Not A Bug To Speak as a Dragon on Kael Drakkel server

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Daryx, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. Daryx Well-Known Member

    OK this may not qualify exactly as a bug, but it is a problem. How is a solo player Qeynos player supposed to do To Speak as a Dragon on Kael Drakkel? We are mentored to 10 on entering Freeport, and the two guards at the doors of the Academy of Arcane Science are 45. Invisibility does not work at such a level spread but the Fen rune is inside there. If you run and and let them kill you, unless you can find a "friendly" player to rez you, your only option for the vast majority of classes is to revive at the Commonlands gates to Freeport. So that's pointless.

    Am I missing something? On live I haven't done this quest in ages but then you were usually around 50 anyway when you went for the runes so the two guards didn't see through invisibility/stealth.
  2. Daryx Well-Known Member

    Or I guess you could always just kill the guards, which worked. Seems not right to be able to kill 45 heroics at level 10 but that's mentoring for you.
  3. Denmum Developer

    Vet call, call of the hero, call of the tinkerer are all options, too.
    Twyla and Sigrdrifa like this.