missing DX11.1

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Trakum, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. Trakum Active Member



    I can tell you but would much rather show you :)
    (first with no UI / second with UI and FPS)

    This is unoptimized - Extreme Quality at roughly 100 fps. Flying around i could get anywhere from 90 to 160 depending on zone location. I'm even rendering the shimmers down on the forest floor, the quality of the fae housing and the tower to the right is unreal. im sure i can do better once i optimize my graphics a little more but im quite satisfied already.

    ** this is on a an Samsung tv - new monitor incoming as well :D
  2. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    Woot, looking really sharp over there! So it would seem like Windows EQ2 players are finally starting to catch up a bit with Linux performance thanks to DX11. Seems like the push to adapt newer tech is worth it after all! And this is only test. Imagine how things will perform and look by the end of this year with the new art that Angelina mentioned - and more performance upgrades on top :)

    You're playing on a tv? Are you using a controller or mouse and keyboard?
  3. Trakum Active Member

    Using a Logitech wireless mouse and keyboard , in my living room / zero latency ( or at least its not perceivable )

    I work from home so this allows me to work and play at the same time ( don't tell my boss ! )

    I'm solving customer problems and slaying mobs simultaneously. Multitasking for the win :D

    ** edit - did some optimizing now getting 130 FPS ( compared to 90 earlier )
  4. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    Home office ftw! Wife and I work from home too, and what a blessing this has been. Thanks to home office we can do both work and spend time with the family. My brother was doing the same thing that you are btw, and his work quality was just as good as ever, if not even a bit better even though he had a game running on the side for that short breather every now and then.

    Woot, so you went from 90 to 130 fps? Oh man, that's super impressive! I assume you manually tweaked some of the settings to achieve that? I hope the push to DX11 also means we'll see shadows, lighting, shaders, water (with next-gen water ripples and waves, EQN comes to mind), chars, textures, flora and much more get an update further down the line. Even tessellation can be done now. I've always loved the look and feel of Gfay, but it could use a facelift with better looking flora and atmospheric details that moves and reacts to player movement, upgraded textures on all fronts, a few more little widespread fireflies, more early in the morning fog here and there, dynamic real-time weather effects such as rain, birds flying around and going back to their nest full of chicks, some owls, a few squirrels climbing those huge beautiful looking magestic trees, dynamic light falling through the tree leaves at the very top and so much more. Just to name a few examples. Imagine how much more dynamic and "real" a fantasy zone like Gfay could look and feel with upgrades like that.

    I also spoke about this in the past, but then imagine if you could seamlessly walk through the zones without loading now that we can access more ram with 64-bit. Sometimes I also like to imagine boarding my own ship (with player housing) in Gfay and sailing all the way to Qeynos like in that introduction scene on the ship when we sail to Queen's Colony. So much potential for interesting things here.
  5. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    So instead of flora etc. looking like this:


    Imagine if it could look like this instead:


    Just a very quick and dirty example, but I'm sure you get what I mean. The flora would move as the player walks through it and even have it move in the wind by itself. Birds (different types including woodpeckers) and squirrels etc. would fly away into the trees above when you come to close to them (some would, others would stay), rainfall would make everything in the forest smell so fresh and alive and it would make the ground breathe misty fog, squirrels would be hunting down their nuts and more, tree branches and leaves would fall down on the ground and snails would wonder the lands looking for a plant to digest and then you also add more stuff like little grasshoppers, spiders and more to make it feel more alive. I would even go one step further and make the forest look a bit different depending on the season. Same goes for snow etc.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Woo! What the heck is the li'l glowy thing in the "After" picture to the right of the central tree there? :)

    Never seen that before... :)

    who thinks: Woo! Now it'll look like a Miyazaki anime! :D
    Sturmlocke likes this.
  7. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    Yeah, that's true, one thing that Narnia and Miyazaki anime have in common is how they both know how to picture a beautiful magical world like that. Gfay is just like that tbh, but the current visuals are holding its true potential back, so if you upgrade it a little bit, without changing too much / without altering the entire picture to the point that it loses its original magic, it will feel even more like a real breathing fantasy world with an added bonus of sweet nostalgia. It just needs a little sprinkle of upgraded visuals on top of what is already there and you'll never want to leave this place. The same can be said for many of the other zones ofc, this is just one example. So when we speak about upgraded art, I hope we get to see something like this one day.

    Hm, what little glowing thing in the after picture? You mean the squirrel or the little blue birds? I like birds.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Well, it's just immediately to the right of the tree, below and slightly to the right of a flying owl, on the ground, between the tree and an orc with his catapult. It's glowing golden in the center, shading out to like light red and blue at the edges. There's like a round "halo" around it. It almost looks like a cross between a fairy and an alien. Is this the quest giver thingy that has you going to Butcherblock to talk to the personification of the Winds there or something? :)

    who's only ever saw the ethereal fluffy quest-giver thing in Greater Fay in shades of white and very pale blue; dunno what the li'l glowing thing is here ;->
    Sturmlocke likes this.
  9. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    OOOOh that little creature. Darn, forgot to remove it from the picture. It's a little fairy named "Navieh" and she roams the forest there with a special easter egg quest. I can't say much about that right now, didn't even notice she was in there. But know this, she is not what she seems to be. It's far more dark and sinister, so if you ever see her on Test, best to let her pass from a safe distance. :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    LOL! Got it; good to know! :D
