15 year Heartbound Anniversary gift please!!!

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Sharakari, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. Sharakari Active Member

    In 2009 we were introduced to Hearbounds! It's been 15 years of "bondage"(?) for some of us. I think we deserve a 15 year Anniversary gift in conjunction with the Year of Darkpaw and EQ2's 20th Anniversary! I recommend adding 5 FOC for non-members and 15 FOC for members, and make it static when both are logged in. Since most of us are capped on Fervor anyways it makes it relevant again, even at those small numbers! That way I have a reason to remain "bound" and avoid a messy divorce! ;)
  2. Jinksie Well-Known Member

    I love this idea! Seconded!
  3. Lightt Member

    Please approve Shara's request. I don't want another divorce on my Norrathian ledger! :p
    Sharakari likes this.
  4. Seth Well-Known Member

    15 FOC + 15 FOC when rekindled. adds a sense of urgency like it used to be :)

    Sounds like a great Idea.
  5. Ruzum New Member

    this sounds like a killer idea 15yrs of bondage needs some type of gift!!!!!!!
  6. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Change the heartbound altar to be placable in houses.
    Kattt, Twyla, GrunEQ and 1 other person like this.
  7. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    In addition:

    I would even suggest that the buff be changed so that it is based on "real" loyalty. The longer you are heartbound with the same person (in-game character), the stronger the buff should become. And this with an increment curve over years and decades. It doesn't have to be an exaggerated increase, but loyalty should be rewarded. This is how the buff should always have been structured in order to live up to its name and to prevent the permanent changes of some.

    Furthermore, to further support this, I would suggest that people who break Heartbound get a "broken Heartbound" debuff for a short period of time (e.g. 2 weeks). Virtually the same values that the basic heartbound buff gives, in the negative.
  8. Evilary Well-Known Member

    They did away with rewarding loyalty in game for the years a player was playing the game as it was getting to be too much for new people to catch up to the rewards. I am willing to hazard a guess they would thing along the same lines for this. I can see people complaining now about something that takes 15 years to get.
  9. CSP84 Well-Known Member

    So in other words new player should be equally rewarded as loyal player playing this game for over 15 years ?
    I don't think that sentiment boils down well with other player even though i see where you coming from.

    15 years just imagine how much those loyal players spent on Expansions, which nowadays you get nearly every with an expansion, 15 years subscriptions fees /Kronos.
  10. Evilary Well-Known Member

    That's what they did with the loyalty rewards. Not my fault they decided to go that route.
  11. Juull Member

    What if instead of celebrating "couples" who have been heartbound for 15 years (kudos to you!!), they instead celebrating 15 years of having the heartbound feature? By refreshing it, Daybreak has the opportunity to update its relevancy, and that might renew interest in it, without penalizing newer players.
    SolarFaire likes this.
  12. Luziana Member

    Nice idea. Love it
  13. Sharakari Active Member

    This is exactly what I meant. It's a celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Heartbound Feature. If people took it as a buff increase for people that had been heartbound for 15 years, kudos to you, but definitely not what was meant. I just want the buff updated after 15 years since the Fervor only isn't really of any use because most people are capped. So just add Fervor Overcap to make it a worthwhile buff again. I also don't support any increase to the buff the longer you've been heartbound. This buff is just something fun the Devs added back in the day. It was never meant to increase the stats more for one person than another.
  14. Sharakari Active Member

    Trying to keep this simple. The more complex it becomes, the less chance of having it implemented. They always say that they have to focus time on other things so just a flat FOC to make the current Fervor buff relevant to all should be easy enough.
  15. Kaladz Active Member

    That would just encourage more people to heartbound to one of their own alts than another person though. I think 15 fervor/fervor overcap would be a nice addition though and a reason to actually rekindle again.
  16. Cx_morningstar Member


    This is a great idea... Devs?
    SolarFaire likes this.
  17. Carribea Active Member

    lol reminds me of a game i played loooong ago, you ended up with a broken/bleeding heart upon divorce and if it wasn't healed could die from it. while bonded you could see where your significant other was if you focused on them.....anyways since he had pissed me off, i waited til he was in a hunting ground, while i sat with a healer, before i did the divorce thing "whistles innocently" :p
  18. Liberal Active Member

    Heartbound didn't come into the game until 2016.