Raj'Dur Plateaus Research issues

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Miragian, Dec 4, 2022.

  1. Miragian Well-Known Member

    Next thing to research is:
    Plateaus Crafter's Primer Volume I Raj'Dur Plateau
    Plateaus Crafter's Primer Volume II Badlands
    Plateaus Crafter's Plrimer Volume III Delta

    These are sold by the guild recipe vendor as soon as you finish the TS line. Probably should be other books..

    The Advanced Hizite Crafter's Volume I, II, and III on the same researchers might be a mistake as well as you can get those from the missions. Not sure if that's intended or not but its also several items down the list.
    EmJay and Zhevally like this.
  2. Miragian Well-Known Member

    This is fixed. The researchers quietly zipped past the books in question. Now just need to remind people not to buy them with currency.