Desiccated Desert

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by GrunEQ, Mar 19, 2024.

  1. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    I went to start this quest and Ewart Nefrid won't talk to me. This wiki says there is nothing needed before it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    Maybe I've already done this quest, but I can't find it in my completed list. Then again I've tried doing other quests in the timeline with no responses or no show NPCs, so I'm thinking perhaps I've done them and I'm not finding them on my list. BUT this particular quest is in the February list and it's not showing completed.
  3. Denmum Developer

    If you are level 50+ and your server has unlocked EoF, Ewart should give you "Dessicated Desert" which sends you over to Lesser Faydark for waxy leaves.

    The other quests in the series are: Wax On, Framing the Project, Do You Dew? and Water in the Desert. You must finish the series (i.e., complete Water in the Desert) for the achievement. You would have also received the Fanciful Faucets recipe book if you have completed the series. Can you check your active quests (and double check that none are hidden?) or check your recipe book for the faucets recipes?
    GrunEQ and Twyla like this.
  4. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    This time I went thru my list with an honest to God magnifying glass and found it under Lesser Faydark and I have the roots but not the leaves. Thank you very much for your help. I'm a 130 crafter / 120 adventurer but some of these tradeskill quests were under my radar, or I felt I had out leveled them when they came into existence and at the time did not think I needed them. Been playing off and on since Launch and this is probably my 4th or 5th live server to inhabit. I'm also OLD.
  5. Denmum Developer

    No worries. Depending on how you have your journal filtered, it can be hard to find some of those in-progress quest, as they are listed by the Zone needed for the step you are on, instead of by Category which lumps tradeskill quests together. :)

    This is one of several quest series that I added (last year?) for advanced recipe books (and other goodies) in lower tiers that were missing them. The one in Frostfang Sea also gives you a crafting familiar cerberus. The one in Sinking Sands also gives you the recipe book for making lovely faucets. The one in Barren Sky also gives you the recipes for many functional doors.

    I figured The Year of Darkpaw Artisan achievement was a good time to remind people that those are newer quests with interesting rewards. :D
  6. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    Yes, they are terrific rewards. Cerberus is a great familiar for those who harvest.