Do you mention if a DPS in your group isn't putting out much damage?

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Xeshaka, Jul 2, 2022.

  1. TheGreatGatsby Active Member

    Sorry Beneeto, we just decided to start memeing using the other thread with a similar but slightly changed name. Nothing here has been intentionally serious.
    Zenji likes this.
  2. Zenji Well-Known Member

    I know a guy who was in a Nek2 run and the SK said they only have 2 taunts, holding aggro is hard. So cut the SK some slack.
    Just tone down your Dirge dps and stop being elitist. ;)
  3. Zenji Well-Known Member

    I don't know what you are referring too, these are original thoughts and completely on topic.
  4. Arandar Well-Known Member

    Whoa! Hold on there. I am the tank. The center of the universe. The class around which all other classes must orbit in perfect synchronicity. That clearly means that I, and I alone, must always be at the top of the parse. Because, again, I am the center of the universe.
    Arielle Nightshade and Dude like this.
  5. Tkia Well-Known Member

    Uh-huh .. Sorry I'm the healer. Without me you're too dead to be at the top of anything!! :p
    Arielle Nightshade, Dude and Arandar like this.
  6. Arandar Well-Known Member

    I'm a Paladin, I can do all the things. Well, except cure myself outside of a potion cooldown. But we won't talk about that. Just wait until EoF, then you'll see!
    Dude likes this.
  7. hobonumber2 New Member

    DPS's job is to try to do enough dps to get aggro. That's how I play, and that's how I want dps'ers I group with to play. If deaggros and transfers are being used, aggro management shouldn't be an issue. To have a dps'er "take it easy" is a waste of everyones time.
  8. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Bad attitude for a DPS to have. If you gank aggro, you are gonna die, then you do zero DPS.

    Some encounters have memblurs or memwipes. Sometimes there's a mob swap, where two tanks lose aggro and they have to gain aggro on the other mob that they were not originally fighting. DPS has to back off a bit so the tanks can regain aggro and stabilize the fight.

    Some encounters have scripts and you just have to slow the heck down so that whatever it is that is happening at 90%, 85%, etc. can be dealt with. Curse Cures take a while to refresh, so if the mob is tossing out curses, say at percentage intervals, you very well may have to "DPS slowly" to allow time for the Curse Cures to refresh, or the AOE blocking spells, or whatever.

    A warlock, with the appropriate AA, gets a 3% aggro transfer. Compare that to the swashies, who get, what, 30%? Aggro transfer alone will not do it for many DPS classes.
  9. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Not sure you get how memwipes work. If the DPS is at 99% or 59% threat it doesn't matter. When the mob memwipes the tank's threat is still set to 0 and the DPS still gets aggro.

    You understand Varsoon is in T5 and wont see Curses for a couple years right?...
    Dude likes this.
  10. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    I totally want to know if either I'm constantly pulling aggro, or if I'm making it unfun for the tank, or frustrating for the rest of the group. I sincerely hope people say something because I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just a noob.
  11. TheGreatGatsby Active Member

    I'm convinced that Sigrdrifa is an S tier troll and we just don't understand. In a different thread a while ago she was telling us to itemize for fervor and crit bonus.

    On a TLE server.

    She HAS to be a troll. I refuse to believe otherwise.
    Beneeto, Dude and Bekkr like this.
  12. KythosMeltdown Active Member

    I just rerolled from Bruiser to Assassin cause I was doing WAY too much damage
    Arielle Nightshade and Dude like this.
  13. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    EQ2 needs more players like you, honestly. I did my part by removing the green buttons from my hotbars, I found when I hit them, way too many numbers come up on the screen, and that can be overwhelming for newer players.
    Zenji, Rhythm and Dude like this.
  14. Revvix Well-Known Member

    As a below average necromancer, I tend to be both an elitist DPS and 20k+ hp tank simultaneously whether I want to be or not. It's been a real struggle to find groups willing to keep me around for longer than a few minutes. I always end up soloing half of the zone by accident and they miss out on the all the great content.
  15. Greene Active Member

    Like the Bon Jovi song, you are halfway there my friend.

    Now wait until you are in confined spaces with walls thinner than the ones that let you hear your parents getting frisky while you were growing up, and use those Blue AE buttons. You will hit a lot of extra mobs this way, and increase your DPS beyond 9000!
  16. Palomidus New Member

    Just shows you don't know your role or how to dps in a group setting :)
  17. Arandar Well-Known Member

    I think they primarily play on the standard servers (or maybe exclusively), so benefit of the doubt, could have just been a bit confused. It would be like me offering suggestions on how to gear up in the current live expansion; my advice would universally bad, I'm sure.
  18. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    Back when things worked like they were supposed to this was a self-correcting problem. The over-aggroing DPS getting pasted was the best snap aggro in the game.
  19. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    Possibly, but you have to specifically click on the TLE server forums to get here, so it's unlikely to be an accident. The problem is, there are plenty of people who do play on TLE that are, to put it in as diplomatic way as possible, writing checks their bank balance has no chance of covering, so it's almost impossible to tell if it's a troll or genuine.

    Also, to the people replying seriously to this thread, bless your hearts.
    Bekkr likes this.
  20. Xeshaka Member

    LOL, just saw this. Way to copy my post!!! :p