A Fae Flies into a Bar...2

Discussion in 'Roleplaying' started by ARCHIVED-llewenayah, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    “Well it's about time!” Tygarr growled as he saw Sylvie enter wih Ziqua.
    Ziqua tried to hide behind Sylvie when she saw her uncle.
    Maheera stepped in front of Sylvie and let out one of her kittenish roars.
    Tygarr laughed “What is this pitiful creaturrre.” he muttered. He shrugged “Let's get these questions over with so I can take herrr and my wife home.”
    Ziqua said nothing as she was frozen in silence.
    “Look, see, the kitten has nothing to say. So we'll just be going home now.”
    Mazsra nodded “I understand,” she sighed as she held up her hands to be shackled
    Calish nodded. “We should probably be heading back upstairs. We'll meet you at the temple if the two of you don't mind.” he kissed his bride on the forehead.
    Telsi remained silent in contemplation over her uncle and her desire to just stay with Calish.
    Tetriemmy nodded “I think I understand, but it wasn't my fault.” she sighed “Well maybe if I had told my family something was going to happen then...” she shrugged “I was only 4. I'd spent my life in bed. For the first time I felt well. During the storm I was hit by a rock... I'd lost too much blood by time Mother and my birth mother found me. I would not have survived the trip back to Freeport... and...” she closed her eye “Even if I had... it may not have been long. Before we went to the Commonlands I overheard my Father say that I should have been drowned after I was born, how much worse would it have been if I'd returned with one eye. My birth mother chose to leave me with a Wood-Elf. Years later I understood why... she wanted me to live and she knew leaving me with an Outsider was the only way. I never realized how hard of a decision that must have been for her.” she smiled “Course everyone thing\ks Mother was very willing, truth be told she argued with Nature... but you can only argue with Nature for so long.”
    The young Ratongas stopped and looked at each other. Half of the boys said “Another story,” while the other Half said “Game!”
    Fayberry appeared deep in thought.
    Calarys sighed “On one paws it is nice to haves so manys pinkies on another paws... I envys yous,” she said to Shiasia.
    Colby nodded “I'ms prouds of alls my sons. Somedays they'lls grows ups ands becomes greats Sh-... Paladins...” he still seemed rather disappointed.
    Senri started to head towards the cabinet for the ingredients Bella listed. She stopped and clutched her head.
    Canty turned in a pirouette and bumped into the Tier'dal.
    “How did you get in here!” Senri demanded.
    “I-I's... yous inviteds mes..” the teen Ratonga squeaked.
    “I would never invite a goblin into my establishment let alone my Kitchen!”
    The teenager ran to Bella for protection.
    Alyerra shook her head “It was laced with Divine energy... beyond that I have no idea”
    Kyriu sighed through the stone she said “I have some ideas,” she spoke out loud “Alyerra Senrialarenu,”
    Alyerra turned back to Kyriu “It's been ages since I heard that name... like 9 years?”
    “Ten,” Kyriu sighed “You disappeared a year ago roughly.”
    “Right...” Alyerra groaned.
    “That was to get you're attention.” Kyriu responded “Now listen to me. I would bet my staff that the ones who did this were Necromancers.”
    “Safe bet,” Aly sighed.
    “Necromancers are forbidden in Qeynos and Kelethin.” Kyriu continued.
    “But not in Paineel. They had contacts in Paineel who talked of spreading their influence...”
    “As long as people like Tetri exist that won't happen. You know that... mind last I heard they had banned Tetri from entering Paineel... something about the burning of their Necromancy lab.”
    Alyerra laughed “Sounds like the Rat... she's nothing if not committed.” she relaxed.
    “Alright, how about we let Toska look at it maybe she can give us some insight.”
    Alyerra nodded. She had calmed down significantly and was now more trusting.
    “Dan, maybe you and Al could go into the other room for a few minutes?” Kyriu suggested.
    Xia paused in thought “I think there were some in our community who were Tier-dal at one point.” she smiled revealing her fangs again. She followed the gazes to the ship. She said nothing instead she took in the scene before her.
    Through the stone Sam said “Alright, I'll keep you posted on my end. How are you doing?” he asked. remembering the difficulty the Mystic had had when trying to summon his spirit companion.
    Carl sighed “I want out of this house. Not sure where to go but...” he turned the wheels of the chair to move forward. “Might be nice to see how this thing works out in the open.” he turned towards his brother “Sam when was the last time you slept?”
    Sam shrugged.
    “Samuel, you look exhausted, and the fact that you've been mostly using signs tells me you are low on energy, that and the strain in your mental voice, when you focus on speaking.”
    Sam shook his head even though he did look like he had not slept in days, there was so much he had to do.
    Yenter nodded “Very good. Well welcome. Unfortunately right now I don't have anything for you to do... I suppose you could go help with the Orc population but that's an on going thing. I think Orcs must breed like Ra- never mind. There seem to be a lot of orcs... is my point.”
    Brienae sighed. “I guess now we just wait. This is where they said to meet them” she turned and watched the Iksar warily prepared to sing Lullaby if she needed to.
    Relane carefully picked her daughter up, being careful as she didn't want the girl to wake up. She placed her gently back in bed and tucked her in. This time she sat at her child's bedside in case there were more bad dreams.
    Lazzera paused in thought “I don't know yet, I have a few theories that I'd like to test but I'm unsure how. Like why does divine energy burn us? Is it in our heads? Can we get drunk? Can we regenerate broken bones or lost limbs?” she laughed “Not so keen on trying that last one out... it could kinda hurt.”
    ((Sorry this took so long y'all. Been busy with RL))
  2. ARCHIVED-Squeakybrigand Guest

    Lamia thought for a moment as Lazera asked herself those questions. Thinking of an answer for one of them, she blinked and replied.
    "I believe for the question about getting drunk.." she cleared her throat.
    "Since Freeblood blood is technically dead, and it doesn't circulate in the body, I would think you could not get drunk.." she said.
    Shiasia snickered at Calarys.
    "Personallys I's is surprised though, on my part atleasts.. Only one.. But I's hoenstlys nots surpriseds yous hads so manys.." she replied. She then blinked and her eyes went slightly wide.
    "Yous.. didn'ts has thems alls ats the sames time dids yous?" she asked. She gulped at Colby.
    "P-P-Paladins are surely nicer than.. S-Shadowknights.. I know first-hand about that.." she stuttered. Her son squirmed and she snuggled him close
    "I swear you are the wiggliests things I's ever seens.." she muttered about the small infant in her arms.
    Alucard yawned and soon fell asleep at his chair.
    Jhyskitches stretched his arms lightly behind his back and he nodded. Ignoring the comment about Ratongas that Yenter was about to make, he blinked.
    "I think I know where this is going.." he said quietly
    "You want me to exterminate some of the orcs, rights?"
    The Iksar sat there for a moment or two. His tail swayed. He looked up and then realized Brienae was there. He wriggled his snout for a good minute, b=managing to get his mouth free.
    "Never thought I'd see the day when I'd meet Brienae D'Eselcoda.. T'were it under different circumsssstancesss however.. I'd have been happy to meet you.." he said with a chuckle
    Stinsmia snuggled under the blankets. She yawned and clutched the pillows tightly.
    Vaska and his wife both nodded.
    "That sounds fine." the kerra responded.
    "Congratulations to you two!" Vaska said cheerfully.
    "We shoudl probably go home as well.. Get ready to go I suppose." the freeblood said with a smile.
    Yukie yawned and crawled into his mother's lap. He snuggled into her and giggled as his mother teasingly yanked at his elven ears.
    The kerra kissed the Iksar and the Iksar did the same. She coughed a few times a second later and yawned.
    "We should probably go home soon.. You need some rest.." the male said.
    The female iksar frowned slightly, but nodded.
    "Y-Yes Master.." she whispered softly
    (Two things to say:
    Why must all my characters seem to come from bad backgrounds or be in bad situations so much?
    And second:
    I was just thinking about how Freebloods work.. I would think that if their blood was circulating (as in kept a fresh supply to drink and such), their organs would be working, and I would think that then they would be able to have the ability to support the growth of a baby.. >,> )
  3. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Ross sighed. "You will not." She said sternly. "Ziqua, Maheera, please go back to my office. Captain Alderman, can you inform Calish and Telsi that I need to take care of this before escorting them? I will not be long. Sylvie, keep an eye on this one." She nodded to Tygarr.
    "Sure thing sis-!" Sylvie cut herself off. "Uh- Yes, Captain!"
    Ross began to walk towards the stairs, motioning to Ziqua and Meheera to go before her.
    Herrigan snapped the shackles shut, but made sure they did not cut off circulation. "We'll take some horses, since we kind of wasted some time there. They might already be there." He led the prisoner out of the cell and headed up the stairs.
    "She gave you's ups knowings thats you's would probably nevers have you's culture backs." Rothgut smiled. "Buts you's wills, yis?"
    Aloysiius laughed. "Lady's choice then! What would you like?" He asked Fayberry.
    Bella stepped in front of the scared youth. "Miss. Senris, you's is havings an episodes." Bella raised her paws to show that she was unarmed. "Is alrights, we's is friends. We's means no harms." She bit her lip. Her skill was not as high as Llew's was and she wondered if she could cast the spell.
    Toska frowned. "Oh, divines, yisyis. That's is a problems."
    Danny nodded. "Certainly." He held his hand out to Aleteriq. "Let's give the ladies some privacy." Aleteriq clung more to Llew's robes, until she reached down and gently unfurled his fingers from the green cloth.
    "It's alright, Al. Go with Danny." She said gently. The boy looked from her, to Alyerra and then to Danny. He slipped away to his brother, who led him back into the kitchen, where Pepin stood uncertainly.
    "Is everything alright?" The Squire asked.
    "Um, what do you know about divine wounds on Freeblood?"
    Pepin shook his head. "I'm not sure."
    Paddy scoffed. "Were they the reformed kind? All sunshine and rainbows like a Feir'dal?" He glanced sideways at Del, who ignored him and walked forward towards the ship.
    "Welcome ter th' Lurln'ley!" She said. "First rule o' sailin', yer always ask th' Cap fer permission ter board first."
    Grumblefoot sighed audibly and replied through the stone. 'Ay think th' 'ammer destroyed th' spirits. Actually destroyed 'em. Even if it 'ad sent 'em back ter th' Ethernere, Ay coul' call on 'em, bu' they ain' even there, Ay dun think. Ay were thinkin' tha' maybe it consumes 'em, bu' Ay'd still be able ter feel Rotgut's presence then. We really need ter destroy these things. This coul' upset th' balance o' life an' afterlife.'
    ((Except that if the blood did circulate and carry oxygen to the muscles like it is supposed to then the Freeblood would not be undead, since circulation is created by the heart pumping blood. I'd also think that, as Brienae demonstrated before with Alyerra, the blood is coagulated in the veins and unflowing. Freeblood do not eat food because their stomach and other organs are not working to break down the food and drink to supply the body with energy. I always figured that the blood, a symbol of life, was used to fuel the arcane spells used to reanimate them without life and that their souls are bound to the body instead of released to the Ethernere. I can't really explain the whole drowning thing though. Although water has long been a symbol of purity and healing so perhaps there is something of the divine in Norrathian waters?
    I've always been bothered by the thought of undead having babies. There is life in death; the hunter who eats deer meat and uses the hide to keep warm in winter; the carrion bird that lives off of the corpses of other animals; a fish buried with seeds to spur the growth of the Three Sisters. This is the natural way of things: that one should fuel the other in the cycle. But that an undead can have a child has always seemed out of the bounds of the natural order, even when suspending disbelief where the undead are concerned in the first place. For the life to flourish from those dead things there must have been a life to begin it. The deer must have been alive to provide for the hunter, the bird sustained from flesh must have been hatched from a living egg lain by a living bird, even the fish that is buried had to have been alive at one point in order to grow from egg to adult. That an undead can just ‘create’ life when it has none to give is something I argue. Even with magic there must always be a sacrifice of life to create life, including Aleteriq, whose mother gave part of her life-force for him.
    Even if an undead baby could be created it would never grow past the developmental stage that it was created in. If Freeblood do not age once turned a baby turned would not either, it would stay in that state forever. A dead egg cannot be fertilized and cannot grow or age into a child because to grow and age would mean there was life. Perhaps with spells one could mimic that age or growth, but I would imagine it would take massive amounts of reagents, skill and time to do so.))
  4. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Ziqua stood frozen holding tightly to the kind Sylvie as though her life depended on it.
    Maheera started to trot after the captain but she stopped upon realizing that her partner
    “Thanks we will meet you there then,” Calish and Telsi turned and headed back upstairs.
    “And why should I believe you?” the Dark-Elf demanded.
    Canty trembled behind Bella.
    In the main room Fayberry smiled “Another storys?” she asked
    Tetri nodded “That is my hope... better late than never?”
    “Wells yis...” she said it matter-of-Factly “My sisters only hads the ones... my niece Canty.” she sighed “Shes a sweets girls greats with littles ones if yous evers needs someones tos watch hims.”
    Colby grinned “Yous goings to wears thats girls outs.”
    “Wells she needs to learns a fews things.”
    After the boys had left Aly pulled her tunic up enough so Toska could see the wound. It appeared as a deep gash a bit wider where the blade had been turned and around the edge glowed traces of divine energy which seemed to be keeping the wound from closing.
    Kyriu bit her lip “And it was that Necromancer who did this?” she asked.
    “No, “ Aly answered “worse that Warden rat that helped us... somehow she combined Nature's power with Necromancy... which I didn't know was possible... but I felt it... almost as bad as being back There with Them.” she shuddered “when I finally lost consciousness I was almost afraid I would wake up back There...”
    Kyriu hugged her friend again “She combined Nature with Necromancy? I'm surprised Tetri didn't didn't just turn her to ash...”
    “She didn't?” Aly turned a sharp eye to Kyriu.
    “Er... we'll deal with that later... right now let's see what we can do to help you” she nodded to Toska.
    “Er no...” Xia answered “They were more focused on their new life...” she turned to the Captain “Oh... um but I thought that was already given?”
    “Maybe we can figure out a way to find it.” Sam said through the stone. Audibly he yawned.
    Carl sighed “Samuel... get some sleep.”
    “Yes, er Flamefist perhaps you should go with him.” Yenter answered.
    “Actually sir there was another matter I need to discuss with you, about my brother Carl...”
    “The crippled one we placed under house arrest?”
    Zach nodded “He wants to redeem himself and we had the thought that he could go into provisioning, we have 2 prospects for teachers but they're both in Qeynos. We were wondering if there was a way he could gain permission to learn in Qeynos.”
    Yenter pondered that “Bring me his instructor, they must be willing to take responsibility. I am no stranger to what that man did... I won't give permission unless the instructor is aware of what they're getting into.”
    Zach nodded “I think I know where I can find one... for now.” he turned to Jyiskitches “Mind a slight detour?”
    Relane continued to watch. She was starting to get hungry. She stood and began to head out of the room, she hoped the child wouldn't grow attached to any of the animals running around.
    “That would be Lady Brienae De'Esalcoda to you!” Brienae snapped. She had her lyre poised to play Lullaby if needed.
    “Hm true point either that or it would never leave my system...” she grinned exposing her fangs “I know somewhere we can go and talk further. Windfoot Groves isn't far from here. It's really peaceful, and I know ms. Windfoot won't mind.”

    (( Honestly what I say about my Freeblood comes from a combination of things 1) Observations in game ie Alyerra showing a breath bar, Alyerra not radiating heat when looked at via heat vision. All races except Freeblood radiate heat. So my husband and I determined that must mean they have no beating heart because if they did then there would be some heat. 2) Books I've read 3) Dungeons and Dragon Rules ie positive and negative energies concerning life and undead respecively and 4) Making it up as I go along which sometimes leads to contradicting information.
    I know a few pages back Xia mentioned that Freeblood can have children but it is very rare. To go into more detail it's also very complicated. In a book series I once read the author explained that a male vampire could still possess the ingredient needed to make a mortal woman pregnant, but the pregnancy had to be watched because so much could go wrong including something called Vlad Syndrome (Anita Blake, great series till about book 5, after book 5 I hated the direction the Author went). So given that logic it would be possible but then the child would be living assuming the male ingredient is living. I'll go ahead and reveal the following information concerning Xiaminara because I can see based on some of my posts how if could appear that she was born undead after much thought I have decided that indeed I think there is something wrong with that naturally. As for Xia, her father was turned before she was born which forced her pregnant mother underground to stay with her husband as Freebloods were not accepted at that time. Xia was born underground in a Freeblood community where she and her mother were viewed as equals. There would have been no children, (but imagine the history lessons) When she reached adulthood she had more of an understanding about what it meant to be Freeblood than most people who are turned and chose to become a Freeblood like her father.))
  5. ARCHIVED-Squeakybrigand Guest

    (( just need a bit longer, my day today's gonna be busy.. ))
  6. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    ((Hope y'all are having fun with Nights of the Dead. I really like the new Mummy wrap outfit. Just need to get it on two more characters, Xiaminara and Tari. Although I really despise the quest that gives them... poor Tsimia had to leave and repair her armor at least once... finally finished it and she was at 10%... someone needs to buy that kid a new dolly.
    Btw Ssen check your pms))
  7. ARCHIVED-Squeakybrigand Guest

    Lamia nodded to Lazera. Then her brow furrowed and she shook her head negatively.
    "Uhm.. Tetriemmy wouldn'ts welcomes me in hers groves.. Maybes somewheres else.." she said weakly.
    "I have a bit of.. history with Tetri.. And it ain't prettys.." she swallowed.
    She muttered silently to herself, so that Lazera couldn't hear.
    "Maybe I could pay someone to erase my memorieses.."
    Shiasia blinked. She gulped.
    "Wows... 7 at the sames times.. " she whispered, blushing just barely. She yawned. She could not imagine any woman having a stomach that size, filled with 7 pinkies.
    "You must've beens reallys tireds afters thats.." she says with a giggle. She kissed her son on the forehead and sighed. She coughed a few times.
    "You sort of remind me of someone, Mr. Colby.." she whispered weakly.
    She stood up and and walked to the kitchen. She looked over at Canty and asked
    "Do you think you could watch over my son for a bit, miss? I need a bit of a break.."
    Alucard woke up with a jump. He shook his head and stretched his arms. He pulled out his flute and started playing a cheerful, upbeat tune.
    Jhyiskitches shook his head.
    "I certainly don't minds at alls, Zachs.." he replied.
    Zulgahr quirked his brow. He then sneered.
    "Lady, eh? Like to flaunt that title, you do.." he sighed softly.
    "That just goes to show how so many people have become greedy for fame, fortune and all of that worthless blather.. People want others to know about their deeds because they want to show off.." he muttered, personally hoping he could distract Brienae.
    But seeing that she was already distracted, he began to cast his charm spell on her, as he already sensed that her mind was clouded.
    "Brienae.. Your so called "friends" are spitting at your name behind your back.. Shouldn't you teach them a lesson?" he hissed softly, as if like poison-laced honey.
    Stinsmia yawned and clutched her blanket with one paw. She slid down more into the blanket's warm.
    Vaska smiled.
    "We should get going too.. Get ready I suppose.." he said with a smile. He put his arm around his wife and they began to leave the building.
    Of course hen they saw Tygarr shouting, along with Ziqua petrified behind a human. She frowned and gently left her husband's grip.
    She let out a rather feral growl.
    "Sir, I do believe you are manipulating words.." she cleared her throat, giving Tygarr a flaming, but calm yet angry frown.
    "There is obviously a reason why she doesn't speak at this moment.. She is much too afraid to utter even a word.."
    She glanced at Ziqua, her expression softening. Then her gaze hardened and turned back to Tygarr.
    "Judging by how she's acting and the way she's looking at YOU.. I would say you are the one that is frightening her." she finished.
    She then walked over to Ziqua slowly and squatted down to her level.
    "Is everything alright, sweetie?" she asked softly, her ears twitching.
    ((Oh, it's not that I had writer's block, it's that the forums kept giving me the duplicate post submission error and didn't post my message.. Over.. and over.. and over..
    And side question:
    If I remember correctly, a while back into the RP, Alyerrra tried eating normal food, which her body promptly rejected and forced her to vomit it back up.
    Wouldn't that technically mean at least her stomach is living if it actually works to reject something? ))
  8. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    ((I see your point. The way that I have been thinking is that the Freeblood stomach doesn't digest food as a normal living person's would. I think the body absorbs blood and uses blood to produce energy. Food can not be broken down so rather than have it sit there and go nowhere there is something that rejects it... what that is I'm not sure.
    Also I'm going to go ahead and update the scenes involving the two of us. I hope everything is alright with Bella as this is most unlike her... to have such a long absence without saying anything prior))

    Zach nodded “Hopefully she hasn't left Kelethin yet... I'm hoping she's still at the Tainted Eagle.” he walked out the door and waited for Jyikitches to catch up.
    Brienae blinked trying to fight the voice in her mind. She knew she had to keep her own mind. She was exhausted, then a voice answered back to the Iksar “A true bard performs not for their own glory but the glory of others,” something lashed out to strike the Iksar's mind as another voice spoke the same exact words before Brienae collapsed to the ground.
    The Seargeant glared at the Iksar “What did you do?” he asked drawing his sword
    Relane picked up a large rat that made the mistake of crossing her path. She sighed as she sank fangs into the creature and began to drink.
    Lazzera sighed “Huh... well I'm sure she'll get over it. There are only two things a person can do that will make Tetri really mad. First if you're a Necromancer and refuse to convert to Conjuring or if you harm one of her cubs.” she grinned “We could go into the forest.” all she had been told was Lamia had multiple personalities.
  9. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Sylvie gently pushed the girl towards her sister. "It'll be alright."
    Ross smiled and held a hand out. "I've only a few questions. Nothing to be afraid of."
    Herrigan and Norna led Mazsra through the room and towards the door.
    Bella kept her hands up. Her mind went blank and she could not remember the finger movements of the spell. Instead she tried a different approach. "We's is helpings you's, remembers?" She took a deep breath and began to cast Entrance.
    Aloysiius grinned widely. "Another story it is! Let me see, which one this time?" He sat down, cross-legged on the floor and pantomimed deep thought, his chin held in one hand as he stared intently off into the distance and his brow knit.
    Rothgut nodded. "Yisyis, better lates than nevers." He glanced around again. "There is certain things though, thats you's wills needs to learns from an Elder. You's wills haves to prove yourself to thems before any will teach yous. Its will takes much times to earn that trusts. They guard our people's secrets closely." He straightened his back and grinned. "Say, how goods is you's at dancings?"
    Toska winced. "This is much beyonds little me's." She twitched her whiskers and chewed her lip for a moment. "Perhaps...if we's dids whats you's did for Al? We's cans maybe moves the divine energies from you's to anothers and thens you's cans heals, yis?"
    "There is a Paladin in the house at the moment." Rene said.
    "Divine energy certainly would do Pepin no harm, but can we separate it from the Necromatic energy?" Llew asked. "Perhaps this is something best done by a full fledged Paladin. Someone who can suppress the Necromatic energies with their own divine powers, just in case they cannot be seperated."
    "I's cans go gets Charlie."
    Del grinned while Paddy rolled his eyes. "It has, yer right, but if yer ever get on another ship, yer gotta ask permission. Yer go up ter th' boardin' plank, or up ter th' side o' th' ship if yer in a dighny an' yer call up 'Permission ter board, Captain?' an' then yer wait fer an answer. Tis only polite."
    "Amandier here is nothing if not a traditional sailor." Paddy growled. "And superstitious."
    "Oy! S'not superstition if it be true!"
    Grumblefoot nodded, forgetting for a moment that Sam could not see him. 'None o' th' ways Ay ken o' checkin' somethin' like tha' be pleasent. Ay'll comune wit th' spirits an' see wha' they say afore goin' an' doin' anythin' extreme.'
    ((Sorry for the long silence-we had some stuff come up that took a lot of time to sort out. Everything is fine we were just really busy and running in and out of town. I kinda scared my guild in WoW though. ^^; They didn't know I live in the northwest and were under the impression that my absence was due to Sandy. o_O
    I hope you guys have an great Halloween!))
  10. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    ((I copied the scenes from my last post into this one so we can continue on as we were.
    Glad to hear you're alright Bella. I live on the Central East coast so we had many guildies concerned prior to Sandy because they know that. However we were very lucky as we didn't even lose power. I've heard that many were not as fortunate))
    Ziqua swallowed and followed Ross. She was still trembling.
    "This is none of yourrr business!" Tygarr shouted at Vhyrenia.
    Mazsra simply let herself be led. She turned her head as she passed her daughter.
    Senri shook her head as though trying to clear it.
    Canty turned "Sures!" she turned and dashed over to the young mother. She was eager to get away from the angry Dark-Elf.
    Tetri swallowed "Not good... before Mother took me in I spent most of my life in bed... afterwards.... I spent more time following Mother in the wilderness learning the ways of Nature. Uncle Sephen tried to teach me to dance but um... it didn't go so well... then again I was still getting used to my new vision. As I grew older there wasn't time." She swallowed "I guess I'm willing to try again... if you're offering to teach..." she winked her one eye and smiled.
    The children sat on the floor at the bard's feet eagerly waiting to listen.
    "Sorry I'm such a problem..." Alyerra muttered.
    "You're not." Kyriu answered.
    Alyerra quirked an eyebrow.
    "If Charlie can help you then it will easy for you to heal yourself right?"
    "Easier..." Alyerra sighed "It would require a lot of ... um feeding. But I trust Charlie... he could have destroyed me when we were in Freeport but he didn't... that means a lot."
    Kyriu sighed "Yeah go get Charlie. I believe he went to the Tainted Eagle."
    Xia nodded "Oh, I think I understand. So permission to board Captain?" she smiled at Padparadisch "Traditions are some of the things that make us who we are."
    "I understand," Sam answered through the stone "I should probably consider getting some sleep... but there isn't time... there's so much that needs done. Then again I can't speak to anyone without a stone unless I get some sleep..."
    Zach nodded "Hopefully she hasn't left Kelethin yet... I'm hoping she's still at the Tainted Eagle." he walked out the door and waited for Jyikitches to catch up.
    Brienae blinked trying to fight the voice in her mind. She knew she had to keep her own mind. She was exhausted, then a voice answered back to the Iksar "A true bard performs not for their own glory but the glory of others," something lashed out to strike the Iksar's mind as another voice spoke the same exact words before Brienae collapsed to the ground. She hovered a few inches from the ground curled within her wings
    The Sergeant glared at the Iksar "What did you do?" he asked drawing his sword
    Relane picked up a large rat that made the mistake of crossing her path. She sighed as she sank fangs into the creature and began to drink.
    Lazzera sighed "Huh... well I'm sure she'll get over it. There are only two things a person can do that will make Tetri really mad. First if you're a Necromancer and refuse to convert to Conjuring or if you harm one of her cubs." she grinned "We could go into the forest." all she had been told was Lamia had multiple personalities.
  11. ARCHIVED-Squeakybrigand Guest

    Lamia nodded.
    "The forest sounds good.." the Ratonga said softly. She frowned and sighed.
    "You don't understand, Lazera.. It was my other personality that was the Necromancer.. Plus she's the one that hurt one of Tetri's cubs as well." she said rather seriously
    Shiasia thanked the young teen and returned to her seat. She looked at Rothgut and Tetri with a mischievous look in her eyes.
    "I think I spy lovebirds.." she teased with a wink.
    Jhyiskitches followed after Zach slowly. He twiddled his thumbs.
    Zulgahr blinked innocently and glanced at the Seargent
    "What?!?! I didn't do anything! Sheesh!" he spat out. His hands wiggled behind his back as he channeled his spell. He began whispering an incantation under his breath. Done with said incantation, he then began speaking very quietly
    "Brienae.. Wake up.. Get your father here out of these restraints.. The corrupted Seargent did this to me.." he said, using his Coercing magic to try and make Brienae see her father in the restraints instead of the Iksar.
    Stinsmia yawned weakly and woke up slowly. She stretched her arms and shuddered. The first thing she felt was the cold metal collar that has tight around her neck. She tugged at it weakly, sighing.
    Vhyrenia quirked her brow.
    "It's none of my business to see what is troubling a child?" she asked with a rather irritated tone.
    "Why don't you first calm yourself before shouting like a blithering idiot?" she said calmly. Her paw twitched and her tail lashed.
    "I would think that if you were a real man, you'd be able to keep your temper under control.." she taunted slyly. She crossed her arms and a smirk came on her face as she merely stared at Tygarr.
  12. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Ross raised an eyebrow at the raised voices. She pushed Ziqua in front of her gently and into the office. Inside she found the cot still out and shut the door before setting about putting it away. "Have you two had anything to eat yet?"
    Sylvie sighed. "Really now, will the two of you calm down? You're fighting like cats and dogs." She snapped her mouth shut as soon as the phrase left her lips.
    Captain Alderman shook his head. "Alright now, you," He turned to Tygarr. "Find a place to sit down. And you," He turned to Vhyrenia. "What business brings you to the Qeynos Guard today?"
    Herrigan found two horses and a caged wagon in the Guardhouse's sideyard. He opened the lock on the wagon and nodded. "Can you get the horses ready, Miss. Grayhaze?"
    Norna nodded. "Sure!" She soon had the horses ready and hitched to the wagon.
    Bella's fingers twitched and colorful, entrancing lights filled the kitchen. She hoped this would keep the Teir'dal occupied while she looked up the spell in her pocketbook.
    Rothgut nodded. "You's has missed your chance for the Dance of the Ancients, buts is other sacred dances you's will needs to knows." He frowned and ignored the 'lovebird' comment. The wound from his loss of Lacepaw still bled and he doubted that it would ever heal until he met her in the Ethernere to await the call of Beleska.
    Aloysiius gasped. "Ah! I know just the story now!" He turned bright brown eyes to the children's eager faces. "The Froglok and the Ogre."
    Toska nodded. "I's wills goes gets hims nows." Before anyone could say a thing she turned and ran to the front door, opening and shutting it quickly.
    Llew opened her mouth to offer Alyerra some tea to calm her nerves, but then remembered her reaction to food and thought better of it.
    Padparadisch rolled his eyes again. "My people's traditions are usually to hate everyone and everything." He growled.
    Del shook her head. "A proper ray o' sunshine yer are! Alright, permission granted ter th' both o' yer! Let's go!" She walked the length of the dock.
    'We'll be needin' all th' 'elp we kin get to take care o' this. Tha' means we need ter be in top form. Git some rest, youngun'.'
  13. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Ziqua nodded.
    Maheera seemed to ponder the the question for a moment before giving a nod to the human.
    “My niece was kidnapped!” Tygarr snapped “I just want to take her home.”
    Telsi spoke up for Vhyrenia “She's a friend of our's... she and her husband were going to accompany us to the temple so we could have friends with us... our families are still in Freeport and Neriak... and they... let's just say I'm not expecting an inheritance...”
    Mazsra stood and waited.
    Senri blinked at the lights. In the flow of rainbows she thought she saw her daughter.
    Cany stepped out of kitchen and followed the young mother.
    Tetri sighed. She too ignored the lovebird comment especially when she sensed the hurt from Rothgut.
    Colby snorted “Yis and because of yous Canty may lose her chance.”
    Tetri turned “There is still a chance.”
    Calarys shook her head urging her husband to be quiet.
    “And ifs theys don't accepts hers?” Colby demanded “I don't cares if yous ares my Grandfather's sisters, you ares nos kins of mines!”
    Tetri closed her eye as tears began to well in it due to the former Shadowknight's words.
    Kyriu sighed “Perhaps some meditation would do you some good.”
    “Since when did that ever work for me?” Alyerra grumbled.
    Kyriu used the stone to speak with Aly regarding the entering of Al's mind.
    Aly sighed.
    “Your problem when we were younger was you never...” Kyriu trailed off. “You've been so quiet since you returned.”
    “I was wondering how long it would take you to notice.” Alyerra turned her head “I woke up before they did the process... I tried to talk to them, to persuade them to let me go... they decided to keep me awake because I amused them... I screamed myself hoarse...” she gave a hollow laugh “I told them I would rather die than be a lab rat. They laughed harder...”
    Kyriu blinked unsure of what more to say.
    Alyerra sighed and pulled her guitar from her back. She winced as the motion aggravated the wound “Would you mind if I played some?” she asked Rene`
    Xia shrugged and followed after her Captain.
    “You're right,” Sam answered through the stone “I'll talk to you later,” he yawned and placed the stone in his pocket. “Fine Carl you win.” he said in signs.
    Carl nodded “Good, for now I guess you can use my bed. It's not much, but I have missed your guidance. I wish now that I would have listened more carefully.”
    Sam nodded as he climbed onto the bed and lay on top of the sheets. He quickly fell asleep.
    Carl sighed “So Nordri wasn't it? Care to join me downstairs? Hopefully one of my brothers is still here...”
    Zach stopped outside the Tainted Eagle “I don't drink,” he said “We Monks have a very strict diet code to keep our bodies in shape since our bodies are our weapons. However to my knowledge Paladins don't have such a code, but while you're on duty you can only drink non-alchoholic beverags. Understand?”
    Brienae remained curled up tightly in her wings.
    “Stop casting now!” The Sergeant ordered
    “Well if she knows then maybe she'll be lenient.” Lazera suggested “Come on let's go down into Greater Faydark... besides I'm still rather hungry.” she sighed “Interesting thing is the feeling is somewhere between a thirst and a hunger,” she shrugged and stood up. She headed towards the door.
    In Neriak Tari worked at her forge. She wore a smithy shirt with Cobalt leggings. The gem which had been given to her was perched precariously on a ledge.
    “I discovered these in my research Ms. Clearshadow.” the coldain apprentice said as he held a handful of berries.
    “Thorodin... I make armor not pies, not cakes, Armor! If ya want ta make things with fruit then go somewhere else.”
    “My apologies Ms. Clearshadow... I just thought.”
    “Enough!” Tari snapped “Just watch and learn.”
    The gem levitated from its perch and hovered in front of Tari.
    “What the hells?” Tari asked.
    “I do not know Ms. Clearshadow.”
    An image formed from the crystal of a druid ring. Inside the druid ring could be seen a ball of orange and purple. An Iksar could be seen standing over the curled up Fae.
    Tari sighed “Thorodin finish this. If ya screw up you'll be out in the street.”
    The coldain gulped as he took his place in front of the forge. “Where are you going Ms. Clearshadow?”
    “Ta do something stupid,” Tari answered as she glided out the door and into Neriak “You're going ta owe me big Cuz,” she muttered as she flew out into Darklight Wood.
  14. ARCHIVED-Squeakybrigand Guest

    Lamia nodded and sighed. She followed after Lazera.
    "Okay, yeah let's go.." she mutters
    Shiasia unfortunately did not sense any hurt coming from Rothgut. She listened to the argument that ensued with lowered ears, frowning.
    She looked at Colby with sad and yet cold eyes. She slowly stood up.
    "I swear.. You have no sense of understanding, do you? I-I didn't come here to listen to some angered male-" she had started to curse at Colby in Ratongan, but stopped herself.
    "I didn't come here just to eventually have my day ruined by some bitter old male Ratonga who wants to disown his own great aunt. If you want to argue or something.. For the gods' sake, take it elsewhere! I can't take anymore stress!" she snapped rather upsettedly.
    The stress having got to her, what from her having a baby recently, plus the tension she sensed in the room, along with her tiredness, she could no longer cope. She covered her face with one hand and started crying quietly. She stomped outside of the restuaraunt, slamming the door on her way out.
    She somehow managed to avoid bumping into both Zach and Jhyiskitches.
    Jhyiskitches blinked as he saw Shiasia stomp out. He wanted to go and comfort her, but needed to pay attention to his duties.
    He turned to Zach. "Understood.
    Zulgahr was finding it a little annoying that Brienae wasn't responding. He quickly jumped to his feet and started backing away, his hands still moving behind his back.
    His voice sounded like a scream in Brienae's mind, but it would sound like her father's voice.
    "Brienae! Wake up, this instant!" came the words into her mind. His tail swayed and he glared at the Seargent.
    He strengthened the spell, also hoping Brienae would just get up and do his bidding. He was also wiggling his arms as well.
    Over the course of a minute, he managed to get one of his hands halfway out of the restraints, albeit he would be left with a rope burn on his scales.
    Stinsmia layed in her bed for a good 5 minutes before getting up and looking out the window. She saw her reflection. Despite herself being 15, she really did act like a small child, even if she didn't look it.
    "When's daddy coming home..?" she asked quietly. She sneezed suddenly and wiped her nose on her arm.
    Vhyrenia put a finger in her ear and gently scratched.
    "I'm sorry? What'd you say? I can't hear you because my ears are bleeding." she said calmly, once again asking Tygarr to calm down and not shout.
    "Oh your niece was kidnapped, was she?" she quirked her brow.
    "That sounds like rubbish, if I do say so. Unless you are saying, you are the one that kidnapped her? I do think I have reason to believe that due to her disposition towards you." she said with a shrug. She wasn't trying to provoke him, really.
    Rather she was just saying these things in order to try and get the man to elaborate on what she thought, was a lie that he had spoken.
    (( It just occured to me..
    Is Stinsmia even wearing anything?! I suddenly forgot the fact and now I wonder what in the name of all that is righteous and holy is she wearing? Anything?!
    One of you please tell me that somewhere in a previous post before (possibly even before this thread was made), I indicated she was wearing at least a shirt! o_O ))
  15. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    ((I believe you mentioned she was wearing rags. I've been picturing her in raggedy dress myself))
  16. ARCHIVED-Squeakybrigand Guest

    [[ blargh.. Working on moving to China = exhausting.. o_O Too much paperwork to learn about! ]]
  17. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Ross, busy with the folding bed did not see the girl’s nod. “I’ll have some tea brought up.” She finally got the bed to fold correctly and slid it back behind the crates. “Please, sit down.” She indicated a chair and then went behind the desk, digging out some parchment.

    Alderman shook his head. “If you are not here on business with the Qeynos Guard, I will have to ask you to leave, Ms. Vyrenia. You cannot come in here to provoke suspects; we are taking care of it.”

    Herrigan motioned for Mazsra to get into the wagon. “Are the horses ready?”
    Norna nodded. “Yep. These guys are pretty well mannered.” She patted the gray one on the back. The horse nickered and tossed its head playfully.


    Bella was glad that her spell had worked. She took a book out of her backpack and began to flip through it. She bit her lip as she came across the Epiphany spell. She should have remembered it without having to look it up. She snapped the book shut and slid it back out of sight, raised her paws and began to cast.

    Rothgut raised a paw. “Its is nots for us to says whats the Elders wills and wills nots does.” He glanced around the room at all the non-Ratongans and dropped his voice, slipping into his native language. “Ands this is nots the place to loudlies speaks of such things.”

    Aloysiius rubbed his hands together and began the story. “A long time ago in the marshes an Ogre gathered his people and marched upon the Frogloks. He stood before the cleft that the Frogloks lived upon and called up. ‘I shall burn your puny village to the ground and trample your warriors underfoot and any who live shall be our slaves!’
    A lone voice drifted upon the wind over the cleft. ‘And how many hast thou brought to complete this task?’
    ‘One-hundred strong Ogres!’
    ‘We have five-hundred warriors.’ The voice called confidently.
    The Ogre army filled with mutters of uncertainty. Doubt filled them until they turned and left.”

    Charlemin turned from Aloysiius’ story as the door slammed shut. He stood and went to the door, but when he opened it he only found a Flamefist and a Ratonga male. He nodded his head to the two, but before he could ask about the crying female his sister came running up behind Zach. “Charlie! Aly needs you’s helps!”


    Rene shook her head. “Not at all.” She turned and frowned at the door. They did seem to be taking long.


    Del stopped at the edge of the dock and leaned down. “Alrigh’, all aboard!” She nodded to the dinghy below and then stepped down, un-phased by the rocking of the rowboat. Padparadisch was less confident. He sat down on the dock and carefully lowered himself down, sitting on one of the benches. Del reached her hand up to help Xia.


    Grumblefoot put the stone down and went back to researching.

    ((Yeah, I remember the mention of rags too. I was picturing the tatty smock the characters have when they’re undressed or in the invisible armor.))
  18. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Ziqua swallowed “S-Sylvie t-took m-me to g-get b-breakfast.” she managed.
    Maheera walked behind her partner and lowered her head in an attempt to push the Kerra towards the chair.
    Telsi sighed “We'll meet y'all at the temple.” she said to Vhyrenia.
    Tygarr continued changing his tone to one of mourning “I took my niece in after the dreadful fires in Kelethin killed my sister. Then that foul Iksar came and kidnapped her. It's been months since I saw her. I've been so worried. I just want to take her home.”
    “He'sss not telling the entire truth,” Mordedana said from the corner.
    “You button it lizard,” you know nothing “How dare you accuse me of lying?”
    Calish laughed “You have no idea who she is do you? That is Mordedana Ariesez, or as we knew her in Neriak, the Iksar Lie Detector. She can tell someones lying just by looking at them or listening to them. Now imagine someone like that following the Truthbringer?”
    Tygarr started to open his mouth.
    Mordedana shook her head “Don't even bother.” she said “And for the record... I have left the name Ariesez behind me. Legally my surname isss Shadowlight.”
    Mazsra sighed “I'm a bit old... I might need some help.”
    Senri blinked as her mind began to clear. “I'm so sorry,” she whispered “In the past year it's gotten worse... maybe with Alyerra home they'll lessen... maybe.”
    Calarys lowered her own voice and spoke in Ratongan “He is rights you knows,” she turned and walked out the door to comfort the young Ratonga.
    Tetri remained silent.
    “That's its?” Limberger asked folding his arms “That's borings.”
    “Theres mores,” Fayberry said “Rights?”
    Canty carried the infant over to listen to the story.
    Zach watched the crying Ratonga female run past them. “Something's wrong with Aly?” he asked “More than the um undead condition?”
    Aly began to play a melancholy song on her guitar. She relaxed as she vented through the music.
    Kyriu sighed “That is the same guitar Mama made you isn't it?”
    “Yeah,” Aly answered while continuing to play.
    “Senri must have spent a lot of money to restore it.”
    Aly made no response but continued playing.
    “I wish I knew how to make instruments.”
    “Ky... you're tone death.” Aly responded.
    “I am not!” Kyriu retorted.
    Alyerra smiled “Rhythm you are great at, but tone quality... you're either tone death or just really bad. You need a good ear to make an instrument or it won't be in tune and if it's not in tune it sounds bad.”
    Kyriu scowled.
    Alyerra gave a small laugh exposing her fangs. She swallowed and quickly hid them as she continued playing. It worried her that the help seemed to be taking so long. She hoped Charlemin made it before the mages because the longer she waited the more she worried about further plots.
    Xia accepted the hand and gracefully stepped down into the dinghy. She seemed a little more confident than the Tier'dal but not as confident as the Captain.
    “I'm not sure,” Relane answered “Sometimes he works nights.” she sighed “Would you like to play a game now?” she placed the remainder of her meal into the soil of a potted plant.
    Lazera continued walking. She stopped to wait for Lamia. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do first. “Do you mind hunting with me?” she asked.
    Brienae still made no motion. Her mind continued to fight the coercer's influence.
    Tari continued to fly until she reached the Druid ring. She stealthed herself and then took the shrubbery to Antonica.
  19. ARCHIVED-Squeakybrigand Guest

    Lamia blinked and nodded.
    "I don't mind at all." she responded cheerfully. She remained wary though. Was Lazera just wanting to drink her blood..?
    Shiasia cried quietly, head in her hands.
    "For goodness' sake.. A man wants to disown his own great aunt just because said woman was raised by an outsider.. What has this world come to..?" she muttered in a whisper to herself.
    She looked up and saw Calarys coming near. She merely shakily sighed and put her head into her hands again and shook her head.
    "For goodness' sake.. What is with your husband..? Did he have a bad day or something?" she asked the older woman softly.
    Jhyiskitches blinked. He looked over at Zach.
    "Should I go with? Or should uh, I stay here?" he asked.
    Zulgahr grunted as he fidgeted with his hands. He got them both free eventually, now giving him the full mobility to properly and more strongly cast his spells.
    He started waving his hands around, a red glow encompassing them. He also seemed to be drawing runes in the air. He wondered..
    He dashed over to Brienae's unconscious form and dragged her slowly by the leg. Huh.. Faes were more heavy than he originally thought..
    The Iksar walked around the Fae and then leaned down, putting one hand on her head. Perhaps if he could get closer contact with her mental facilities, maybe it'd be easier.
    He stopped casting with both hands and channeled most of the power into the hand he placed on her head. With the other hand, he took a firm grasp of her one of her wings.
    "I'm sure you don't want your dear Brienae to be harmed do you?" he hissed slowly.
    "Make one more move to attack me, and I'll make sure to tear those delicate wings niiiiice and slow." He threatened maliciously.
    Stinsmia sighed and nodded in response to her mother's answer.
    "Ah.. O-Okay.." she said quietly.
    She thought for a moment, her tail now starting to sway again.
    Her eyes brightened and she nodded. "S-Sure! W-What game do you want to play?" she asked eagerly, turning to face Relane.
    Vhyrenia sighed and shook her head.
    "Sir, I'm sorry but I'm finding that rather difficult to believe considering she seemed to be so afraid of you. " She said civilly.
    Her tail swayed and she grabbed hold of it, stroking it as if t'were a pet. She glanced at Mordedana and sighed, nodding.
    "To be honest, I was actually thinking the same thing." She looked back at Tygarr.
    "And you know what? I've actually heard the Iksar you speak of. I don't know her name, but she seems much too kind and, frankly old to some sort of conniving kidnapper.." Vhyrenia shrugged.
    ((Hrm.. I have an Iksar character, but I just don't know how or where I could introduce him into any of the scenes.. By the way, he would be about. 7 1/2 years old in human years, so basically, a child Iksar.))
  20. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Ross nodded. "Alright then." She sat down and took a quill and ink out. "I need you to tell me everything, Ziqua. From when you lived with your aunt and uncle to now."
    Alderman frowned. "As I said before this matter is being taken care of by the Qeynos Guard, miss. Stop antagonizing other visitors or leave."
    Herrigan glanced around and undid the shackles. "No need for these in there." He held a hand out to help her up.
    Bella lowered her paws. "Is alrights nows, Miss. Senris."
    Rothgut took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
    Aloysiius grinned. "Of course that's not it! Have some patience, little one." he winked and continued. "The Ogre was furious that his people had abondoned him and so he left and gathered them again, with threats and promises and bribes and cunning and so they returned to the cleft with hundreds more and he called up. 'I have returned to demolish your filthy village with an army seven-hundred strong! Kneel before our might!' But again, only a lone voice replied. 'I forgot to mention it, but for every three froglok we have there is a dragon that can eat as many as two ogres in a single gulp.' At this the army once again began to murmur and shuffled and they again dispersed and the Ogre was again furious."
    Toska looked up. "Yes...well, noes...well..." She sighed. "Is a wounds thats is embueds with divines ands we's was thinkings thats a Paladins coulds helps."
    Charlemin nodded. "Lead the way." He turned and looked at the other Ratonga. "Who is this?" He asked, a little suspicously.
    In the next room Aleteriq calmed down, listening to the music. He leaned into his brother's side and his eyes grew heavy. Danlore put an arm around him and pulled his own cloak from his shoulders, wrapping Al in it.
    Llew turned as the front door opened. Alaric stepped into the foyer and was followed by at least three in robes. He glanced up before stepping into the other room. "Is your friend...uh...decent?" He asked. Llew nodded.
    Del made sure the others were seated before picking up the oars and with long, strong strokes began to move the dignhy towards the ship.
    "She's a goo' ship, my Lurln'ley. A proper lil' scoop, she be."
    Padparadisch nodded without actually hearing anything. His hand went to his throat abesently.