Legacy of Power: Secrets in an Arcane Land who forgot to fix it?

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Grendel, Sep 17, 2022.

  1. Grendel New Member

    Of ALL progression quests arcs this has a 50000 faction requirement (from negative 40000). So you can't complete it in 1-2 days. Like the other expansions. This arc also starts 5000 faction (for the first few quests) , and 100pct completion xp(for the first few quests) , but this drops to 1500 faction, and then 1250 faction and minimum xp like every other level currect quest you could make (and faction block of 50000 to get last quest, and to see recipe on completion). :(

    So why has this not been fixed to be uncoupled from faction requirements yet (aka. it can be completed regards of your current faction number, like every other expansion) ? :eek:

    My personal feeling about this someone must be working for a devil of misery, pain and insanity
  2. Grendel New Member

    GOOD JOB! This is HOW! you can hate a game. And unlike EQ2.

    (any melli. person, will do XXXX to this game, and set it on fire because of this block)
  3. Grendel New Member

    The FIX?
    correct Xp & faction (5k faction every completion & max.
    . xp like latest xspan)
  4. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    What the heck are you even rambling about? Please don't derail a thread to start posting multiple times just because you don't like how a 5 year old expansion was programmed and why the devs aren't dropping everything they're doing to make sure it gets reprogrammed to the way you demand it.
    Juraiya and Dude like this.
  5. Grendel New Member

    Ding ding. This can be fixed in 15 min. or less. 5 years ago. And why to unlove, completion on every alt toon ( I have 11 )
  6. Grendel New Member

    U can yada yada. Prove that a check of current faction cost less power (the old man check: can U look at this)
  7. Juraiya Well-Known Member

    Oh brother. You want to know why you can't complete an expansion in 2 days?!? If you want to rush through it, then just do the quests until you're 110, then move on to BoL to get to 120. You don't HAVE to complete the expansion on every character; there's no reason to, if you don't enjoy the series. If you're thinking in terms of equipment, it actually becomes irrelevant once you're 110; you're better off with picking up the BoL equipment and then continuing the questline (if you want to), making all the quest rewards irrelevant except as transmuting fodder or appearance gear.

    I have over 100 characters, and I'm certainly NOT going to complete the series on all of them. But I've worked on it for some of them because I *do* enjoy completing it (although I'm stuck on one of the later Legacy of Power quests, since I can't figure out one dungeon's mechanics; but that's on me, not the pack), and I certainly do NOT want to rush through it with them!

    I find the Plane of Magic - as well as the elemental planes from CD - to be incredibly beautiful, and I enjoy doing the quests in order to enjoy the scenery. (Did not feel that way about Thalumbra, that's for sure. Sorry, devs, but the art in that one did not please me.)
    Twyla likes this.