Raid tuning changes

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Zenji, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Would be cool if the raid tuning changes between last week and this week would have been posted.

    It's fun when you pull a raid mob one day and a few days later it not only behaves differently but it's damage and health are also different.

    I know communication can be hard, but you can do better.
    Sunlei and Rhoks like this.
  2. Sehenry1010 Member

    Honestly I wish they would randomly change mobs in raids/dungeons so everything isn't so predictable.
  3. Malachy Well-Known Member

    The #1 complaint has been communication forever. I thought they hired people for that? But, yeah, should be pretty basic to communicate what was updated in the update notes, even if it's contrary to popular demand.
    Sunlei likes this.
  4. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    You really don't.
    Sunlei and Zenji like this.
  5. Sehenry1010 Member

    I really do.

    And I don't mean randomize everything all in 1 shot, but I would love to see bosses have some random changes to resists or what type of damage it does.

    Being predictable gets boring really fast, and raids are extremely predictable.
  6. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    Once you hit Mayong and then into T8 they kinda have to be. That's when raiding really becomes about learning the encounter mechanics and not triggering fail conditions.
    Sunlei likes this.
  7. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Ya my post was not about keeping things fresh, it was about significant health / damage changes to raid mobs or a mob resetting if you stand more than 2 ft away from it. Yet no communication saying things were changed.

    I am not even asking for specifics, but a general "adjustments were made to X,Y,Z" so we know changes were intentional and could give feedback accordingly.
    Sunlei likes this.
  8. Rhoks Active Member

    You're asking way too much out of them. I wish that was sarcasm
  9. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    And curing as your Healer's career.
    Sunlei likes this.
  10. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    When I was my guild's raid leader during T8 raiding I feel like all I did was scream about curing.
    Sunlei and Arielle Nightshade like this.
  11. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    I get putting a curable detriment in raids ...even as a fail condition if not cured quickly enough. That said - T8 and on raiding is UnFun from that perspective as a healer. I guess, unless you are an Inquisitor with a mythical...
    Sunlei likes this.
  12. Sunlei Well-Known Member

    This is TLE servers, so yeah agree with OP.....not many TLE servers up and only one has a population, 2 have a few raid guilds......would sure like to have success on raids. Nothing make people start to quit the game faster then a couple weeks of raids where they can't kill a boss others have killed over past several weeks or months. change is ok, fixing bugs is great....some change is not good.

    and yeah cures....some classes get group cure, other classes have the cure procs off their reactive... there's no way a group cure will be fast enough if the boss mob casts their failure detrament randomly without any warning or aoes the entire raid for twice each persons hit points. Devs have the server side logs, theres maybe 6 or 7 raids a week on the dead TLEs..check those logs please and adjust those raid mobs....before everyone quits.