New Inventory Sorting - Help

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Punish, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Punish New Member

    Hey all,

    So, I remember reading about all the new features that were coming to the inventory system, but it seems like a lot of them don't work? Ive figured out the auto sorting in that when I pick something up, it goes to a specific bag, which is awesome. But when it comes to actually manually sorting it after, I can't figure it out. I thought you were suppose to be able to drag 1 bag to another to put all the contents from 1 into the other. Or drag an entire bag from your inventory onto the auto sort in the bank for it to deposit all of it at once (which would spread it out across all the sorting you set up in the bag options)

    Am I wrong about this? Cause depositing is still a pain.
  2. Lodrelhai Well-Known Member

    Dragging an entire bag from your inventory to the auto-sort doesn't work, but if you drag individual items, they will sort into your bank according to how you've set the bag options. However, if you dump one bag into another, all the content (or as much as will fit) will go into the receiving bag. So mass-moves are easy, but mass-sorting only works in inventory.

    I had to make a graphic to keep straight how it worked. Maybe it'll help you?


    1) bag swap - the two bags switch places, each keeping their own inventory.
    2) dump - content of the bag being dragged will be put into the open bag it is dragged onto (unless dragged bag is empty, then it will be put in the open bag)
    3) change bags - the bag being dragged will replace the bag it is dragged on top of, replaced bag and all content will be put in the dragged bag
    4) move bag - same as moving any items in inventory
  3. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    I totally don't get this - even with your graphic.
  4. Terrogaunt Developer

    The "Auto-Inventory" bar isn't really a part of the bagging changes. That's been there for a while and hasn't received any new functionality. If you're trying to sort with the sort button, just be sure to save all of your per-bag filters in each bag's Bag Options window then click the button to see its effect.
  5. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

  6. Roane Member

    For this, it's the drawing line number 2. I figured it out last night. Drag a full bag into any open slot on an open bag, and the contents of your dragged bag will go into the target bag. I tested with an empty target bag, so I don't know what would happen if there wasn't enough room there for everything. Does that help at all?

    I'm still figuring out the sorting part myself.
  7. Terrogaunt Developer

    Yep, and the system should support partial dumping now. (Assuming the code has made it to live)
  8. Punish New Member

    Terrogaunt, any idea if we`ll ever be able to drag a full bag into the auto sort slot in our bank? It would be nice to be able to do that so we can set up our bank bags, then just drag and drop a full bag to ahve it auto sort throughout our 20 odd bags in bank. :)

    And thanks for the image, Lod. That makes much more sense now.