Never Too Early Suggestions for next Xpac!!!

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Sharakari, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Sharakari Active Member

    Before we get to the list, it's been awhile since we've seen the old Veteran's Rewards. I hope you are working on something nice for the 20 year Veterans who've helped keep this game going for this long. While the game may not be perfect, we're still here! :)

    1. It's time we get bigger bags and crates. After nearly 20 years, the crates in my house vault need more room. We haven't had a bag or crate increase since ToV. Let's get something of size to store our years of hording! 60 slot bags and crates!!!

    2. Can we please get a Pocket Chronomage? It's very frustrating to be doing older content and constantly having to travel back to home cities or guild halls to re-mentor. UPDATE: So can we have auto-mentoring into zones on live like KD? Or could we have a checkbox on our profile to auto-mentor when going into old zones? Or maybe when you click on the door it asks if you want to mentor down to the zone?

    3. Make "Cobalt Extra Barding Slot" stack to free up inventory space. 800 stack please!?

    4. Do reducers really need a different name like Cobalt or Overseer? Can't we give them a common name so they can stack as well? Again, more wasted space in our bags having multiple stacks of items that do the same thing!

    5. Can we get an Armorer's crate for our house to store armor/cloaks displayed on Mannequins or allow the Mannequin itself to store the armor on it.

    6. There are so many items that are for a house that can't go into the Personal Home Depot, specifically soooooo many books! It would be nice if I could get items out of my bank/bags and into the Depot. At least until the hired Erudites can finish building my library!!

    7. Reduce those lockouts!!!! So many old raid zones/instances have minimum lockouts of 2days, 20 hours making going back to play older content a buzzkill. How about if the zones are more than 2 xpacks old, you set minimum lockouts to 1hr 30m like a lot of the other older zones?

    8. Is there a way that we could use a flag for raid boss kills so that we could buy the raid trophies? Sometimes we just don't kill the end boss enough times for everyone to get one...and who doesn't want more ugly heads displayed in their home?!

    9. Allow all variations of Planar Fragments to go into a depot (Harvesting?). I mean, who even uses those things anyways?!

    10. Please give us something to spend our Rejected Agents Resumes on. Some ideas are single charge Delta Mount recipe books, Overseer Agents and/or Quests that have eluded us in the CURRENT Overseer Season, or recipes for Red runs that are hard to obtain. My Rejected Agents are Neglected Agents.

    11. If next xpac is going to come with a level increase, please add a new version of "Celestial Doctrine".

    12. Right now when we examine a familiar we get a choice to add it to our collection or consume it as XP. Can we add an option to break it down into an XP potion (that stacks) for when we already have it in our collection and we already have it maxed out? Trying to save ones for XP for our next familiar takes up soooo much room in our bags.

    13. Please show us what level our mercs are similar to how they show in the mounts window. I need to know which Merc is slacking in his contribution to my success!

    14. Some new haircuts! I've been rocking this mullet for going on 20 years!!!

    15. Any chance we could get Bilgeron Cogsworth IV to sell us our KoS Cloud Mount Timeline Class Gear if we don't have it any more and have completed the questline....or let us repeat it to get the gear?

    16. Can we please be able to re-purchase our T9 Armor Set piece from completing Subordination Insubordination if we've completed the questline and "lost" the piece over time.

    17. Shadow Odyssey PVP Class Armor sets were some of the cooler looking sets in the game. While PvP on live is gone, is there anyway to make the armor sets purchasable from a vendor?

    18. Please add check boxes to the Zone Reset window so we don't have to choose one at a time.

    19. Note from Jan 10 update....."Vyemm and Alzid Prime will now spawn in the same linked encounter. Their loot tables have been merged to drop both in the same treasure chest when defeated." Please update the loot table so that the chest includes a piece of Class Armor from BOTH bosses. I've been farming this duo for months and sometimes don't get even ONE piece of class armor let alone one from each boss that drops it's own specific slot piece. (Alzid Prime feet, Lord Vyemm Chest)
    Forestchild, Rushd, Treggar and 19 others like this.
  2. Ichoris Well-Known Member

    Thanks for making this. All great ideas I hope they consider. I really love ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12!!
    KaitlynnAM101 likes this.
  3. Twyla Well-Known Member

    I'd also like to see what level my familiar is when I hover over it or even click it or somewhere on the familiar list. As it stands now not really sure what level they are until I try to increase it via potion or extra familiar.
    Forestchild and KaitlynnAM101 like this.
  4. Sharakari Active Member

    LOL... no one is probably worried about #5 but me because I have over 100 cloaks displayed in my house. And now I'm going back and doing all the Class Armor sets to display. So that's a lot of crap in my bank and vault! :)
  5. Sharakari Active Member

    Good idea! And why not mercs too. Especially when you're leveling multiple to get the Contribution!
    KaitlynnAM101 likes this.
  6. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    2. Fast travel to Kelethin. Good or Evil, the chronomage is literally standing right in front of you. Is that *really* that bad of an inconvenience?

    6. This thread here addresses the home depot and *WHY* those items cannot be put into them.

    7. There are some heroic zones from previous expansions that should be reduced from 18 hours to 90 minutes, but 3 day lockouts on the old-world raid zones is still fine for me after all these years.

    8. The whole purpose of the trophies in the first place was to show the *guild* accomplishment of killing them. They weren't even able to be placed into personal houses until quite a few expansions later.
    Rosyposy and Feara like this.
  7. Tridav Member

    Please have a look at the Warlock. They're better this xpac but things like decimation is still not like apocalypse. We have many skills that are just a waste of time to cast
  8. Boldac Active Member

    I'd like to offer the suggestion that they forego a traditional xpac and focus on squashing all of the bugs on the live and the TLE servers, fixing/repairing/balancing the classes for live and TLEs, and doing something about the out of control stat inflation.

    I know it doesn't make them money, but it would make the game more enjoyable.
  9. DENSER Well-Known Member

    you will have to buy a key, if not several, to open this door, opening it ajar would already be a step forward
  10. Dezum Member

    This does not take into account how long it takes to zone. If they can auto mentor on Kael Drakkel why can they not do it on live as a quality of life?
    Sharakari and Lightt like this.
  11. Smashey Well-Known Member

    My biggest wish list is a complete rewamp of the stat system and a stat squish. Remove resolve and let guilds raid the amount they want, when they want. Dont gate them with a random number on gear. Instead make raids harder. Remove all auto attack stats if you dont want auto attack damage to matter and tune it per archetype with weapon rating. Also redo all the WBD and DPS AA's you for some reason added with the AA rewamp.

    Second biggest wish is a rework of the shadows/heroic and dragon AA trees and some tweaks to some of the prestige trees, such as brigand Shred/Exacting Venom and warden Windblade damage.

    Third biggest wish is less pay to win feature. We have so many already and we pay premium for almost no content. Release new familiars at expansion launch and not mid way through an expansion to foce more money out of the players.

    Fourth. Overall more content. Easier entry heroic content. H1 tank and spank with detriments, H2 with 1 mechanic per named and then for the first GU add a challenge version with the amount of mechanics needed to make it challenging. Promote PUGs again. Make them a thing again. We pay at least $393 a year to clear EQ2 content when its new and fun. Compare to other titles where we pay $204 a year (or $348 for two years) for more content and zero p2w.
  12. FuRiouSOne Well-Known Member

    Fix familiar EXP scaling/system!!! 1.4 million exp for lvl 10 cele fam is too much or 1k exp for legendary, 100 exp for treasured fam consumption is way too little.
    KaitlynnAM101 and Sharakari like this.
  13. Del27 New Member

    Those were some really good ideas. I have been playing a very long time and just some simple, very easy changes would be nice as well.
    1. New updated hair styles and colors. nothing has changed and changes are overdo.
    2. Some fun, and fresh ideas for petamorphs during different holiday events would be nice, such as a fighting snowman or elf for frostfell, fighting bunnies or eggs or other such ideas.....need new stuff.
    3. More colorful gear and actually it would be nice if the names in the zones dropped something better than quest givers or mastercrafted to help you get better geared up.

    The expansions have not really had any new and fresh ideas or content in several years.
    KaitlynnAM101, Sharakari and Twyla like this.
  14. Morprulz New Member

    not sure what UI you are using, however, when I hover over my familiar in the familiar window in my character screen, it shows what level the familiar is from lvl 1 to 10. I use darqUI so that could be what the difference is if you say the default UI
  15. Twyla Well-Known Member

    Yes, that is the difference. I won't download 3rd party things for something that should be standard in the game. The UI that is default should allow you to hover over your familiars in the list and see what level they are.
  16. EnvironmentalHazard New Member

    I use DarqUI but just tried Default and I can still see familiar levels on tooltips. If you have never leveled up a familiar it won't have anything about level in the tooltip. Only after you have added points at least once, then the tooltip has a new line with the level number.
    Sharakari and Dude like this.
  17. Sharakari Active Member

    You are correct. I modified the request to show the merc levels and removed the request for familiar.
  18. Brailynx New Member

    When receiving Overseer rewards, why can't the incoming Temp Adorns auto stack into the Overseer Bag? Why do they first go into the normal bags? They should stack in the overseer bag.
  19. Taled Well-Known Member

    It doesn't do that because you didn't take the time to click the option to tell it to. Granted, if you aren't aware it is there, you don't know it is there, but all the same, the game doesn't know you want it to if you don't tell it to.

    Right-click the Overseer Bag, select 'Bag Options' in the pop up, then in the new window, check the 'Sort Overseer Items' and click the 'Apply' button. Now it will do precisely that for all overseer-specific items that actually go in that bag.

    (Should that be a DEFAULT option for the bag? Yes. Why isn't it? I have no idea.)
    Twyla likes this.
  20. Forestchild Well-Known Member

    I have a good one.

    1. Get rid of the "Heirloom" tag. Do we really need the Heirloom tag anymore.
    2. Up the Broker price to say 200mil of not 500mil.. instead of have the 50mil price.
    Thanks for listening.
    SolarFaire and Breanna like this.