Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Dedoria Music Box-

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Scorpionbeauty, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. Scorpionbeauty Member

    I completed this quest except for going back to music box to open it and get the box collection got everything else still have key in bag and it wont let me finish it, I even tried to delete key and start it over but it doesnt work that way at all once I get to badlands it wont drop anything to move on bc its showing I already did this step so I am clueless how to fix this can you please help
  2. Scorpionbeauty Member

    I completed this quest except for going back to music box to open it and get the box collection got everything else still have key in bag and it wont let me finish it, I even tried to delete key and start it over but it doesnt work that way at all once I get to badlands it wont drop anything to move on bc its showing I already did this step so I am clueless how to fix this can you please help
  3. Bellamorte Active Member

    You may want to edit your post to make it more readable. The white text is hard to read.
  4. Bellamorte Active Member

    But to answer your question, go into your quest journal and delete the whole quest. OR you can go into your deleted items under the recover tab on your character screen and try to recover the key you deleted. But if you cant, the only way to get it again would be to redo the whole quest.
  5. Unayan Active Member

    My issue was with the Gepofrygia music box. Not the same issue as you are having. Mine was I wasn't getting credit for the kills to get the key it stopped at 13. However another player had a different music box update issue different from yours & mine. What worked for that player was, delete the quest, wait for quest to reset, redo the quest & no problem. I don't know what the reset time is I just waited overnight & redid the quest with no issue the next morning. Hope this helps.
    Scorpionbeauty likes this.
  6. Kaitheel Developer


    A fix for this confusing situation is instore! Keep an eye out for the following change listed in the update notes to know when it goes live:
    • All Renewal of Ro "Music Box" quests - Finding the music box keys update should now recognize the proper key even if it is already in your inventory, when the corresponding key quest has been completed, no matter what zone you are in at the time.
    ~ Kaitheel
    Twyla likes this.
  7. Scorpionbeauty Member