Rare food and drink stats have been removed

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Trav, Aug 9, 2022.

  1. Trav Member

    On Varsoon Rare food and drink like Spice of life and Elixia have had their stats removed. Was this intentional?

    Twyla, Baldur and Zenji like this.
  2. Oukbok New Member

    That makes T1 equally useful as T5 (since Power Regen doesn't work during fights).
    :confused::confused::confused: Makes no sense :confused::confused::confused:
  3. Trav Member

    Update: Looks like this was fixed! Stats now appearing on rare food again.
    Twyla likes this.
  4. Oukbok New Member

    but they were higher before
  5. Sunlei Well-Known Member

    stats are lower, now the lvl 50 rare food/drink will be the new best for lvl 50s.

    The percent always scaled with level, A lvl 50 doesn't get 3 percent from lvl 10. A 50 will get 3 percent from lvl 50 rare food/drink.....this rare food's only 40 lvl. Makes a 5 hour high single stat plus stamina drink/food look better and better :)
    Twyla likes this.