they hadn't taken your stone. If only there was another way to contact them.”
    Alyerra blinked “There is.” she stood and walked to the opposite corner of her mother. She sat on the ground and began concentrating on her breathing.
    Brienae followed her father outside
    “Well I suppose it is late.” Lady De'Esalcoda said. She frowned “Hm we do not have a bed for one of your size,”
    Sivraj smiled “We do My Lady... he can use my bed tonight.”
    Lady Des'Esalcoda clasped her hands “Oh Sivraj that is so sweet of you.”
    Once they were out of sight of the large acorn Henris turned to his daugher “First we have to get to Neriak.”
    “How?” Brienae asked.
    Henris didn't answer instead he called to a small guild hall. There was a purple portal in the middle of the floor. He pulled Brienae through.
    They arrived in Neriak within charred ruins. “Welcome to the old Clearshadow Hideout... I have Trustee access because he needed money. Now stealth yourself and stay close.” Henris said as he vanished.
    Brienae shrouded herself with shadowed notes and followed her father. They glided to a nearby building. “This I believe is Tari's new hideout,” he whispered. “I see tracks here which could easily be an Elf. He glided off followng the tracks.

    Brienae glided close behind.
  4. Bellacouste Active Member

    Corlana nodded. "Thrainuri Oldale. Yes, I know him and Aleteriq. They spend quite a bit of time here at the temple." She noted something down. "Ziqua, could you tell how old you and the other children were in the vision? Were you older or about the age you are now?"
    Bellacouste began to cast a spell to silence the Teir'dal, but stopped when Aloysiius waved a hand at the little ones. "It's alright." He laughed.
    Padparadisch growled at the other Bard. "Do you take ANYTHING seriously?" He snarled, dropping his voice because it hurt too much to continue yelling. Aloysiius placed his hands on Padparadisch's and tried to pry them from his collar.
    "Honestly, has no one in this place met a follower of Bristlebane before?"
    Padparadisch growled again, ripping his right hand away and balling it up. Aloysiius narrowly dodged the punch and swept his leg out. Both Bards crumpled to the floor as Padparadisch had not let go of the collar.
    Hoddmimir laughed now. "This is gettin' interestin'."
    That only seemed to stoke Padparadisch's anger more, but before he could take another swing the Human was on his feet again. "Calm down and tell me what's wrong."
    "What's wrong? What's wrong?!" The dirge climbed to his feet. "What's wrong is that I have been found out! Vanimor has one of those stupid communication stones that you insisted I take and contacted me! I need to leave! I need to find a new place to hide, where Vanimor, you and that Feir'dal won't find me!"
    Aloysiius frowned.
    "Hows did she gets one of those?" Bellacouste asked.
    "She says she captured someone who had one." Padparadisch spat.
    The human's eyes narrowed. "Your plan all along was to run away. To slip onto a ship and leave. That's why you live in the harbor."
    The Teir'dal stiffened defensively. "So?"
    "So why are you here?"
    Padparadisch clenched his teeth, but did not answer.
    "Ay love it when you Teir'dal have an existential crisis." Hoddmimir chimed in with a grin. "It's always worth a laugh!"
    "Flitter back to Christanos, you pathetic Teir'dal wannabe."
    Hoddmimir responded with a very rude gesture.
    "Lion, please." Llew responded. "You lot might need to stay out of sight. I'm not sure if I could maintain the illusion on this many through the walls and wards."
    "What if we went in as prisoners?" Alaric suggested. He turned to Llew. "Do you think you can make me look like her Grandfather?"
    Llew chewed her lip. "I-I suppose I could, but...Do you think you can act like him?"
    "My Padparadisch should be here to see his little apprentice get her matching scar. Until then though, it would be very rude of us not to provide something for a peckish guest, no?"
    Aleteriq shook his head. "I-I don't want to be a bother." He gulped. He did not really like the idea of spending another night away from home, not knowing where anyone was or if they were alright.
  5. Brienae Active Member

    Ziqua sniffed “We all looked the same as we do now.”
    Wallbreaker chose that moment to materialize “Forgive me if my appearance startles you. I am Ziqua Wallbreaker... the kitten is a copy of me... you can call me Wallbreaker,” the ghost Kerra's tail lashed “I'm afraid I know who is after her. The same people who ordered me murdered. When I wouldn't tell them what they wanted to know they had the brrrilliant idea that a child would be easierrr to contrrrol.” she smiled “I've vowed myself to protect this Kitten.”
    Ziqua swallowed “You werrren't therrre,”
    Wallbreaker turned “I what? How can that be?” she shook her head “It is possible I was you just didn't see me the visions don't always show everything,”
    Ziqua shook her head “One of the people therrre kept casting something.”
    “Please tell me he did not have a dark wolf.” Wallbreaker growled.
    Ziqua nodded.
    “If only I was still living...” the ghost sighed “I would be some use.” she glanced at Corlana “unless therrre is way we could protect me against defilerrrs?”
    Canty swallowed and continued still remaining out of sight against the wall. “Yours upsets because yous ares ats wars with yourselfs. Yous shouldn'ts have feelings buts yous dos. Thats whys you'res heres. Yous wants to knows who is in troubles. I'ms sures if yous thinks abouts its theres ares others clues. Others thans capturings someones what elses did she says?”
    Calarys bit her lip as she listened to her niece talk. She walked over to Bella and whispered in Ratongan “Shes has always beens ables to sense the rhythms is whys she's such a goods dancers.”
    Casina handed Llew the lion wand before summoning her own personae reflection and using the other wand. The reflection turned into a tiny blue drake with snowflake wings.
    “I'll go as a prisoner,” Kyriu said “You can drop the illusion on me,” she took a deep breath “I'll give you my staff or leave it here. I can feign death for as long as needed and once we're in I can fight without my staff if I need to. My skill will not be affected by magic.
    Casina studied the group “Could work.” she studied Alaric “I can help you act like grandfather...” she swallowed “I can implant my memories of him into your mind, but you have to trust me.”
    Jasala nodded “I will scrounge up something,” she walked down the hall and into one the cells. She dragged out two humans a man and a woman who were severely beaten. “These should be good to start with,” she said with a grin as she dragged them into the cell.
    Alyerra was trying to concentrate when her nostrils filled with the scent of blood. She opened her eyes as Jasala brought the other prisoners in.
    “We thought you could do with a little snack,” Jasala laughed as she threw the bleeding humans forward.
    “No,” Alyerra responded steadily “I don't feed on people. I only feed on animals meaning non-sentient creatures,”
    Nasara sighed as she stepped into the cell “Such an ungrateful little brat you've raised Senriala,”
    “Let her go she has done nothing to you,” Senriala pleaded.
    “We've been through this,” Nasara heaved another sigh “She was born,”

    ((Minor note Wallbreaker does exist in game via the Qeynor Kerra racial ring. It projects a spirit behind Ziqua so I've decided this spirit is Wallbreaker,))
  6. Bellacouste Active Member

    Corlana nodded and noted it down. "So, if this vision is to come to pass, it will be soon." She looked up as the ghost materialized then shook her head. "Not that I know of."
    Padparadisch growled again. "Another Cragmure sister, is it?" He spat, spotting Calarys and Bellacouste. "And I did not come here so that I could run off to Neriak and save whichever fool got themselves caught." He spoke to Calarys, thinking she had been the speaker.
    Thrainuri poked his grizzled head around the archway into the entry. "Did Ay 'ear yellin' in 'ere?"
    "I'd rather that we took our weapons in with us." Llew said, flicking the wand and turning Esorn into a lion. "Prisoners have their weapons confiscated, I assume, so I'll carry them for you all."
    "I can go as a prisoner too." Danny chimed in. "It may go better if you only have to maintain the spell on a few of us."
    Alaric looked skeptically at the girl. "I would rather not have a novice messing around in my head, if I could." He glanced at Rene, who was watching the building intently and sighed. It was not just him who would be in trouble if he was found out, it was everyone, including his wife and newly reunited grandchildren. "On second thought, if you are sure that you can implant them without damaging my own, you may proceed."
    Vanimor watched with interest behind the twins. "Oh, just a little nibble won't hurt. You can't visit a new city and not try the local cuisine after all."
    Aleteriq yawned and rubbed his eye with a balled fist.
  7. Brienae Active Member

    Ziqua nodded.
    “Well then I will do what I can to protect you.” Wallbreaker responded.
    “Don't forget about me!” Maheera mentally shouted at Ziqua.
    Ziqua smiled and yawned
    “It's late,” Mazsra sighed “I should be getting her home and to bed. My apologies for coming to you at this hour but I have discovered it is often best to have her divulge her visions sooner before information fades,”
    “I'm not sleepy,” Ziqua yawned again and began the drowsy battle to keep her eyes open.
    Maheera yawned and began fighting the same battle as her partner.
    Mazsra sighed “I don't think she'll be able to give you much more information tonight.” she whispered as the kitten lost the fight and fell asleep in the Iksar's arms. “If you need us we'll be at the Windfoot Manor in South Qeynos, we should be safe there.”
    “I don'ts cares whats yous dos. Its lates and I's has seven pinkies to place in beds,” Calarys growled “Nows Canty that's enoughs,”
    Canty ignored her aunt and stealthed. She dashed silently into the room being sure not to touch anyone as she passed. “Ares you sures your's nots heres to figures its outs?”
    “Cantelope Desmens, that's is enough!” Calarys shouted.
    Casina nodded. She took a deep breath and projected memories. The first memory she showed was a painting there were three young Tier'dal girls all with white hair. Two of them looked identical to each other while the other one appeared younger. It was over the younger one an illusion of a wall shimmered. “Who is she Grandfather?” a young Casina asked.
    “She is no one and you will never mention her to anyone!” Baron Mihariel thundered. Casina switched to another scene with just the Baron “I don't care that Illusionists are legal in Neriak I will not have one in my family!” she changed the scene again “Half-humans should be cleansed of the taint that is their human blood or killed.” The young Tier'dal stopped showing scenes and spoke out loud “Grandfather can cast some magic but not much. He's more of a merchant,” she swallowed “You'll also be expected to know my mother from my Aunt. My mother is Jasala, my Aunt is Nasara.” she frowned “I can tell them apart. I'll try to help. I assume you know who the girl in the painting is don't you?” she looked around at all the adults “Who is she? Please tell me. Why does Grandfather get so angry at the mention of her?”
    Kyriu took a deep breath and handed Llew her staff. “I'm ready when y'all are,” she whispered.
    Alyerra gave a nervous laugh “Cuisine would imply actual food. You know like lasagna or spaghetti. Perhaps salad. Local Cuisine does not include people,”
    Nasara laughed “Coming from a vampire who can not eat normal food?”
    “A minor detail,” Alyerra growled. She clenched her fists as the scent of blood filled her nostrils and called to her inner demon “but fine if you want to be technical I'll sample one of your rats,”
    The twins exchanged a glance before Jasala left and returned with a white Ratonga with brown splotches. “Better?” she asked.
    Alyerra blinked “No I won't feed on a sentient being I can't.... not again... not ever again.”
    “Aly?” Senriala called concerned “What do you mean not again?”
    Alyerra shook her head “No... I vowed I would never feed on a sentient being again.” her mind wondered if draining the poison out of Aloysious counted although she had vomited that. Even if that did not there was still the fact she had fed on someone once having lost control. She swallowed “When I woke up I was in a cell... there was a young woman about my age. I held off... for weeks until...” Alyerra closed her eyes “I didn't kill her or turn her but I could have. After we escaped I vowed never again,” she growled.
    The twins stepped aside so Vani could enter the cell and taunt the pair if she chose.

    “You are not a bother dear,” Lady De'Esalcoda said comfortingly “It is late and you are tired,” she smiled “Don't you worry I'm sure as soon as Noble meeting is over with your family will be here to fetch you.”
    Henris and Brienae glided through the city following the tracks without hesitation. “It looks like she met up with some people. One of them is barefoot. Elf, or human I can't be sure,”
    “Or Half-Elf?” Brienae suggested.
    “Could be,” Henris agreed “Also an animal perhaps a large cat would be my guess,”
    “Lion?” Brienae asked.
    Henris nodded “You have an idea?”
    “Kyriu and Tetri the other tracks are probably Llewenayah and Danlore. She is their grandmother.” Brienae said.
    Henris nodded “There are more tracks than that which go off in the same direction. It should not take us long to catch up.” he continued following the tracks “This Kyriu what is she a Monk?”
    “Yes,” Brienae answered.
    Henris nodded again “Monks are easy to follow particularly when they don't wear shoes,” he took off switching his focus to the Monk's footprints.
  8. Bellacouste Active Member

    Corlana nodded. "I understand. Thank you for bringing her here." She bowed. "And please, if you need anything, the Temple is open to all."
    Padparadisch scowled again. He glanced around. Who was the Ratonga talking to?
    "Well, it's alright, Paddy. You told us. Bella and I can go to Neriak and you can stay here." Aloysiius adjusted the strap on his harp. "Or go, if you wish."
    The Teir'dal looked skeptically at the other Bard. "Good. Tell Redmantle I don't want to be in this guild anymore."
    Bellacouste sighed. "I's cans does the paperworks for you's."
    "Are you sure about that, Padparadisch? I mean, Vanimor can't get into Qeynos. You are quite safe here with us."
    "I cannot risk that whoever got caught will not talk. Vanimor is...skilled."
    Aloysiius waved at him dismissively. "Alright. We understand. Don't worry. She must be quite the terror, but I'm sure we can handle it without you. Go find somewhere safe."
    The Dirge stiffened, his jaw tightened as the anger returned to his eyes. "What?" He asked quietly and dangerously.
    "We understand that you are not ready to face her." He waved the Dirge towards the portal hub. "Go on. We can handle this."
    But Padparadisch did not move. "I am not afraid of her."
    "I did not say that."
    "No, but you implied it." Padparadisch pulled himself up to his full, considerable height. "You think I don't want to go because I fear her? You think I need some infuriating human and runted Ratonga to fight my battles for me?"
    "Well...I mean...you did spend so much time hiding here in Qeynos, ready to run."
    The Dirge ground his teeth. He was afraid of Vanimor. He would never admit it out loud, but he was. It angered him that the human had been brazen enough to call him out on it though. "I am not afraid." He insisted.
    Alaric shook his head. He did not want to admit just how much similarity there seemed to be between himself and this Teir'dal man.
    Danlore looked from Casina to Kyriu, unsure of who should answer the girl's question.
    "Alright." Llew took a deep breath and recast the illusion on her grandfather while dropping it from the others. Danlore looked down and saw thick manacles on his wrists with chains connecting him to his grandmother. "Those are illusions, if you get too far away from each other the spell will drop off, so try to stick together." She paused and waved her hand, causing everyone's weapon to disappear. "Perhaps this is better."
    Alaric examined himself and looked to the girl. "Does this look right to you?"
    Vanimor burst out laughing when the Ratonga was brought in. She regained her composure and brought out her dagger and began to play with it again. She nicked her own finger. "Whoops."
    Aleteriq nodded. "Al-alright." He paused. "M-may I stay up for a little longer? In-in case my sister comes for me?"

    ((I'm going to be spending the week at my sister's place out-of-state. I'll try to pop in when I can though to post.))
  9. Brienae Active Member

    Mazsra nodded. She gave a quiet laugh when she saw the tiger cub had fallen asleep. Very carefully she switched her young charge to a hip and used one arm to pick up Maheera. “Thank you,” she whispered as she turned to leave.
    Telsi watched the strange small family leave. The couple had found a bench to sit on.
    Calish was asleep with his head in Telsi's lap.
    Telsi stroked her fiancee’s turquoise hair. She planned to wake him when a priest was ready to perform the ceremony of marriage. She also had more questions regarding her path and a prophecy she had heard regarding her.
    Wallbreaker stopped she glided over to the Freeblood and whispered "You know who I am, do not fear me. I see two parts of what I told you have passed. Do see that kitten?"
    Telsi nodded.
    "Protect her... I can not because if there is a defiler present..." Wallbreaker swallowed "Protect her please,"
    Telsianya bit her lip "You have my word,"
    The ghost nodded and glided after the Iksar.
    “Sure's yours nots,” Canty giggled.
    Fayberry woke with a start and climbed down from the bench she had been laid on. She ran to her mother.
    “Fayberry?” Calarys picked up her tiny daughter “Whats wrongs?”
    “I's heards yellings ands...” the tiny girl sniffed “Nots alls Tier'dals ares means Mommy... whats abouts the ones whos owns the tavern... I wanteds to says goodbyes buts... I saws hers.... ins mys dreams shes was somewheres darks with three others Tier'dals... I thinks.... twos of thems looked exactly alikes. The others was justs means....” the young girl spoke loud enough to be overheard “She's barelys knows hows to fights....”
    “Was justs a dreams,” Calarys said comfortingly although over her daughter's shoulder her eyes were worried.
    Kyriu swallowed as she noted the chains from her to Danlore. She placed the invisible staff back on her back causing the chains to flicker for a moment.
    Casina nodded “You look just like him,” she answered “Now about the lion?”
    Tetriemmy stepped into shadow and returned to her Ratonga form.
    “How did I not see that!” Casina gasped.
    “You see through illusions Cub not transformations.” Tetriemmy answered with a smile. “Are any members of your family Necromancers?”
    “No why?” Casina asked with a quirked eyebrow.
    Tetriemmy nodded “Then I can go in as a prisoner as well. She stood behind Kyriu.
    “Tetri what about Aly?” Kyriu whispered “If your power touches her...”
    “I can control my power. I can use small spells.” The Ratonga said glaring at the Half-Fier'dal. Her one eye met Llew's “Can you extend the chains Cub?” she asked.
    The twins smiled “There you go a nice juicy rat.”
    “Stop this!” Senriala shouted as she stood up.
    Alyerra's mind flashed back to another cell. She was alone except for one human woman “There will come a time... you won't be able to stop yourself you need blood and I'm the only supply in here.” the scent of blood became a drop more powerful snapping Aly back to the present. “No...” she could feel the hunger-thirst rising with the scent. She tried to focus on something else. She thought of Alteriq and hoped he was alright. She had not sensed anything recently. She hoped that was good sign.
    Senriala took a deep breath “Nasara, Jasala.... please I'll do anything just please let my daughter go.” she clenched a fist “I'll tell you what I know about Padparadisch,”
    “Mom no!” Alyerra exclaimed.
    “He's in Qeynos,” Senriala gushed “He lives in Qeynos.”
    “Where in Qeynos?” Jasala asked
    “Yes where?” Nasara laughed “I don't think that is specific enough do you Lady Vani?”
    Alyerra's eyes began to flicker between blue and red. “You really believe he'll come for us?” she closed her eyes remembering when Padparadisch had discovered what she was but then he had come for her to rescue her in Freeport.

    “I suppose for a few minutes,” the mother Fae said “or I could wake you when she gets here.”
    Henris stopped following the tracks abruptly. In the distance he could see a group chained together. He scanned the scene. There were three Teir'dals one appeared to be a child. He notched an arrow on his bow and aimed towards the male. His first shot made him visible. He glided closer and fired another shot towards the adult female Tier'dal.
    Brienae caught up to her father as he began to notch another arrow “Father wait!”

    ((Hope you have fun,))
  10. Bellacouste Active Member

    Corlana took a deep breath as she watched the little family leave, then straightened her robes and approached the two waiting. A flash of concern passed over her face. "Is he feeling alright?" She indicated the sleeping Teir'dal.
    Padparadisch gritted his teeth and spun. He scanned the area. "I am NOT afraid!" He said to the shadows before spinning on Aloysiius again. "I am going. I'll show you all I still have my pride."
    Aloysiius nodded.
    "I's wills stays thens." She nodded to Calary and the children. "Gets this lots settled ins."
    Grumblefoot had been watching from the doorway. "'Ey now, wha's all this abou', anyway?"
    "Vanimor, Padparadisch's old girlfriend has captured someone in the guild. We're going to go get 'em." Aloysiius said.
    Grumblefoot shook his head. "We do seem to be attracting a bit more than our share of trouble as of late." He glanced down at the papers and books tucked under his arm. "Ay've got some more to research, you young'uns be safe out there."
    Llew waved her hand and the illusion extended to Tetri. "Alright. Everyone ready then?"
    Danlore, Alaric and Rene all said 'yes'.
    Alaric dropped to the ground, clutching his side and gasping.
    Llew stepped aside and was only grazed by the second arrow. She scowled and raised her staff before noticing Brienae while Rene knelt by her husband.
    Vani examined her nails and glanced up. "Not specific at all, no." She hissed. "Qeynos is too big for me to be wandering aimlessly around. I need an address."
    Aleteriq felt his stomach hurt. He winced. "I-m-maybe I should lay down after all." Gleipnir whined and pawed at the child's robes.

    ((Sorry for the wait. Didn't have as much time as I thought to make a post. ^^; ))
  11. Brienae Active Member

    Calish opened his eyes and sat up “I'm fine,” he answered “Just tired is all and a little hungry myself. It's been a long month.” he swallowed “Now about that marriage ceremony?”
    “Please before anything else happens?” Telsi added.
    “Yis wes needs to gets alls the pinkies to beds,” Calarys agreed “That's includes yous Canty,”
    Deciding it was safe the teen Ratonga dropped her shadows. She was standing next to the Tier'dal “I's cans gos tos,” she piped up.
    “Nos yous wills nots!” Calarys shouted “Yous has tills the counts of threes tos gets yours tails overs heres.”
    “Buts...” the teen began
    “Ones,” Calarys started
    “Aunty Calarys...”
    Canty sulked over to her Aunt “I nevers gets to gos on adventures.” she muttered
    Calarys shook her head “Leads the ways,” she said to Bella “No mores disappearings,” she hissed to her teenage niece.
    Henris blinked at his daughter “Care to explain?”
    “Llewenayah is an Illusionist... I thought I mentioned that.”
    Henris watched Rene kneel by the Tier'dal man and sighed “My apologies” he said as he glided forward “My daughter asked for my aid in rescuing you Lady Bindweed,” he said to the Koada'dal “You and... the Crazy Dark-Elf,”
    “Senriala,” Brienae corrected.
    “You and I are going to have a very long serious chat when this is all over,” Henris muttered “This foolishness of yours has gone on long enough,”
    Brienae swallowed.
    “First maybe we could be of assistance,” Henris said to the others. “I do know how we can appear convincing as Arasai.”
    Brienae blinked at her father's suggestion.
    Tetriemmy cast Regrowth on Alaric summoning autumn leaves to heal his wound. The chains flickered as she waved her paws but returned once the leaves began falling on Alaric.
    “That's all I know!” Senriala snapped.
    The Ratonga began trembling.
    “Perhaps your dead daughter can tell us more,” Jasala laughed.
    Alyerra closed her eyes. “I'll tell you nothing,” she hissed.
    Nasara smiled “How long can you fight?”
    “Long enough,” Alyerra answered through gritted teeth hinting at the lie.
    Lady De'Esalcoda watched the young boy with concern. “Sivraj would you please escort the young Lord to his chambers for the night?”

    Sivraj bowed “Of course my Lady,” he turned to Alteriq “If you would follow me My Lord,” he turned and walked towards a ramp leading down.
  12. Bellacouste Active Member

    "Of course. Is there any specific ceremony you would prefer? Any specific Deity you would like to ask blessing of or would you prefer a non-denominational ceremony?"
    Vrei quietly approached, remembering that he was supposed to be witness to the union.
    Padparadisch frowned. He should have been able to see through the young girl's trick. Perhaps he had gotten a bit rusty?
    Bella nodded and pointed to a door just off of the kitchen that was further in the hall. "Is beds in theres." She kept her gaze on Canty, to make sure she didn't slip away.
    Aloysiius waved as he went towards the portal-mage. "There will be enough time for adventure when you're older." In one corner of the entrance there was a mini wizard spire replica and standing nearby was the portal-mage on duty. "Hello, Johnson! Could you open a portal for us?"
    "That's what I'm paid for!" The human replied cheerily, weaving his hands before him.
    "Right-o." Aloysiius turned to make sure Padparadisch was there. "Ready?"
    Padparadisch scowled. "Try not to be so chipper. You need to blend in or you'll get us executed-if we're lucky." He walked through the portal. Aloysiius followed.
    "Anyone else need this portal?" Johnson called out.
    Rene relaxed as her husband's wound sealed up. "Thank you." He said to Tetri. He stood and brushed himself off, examining the blood-stained hole in his robes. "Well, now it looks like I got injured capturing you lot. That might help."
    Llew nodded. "Alright. You two can be my bodyguards, if they ask."
    "Llew is going in as a Coercer. They figure they'd want one there for Miss. Senriala." Danlore explained to the two Fae. "The rest of us are going in as prisoners and Grandfather is posing as Miss. Senriala's father." He snapped his jaw shut and glanced at the young Teir'dal, hoping she hadn't noticed his slip.
    His sister nodded. "We would appreciate any help the two of you can offer. Everyone ready?"
    "Tsk tsk tsk. When will those of you lesser races learn not to lie to us? We can always tell." Vani pursed her lips and approached the Ratonga. She pulled her dagger out and held it to the prisoner's throat. "Perhaps you just need more of an incentive?"
    Aleteriq bowed to the lady. "Thank you." He said, before following the Dwarf. Gleipnir yipped and ran after him.
  13. Brienae Active Member

    Telsianya and Calish exchanged a look.
    “Our former deity... doesn't fit what we've discovered...” Calish sighed.
    “Innorouk,” Telsi whispered “We've heard there is a deity who represents Love... we'd be interested in learning more about her... Erollisi I think...”
    Calish nodded “Considering what we've recently learned... that would be perfect, we'd love to learn more at a later time perhaps but if we're correct we choose Erollisi if that's alright.”
    Calarys grabbed her niece's paw before she could dash away. “Thanks yous,” she said to Bella. She glanced around “Canty gathers ups yours cousins,”
    The teen sulkingly looked at the portal.
    “Canty I needs you heres,” Calarys said.
    Canty sighed and walked to where her cousins were still sleeping.
    Henris nodded “First Brienae you'll need to take your hair down,” he instructed “No Arasai keep their hair in a bun,”
    Brienae quickly obeyed. The purple frosted orange hair fell as a waterfall down her back.
    Henris unfolded some mechanical wings from his bag. “Now put these on, they'll hide your natural wings”
    Brienae swallowed as she covered her own orange and purple wings while her father hid his own wings with another set.
    “Alright now we're ready,” Henris said as he gently moved some of his daughter's hair over her right eye. “Better. Close enough anyway.”
    He ran fingers through his own orange hair leaving it with a spiked look.
    Casina glanced at Danlore “She is the one in the paintings!” she gasped “Why? Why have they hidden her? What did she do?”
    “Alyerra...” Senriala watched her daughter closely “Don't do this... Sisters please,”
    Jasala pushed Senriala against the wall “Sister? How dare you? You're daughter is considered a lesser race but you, no you are beneath even her. You are far worse, you are a Blood Traitor and over there is the proof!”
    Alyerra said nothing. She was trying to concentrate on her breathing hoping to calm her mind and perhaps contact someone.
    “Open your eyes brat! And pay attention!” Nasara snapped as she cast a an offensive spell at the Freeblood
    Alyerra's eyes snapped open as she screamed. Her eyes were red. Her nails began to grow along with her teeth. Her hair shortened and turned white.
    “Now that is more like it,” Nasara laughed.
    “Pleases... lets mes gos, I'ves learneds my lessons,” the Ratonga whimpered with eyes on the transforming Freeblood.

    Sivraj led the way to a small room with a dwarf sized bed perfect for a child. “I will be just outside if you need anything,”
  14. Bellacouste Active Member

    Corlana smiled. "The Loving Huntress is a common Deity of choice for this sort of ceremony." She indicated a plain alter and took her place in front of it. She pointed to two cushions on the floor. "Please kneel and hold hands."
    Bellacouste glanced at Hoddmimir who laughed. "I'm not going back to Neriak." He folded his arms behind his head and leaned against the marble wall. "That Bard's tricks won't work on me."
    "No thank you's, Johnson!" Bella called out. The human waved his hands and closed the portal up. Bella followed Canty and went to pick up Fayberry. She looked to Hoddmimir again. "Wells, if you's is stayings, you's cans helps us."
    The Arasai scowled.
    Danlore chewed his lip. "It's uh...well-l-l-uh...you see..."
    Llew nodded to her grandfather, who straightened the robes once more and began to walk purposefully towards the building. Llew held the fake chain in one hand and fell in line behind him. Danny, a little glad to have an excuse not to continue the conversation with the girl followed his grandmother, dropping his head and shoulders as if in shame. Rene did not hide the anxiety or fear that she felt, hoping it gave some authenticity to their fake situation.
    Padparadisch scowled at the bright sunlight of the savannah. "You fool! This is the Commonlands!"
    "Well, yeah, it's the closest we could get with the portal." Aloysiius began to walk at a brisk pace towards the northern cliffs.
    "There are Druid Rings in Darklight Woods. Not far from the city!" Padparadisch growled, catching up.
    The human frowned. "Oh. I always forget about that."
    Another growl. "Fool!"
    "Well I'm a rambler. I was raised by ramblers. We never used teleportation unless it was an emergency. Took all the fun out of the journey."
    Padparadisch wiped the sweat from his brow. "So you're a fool and a son of fools!"
    Aloysiius gave him a sidelong look. "You do not want to bring my mother into this."
    The Teir'dal paused. He'd never heard the human's voice take that timbre before and decided not to pursue the conversation further. "Well, we can at least use horses or something to get there quicker." He took an old whistle out of his pocket and blew on it. The enchantment on the whistle brought his wolf to him almost immediately while the other bard whistled with his fingers, summoning a dapple gray mare. The two set off at a quicker pace.
    Vani continued to toy with the knife, but still not cutting into the Ratonga's flesh.
    "Th-thank you." Aleteriq bowed his head to the Dwarf and climbed into the bed. Gleipnir jumped up with him and curled up.

    ((I always forget that Darklight Woods has a Druid Ring and not a Wizard Spire. Whoops.))

  15. Brienae Active Member

    The Freeblood and the Tier'dal did exactly as instructed.
    “Mommy what's goings ons?” a few of the boys asked as they drowsily opened their eyes
    Canty sighed as she encouraged them to their feet. “This ways,” she sighed. “Is nots fairs,” Canty muttered under her breath
    Calarys still held Fayberry as she walked over to her sons. The smallest pinky had fallen back to sleep “Yous cans carries her,” she whispered to Bella “Yous ares such an inspirations tos hers,”
    “How does your family view Arasai?” Henris asked Casina.
    “Insects who are only...” Casina swallowed and darted to walk beside Llew
    Henris nodded “slaves” he sighed and glided to the rear of the prisoners followed by Brienae.
    Kyriu walked with no shame. Her yellow eyes radiated anger.
    Tetriemmy stumbled as she tried to keep up with the other “prisoners.”
    Alyerra turned and hissed. She stood and lunged towards the hostage.
    “Pleases lets mes gos” the Ratonga whimpered and then screamed as the freeblood moved.
    “Alyerra!” Senriala screamed again.
    The Freeblood paused mid-lunge. Her eyes focused on her mother.
    Both of the Mihariel sisters looked from Alyerra to Senriala.
    Senriala closed her eyes and focused. She heard the voice in her mind cutting through everything “Mom, focus, focus on me,” Senriala took a deep breath and spoke outloud “Aly look at me, focus on me,”
    Alyerra blinked. Her eyes flashed back to blue. She stepped back against the wall as she began to transform back.
    “What did you do?” Jasala hisssed.
    “You're a mother aren't you Jasala?” Senriala asked.
    Jasala smacked Senriala hard across her cheek. “Of pure Tier'dal children and they will never know you existed! They will never know the shame you brought to our family.”
    Alyerra used the focus to concentrate again. She collapsed to the ground with her eyes closed. Using the technique her Aunt Mesna had taught them. She called out to the first people she thought of Kyriu and Padparadisch “Help us....”
  16. Bellacouste Active Member

    Vrei hopped over as quietly as he could and stood off to one side behind the couple.
    Corlana knelt down and put her hands around the couples'. "I ask that Erollisi Marr see fit to bless this union." She paused and looked to the Tier'dal first. "Repeat after me. 'I, your name, vow to love and honor you, her name, for as long as I have on this world, in the name of The Loving Huntress.'"
    Bellacouste took Fayberry into her arms and smiled. The smile faded slightly as she thought of her sister still in Gorowyn and the nieces and nephews she hadn't met yet.
    Hoddmimir folded his arms across his chest and regarded the little children. He really wasn't good with children, but he supposed it was better than going back to Neriak to face some psychotic Tier'dal woman.
    Alaric held his head up and did not even glance at the guards at the entrance as he kept walking, hoping that he could get past them without them stopping or questioning him.
    Vani frowned, her eyes narrowing as she clamped her free hand on the Ratonga's muzzle to quiet it. "She's not an Illusionist or Coercer, is she? How could she do that?"
    Padparadisch gritted his teeth and turned in his saddle, his eyes scanning the savannah as it whipped past them and the cliffs loomed higher and higher before them.
    "Something wrong?" Aloysiius called to him.
    "I thought I heard something."
    Aloysiius shook his head. "Just us here." They reached the cliff-hewn entrance to Darklight wood and continued-urging their mounts to go quicker.
    Aleteriq curled up under the covers of the borrowed bed. He shivered, but not from the cold. It wasn't long before he began to sob. Gliepnir whined and tried to comfort him.
  17. Brienae Active Member

    Calish took a deep breath “I, Calish....” he paused a moment in thought “Silentblade vow to love and honor you, Telsianya Fenris, for as long as I have on this world in the name of the Loving Huntress.” he hoped it was acceptable he had changed his surname during the vow. He had known he would need to and it fit so well.
    Canty grabbed the hands of two of the young boys and started walking towards the rooms.
    Once Fayberry was in Bella's arms Calarys grabbed two more of her sons.
    The youngest boy was still asleep on the bench.
    “Baron Mihariel,” both guards said in unison “your daughters are waiting for you.” Their eyes scanned the group.
    “Are you sure it is wise to bring the child my lord?” one of the guards asked.
    Casina glanced at her “grandfather,” and then at her mentor.
    Kyriu blinked as she heard Alyerra's voice. She swallowed. She could not respond here.
    “No,” the twins spoke in unison “it's not possible,”
    “Her mind is too fragile,” Nasara explained “too broken to do any magic let alone concerning
    Senriala was focused on Alyerra's seemingly unconscious form. She had an idea of how she had done calmed her daughter but no one in this room would understand.
    Alyerra was able to keep her focus on the two unaware if either was hearing her “Save Mom, I'm beyond help... I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up...”
    Hearing the crying Lady De'Esalcoda glided down “What's wrong?” she asked “You can tell me,”
  18. Bellacouste Active Member

    Corlana turned to Telsi and repeated the same instruction to her.
    Hoddmimir looked at the boy and frowned. He wasn't sure how to carry a child. The Arasai glanced at the women retreating into the indicated room and reached out to pick the boy up under the arms.
    "She must learn what happens to traitors." Alaric gave the guard a pointed glare, indicating that the question may have overstepped a boundary.
    Vani frowned. "That is HER, right? I mean, it is not someone with an illusion taking her place or some other kind of trick?"
    Padparadisch gritted his teeth as the emerged into the Darklight Wood. It looked different from when he had last seen it, but he could not place how. He had grown up in the woods, the son of a poor Alchemist. He had clawed his way into the city and up it's society with the only skill he had: his voice. Of course, not being born into nobility he had always been lesser to them, but his fame had been enough for their attention, accolades and the money had not been a bother either. He had soared higher than any of his poor kin, wasting away in the back woods, quarreling over small bits of table scraps and copper coins.
    His throat ached as a low growl escaped, feeling the old anger at all that Vanimor had taken from him.
    Aleteriq looked up, continuing to sob. "I-I'm sorry! I-I d-d-didn't m-mean to b-bother y-you. I-I- m-miss my-my-" He took a deep, shuddering breath and continued to sob, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. Gleipnir whined at him and began to howl.
  19. Brienae Active Member

    Telsi took a deep breath “I Telsianya Fenris, vow to love and honor you Calish Silentblade,” she hesitated for a moment as she thought about the second chance she had been given at life sort of “for as long as I have on this world in the Name of the Loving Huntress,”
    The remaining boy scoffed at the Arasai “I's cans walks,” with that he stomped after his family.
    “Thanks yous” Calarys said to Bella “Fors everythings,”
    The guard who had spoken swallowed “As you wish,”
    Casina let out a sigh of relief.
    Kyriu bit her lip. She couldn't tell anyone what she had heard. If she reached for the stone it would break the illusion of the chains. She looked towards the building. “Hold on Aly,” she whispered.
    “No,” Senriala answered “I am Senriala.” she smiled “Since she was born her cry broke the hallucinations, her voice when she grew older cleared my mind. Something that no one else could do and she used no magic.”
    Alyerra was watching and listening. She blinked and hissed with pain as her stomach rumbled.
    The Ratonga whimpered.

    The Fae woman smiled “You are not bothering me. You miss your family. I understand that. If you want to talk I'm listening. I miss my daughter when ever she is away,” she sighed “which seems to be most days recently.”
  20. Bellacouste Active Member

    Corlana removed her hands from theirs. "May your love continue to grow and your lives together be happy." She stood and indicated that they should too.
    Hoddmimir glared at the boy, but was glad that he didn't have to carry him. His glanced around the empty hall and glided after them into the room.
    "Is infirmary, buts as long as no one is here healings we's does nots minds if peoples use the beds to sleeps in." Bellacouste pulled aside a couple of blue curtains to reveal beds on casters. She managed to hold onto Fayberry with one hand, using the other to pull the blankets down. She lay the little one on the bed, leaving more than enough for at least two of the other children.
    Alaric nodded and began to walk past the guards. Llew kept her head up as she followed, the illusionary chain still in her hand and the 'lion' at her heels.
    Vani pursed her lips. The knife dropped a little from the Ratonga's neck. "I don't know too much about magic, but that doesn't sound right." She smirked. "It sounds crazy to me."
    Padparadisch indicated to Aloysiius to fall back behind him. "Keep your head down. Do not look any of the Teir'dal in the eye. If anyone asks, you are my servant and defer them to me."
    Aloysiius nodded. "Don't speak unless spoken to, stay within arms reach and don't question an order." There was a slight bitterness to his voice.
    The Teir'dal looked quizzically at the other bard, but did not say anything. He kicked his wolf with his heels and started towards the bridge the spanned Innoruuk's Scar. Padparadisch kept his head up as they passed the guards. Aloysiius kept his cloak tightly around his shoulders to hide the crest of the Tunarian Alliance embroidered on his sleeve.
    Aleteriq rubbed one eye with a little balled fist. "Sh-she's so brave and n-nice."