Krono cost

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Dwalen, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. Ayodi Active Member

    There be a strident difference betwixt don't know and don't care, comrade. This mosh pit of know-it-alls wrestling for scraps retains no in-game economy anymore. It is forever infected with RL cash. RL as in there is no stopping the supply of plat. RL as in any 1st year (pick one) knows that is the honey pot for inflation. Inflation is the economy killer. So yeah, me know economy just fine, and the in-game is gaffed. Varsoon bearing no fruit for at least 26 weeks will not be the venue for the 1%ers to pitch their tent OTHER than to have fun. If you had played in 2004 you would know there just was not anything worth dropping RL cash for beyond the game subscription. I am interested in all the trade surrounding that zone's upcoming raid zone Cauldron Hollow. Splain to me the draw in spending millions on that early raid zone please.
    I'll pause a moment so you can goggle it,
  2. Celestia Well-Known Member

    It’s like some one else said, they have things that they could allow us to sink plat into. Mount training, merc, all that crap they insist on making us do. And I’m just saying, a lot of people decorate houses, I don’t know how much they would actually gain from the player studio, BUT it could be a major help if they brought it back. I’ve bought furniture on there and I’m sure so have others. I think there should be a price limit on things, it seems like that would be the way to fix it…maybe.
    Hartsmith likes this.
  3. Femi Member

    well I have to agree, on Oasis recently they were selling for 944 million. personally i use my cc. But I talked to a NEW player that his mother paid the first month subscription, and then he had to do the rest. I answered his question about buying Krono and he wanted to know how to make the plat to buy them. Since he was under the lvl of 20 at the time, I told him to sell everything that came his way but even that would not be enough. Sadly he deleted the act.I usually help new players as much as I can, but some I can not.
    Twyla and Dhol like this.
  4. rpreed80 New Member

    The reason I personally sold a Krono for 500 million last night was I keep getting doubles and triples of the same gear from the loot crates.I needed the plat for SLR, so I could get my resolve up in an appropriate amount of time to run groups with my Guild.
  5. Dreamphaser New Member

    I love how small-minded some people here are.

    Everything you say here is true, to a certain extent. Krono price just doubled in a few days. However, if you honestly think that plat sinks is going to do anything to prevent plat-inflation (which really does not matter), you are kind of clueless about how things work.
    The issue is that there is an exploit, that allows a player to duplicate plats within a few minutes. Let's say that this person has 1 billion plat and pulls their trick, they will end up with 2 billion plat. Let's say this person does this a hundred times; they can buy all krono on the broker on a specific server. This player has more plat making potential than the entire eq2 community can legitly farm/make in years. If you think that adding plat sinks will "stop" this concept, you are deluded. The only thing plat sinks will do, is give more power to exploiters.

    You might wonder why this cheater does not immediately buy all kronoes; I will explain it for you as thinking tends to be hard.
    Selling kronoes is how this player makes money. If the value of a krono would be even less stable than it currently is, plat would completely stop having value, meaning that said cheater, is not going to make money.
    Pathetica likes this.
  6. vlada Active Member

    i regret to inform you that there is no exploit, just greed and lots of RL cash
  7. Dude Well-Known Member

    Please explain how either of those things adds plat into the game.
    Pathetica likes this.
  8. Mizgamer62 Feldon Fan Club Member

    Maybe they are referring to how Krono and gifting contribute may contribute, although not by any means are the main reason. Players buy krono and sell them for plat and/or they gift items from the market place for plat.

    Of course there have been many exploits and bots which are the main reason.
  9. Dude Well-Known Member

    Right, but selling krono for plat doesn't add any plat to the game, it just moves it around. The poster above said, " there is no exploit, just greed and lots of RL cash." The first part is just denial. The second part is mystifying.
    Pathetica likes this.
  10. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Welp, on Maj'Dul today, Krono prices on the broker are in the BILLIONS OF PLAT. There is some huge exploit occurring.

  11. KauaiJim Active Member

    I myself buy a couple krono every so often and sell them on the broker to fund my solo adventuring. By doing that I did not introduce any new plat into the economy. The lake of plat we are currently seeing appears to have both legit and shady origins - some earned and saved over the years legitimately by players and some (probably a significant amount) is likely from past exploits.

    I say this because when this thread first started (and when krono prices first started skyrocketing) I was concerned that there was something happening currently that I did not want to be part of even unintentionally.

    I'm not new to mmo's and in game economies and markets by any stretch and at this point I am not really seeing billions of new plats gushing into the market every few days. There is a crazy amount of plat sloshing around out there moving back and forth right now but I'm not seeing ten pages of krono for sale at 2 billion+ plat which is where I think we would be by now if there was some currently active exploit being widely used.

    My hope and belief was/is that this forum thread alone was enough to get DB to take a close look to be sure there isn't some current exploit that needs to be addressed. Enough time has passed that that should have already happened. There IS definitely a lot of plat moving about in game right now but I don't think folks buying / selling krono are the cause. Krono have been available for a while now. I think old exploits coupled with a new expansion and a boost in active players has brought out some of that old exploit money and it's showing up in game now.

    This is my own personal opinion / theory. Perhaps I'm wrong and there is some bad exploit out there right now. Again, if so, that's something DB would have to look into and address.

    Other folks may come to other conclusions. If you disagree with my conclusion feel free to have your own. :)

    (and to be sure, I am not a fan of the crazy inflation as it has to have a negative impact on players who cannot afford an occasional krono to sell from real life cash and have to rely exclusively on in game methods for squirrelling away plat)

    Edited to add: Sig It seems like the a few pages of krono at half a billion have consolidated into a page or so at a billion or two. It's crazy, I know but I would be much more concerned if I saw 5~10 pages at 1 billion plus. That would be a definite indicator that the plat pool was growing. If there is something happening right now I would really hope DB is looking into it...
  12. Pathetica Active Member

    That does not explain why there is suddenly that much plat floating around. There is a cheat or exploit that is adding billions into the economy. Before this exploit Krono did not sell for hundreds of millions because there was not that much pp in the economy.

    The fact is the game now is only for people who are willing to cheat or pay tons of RL money. And yes, I know there are some players who made a lot of pp lately selling this or that, but the fact is you couldn't do that before because nobody HAD that much pp.
  13. Pathetica Active Member

    Exactly. This is so obvious, but seems to be overlooked.

    Hey, you are seeing Krono selling for hundreds of millions because people have cheated/exploited to get pp.
    Dude likes this.
  14. Pathetica Active Member

    No kidding. Seriously the game is now doomed as far as I can see because I can't imagine anyone trying it out and not being discouraged.
  15. Riverbear Active Member

    If you buy kronos as currency, you deserve the broken economy YOU are supporting.
    Arioche likes this.
  16. AOE1 Well-Known Member

    For those on the know by inside sources, if there is this big exploit going on, wtf hasn't DB done something about it? They have had plenty of time to solve that problem. They allowed it to continue for months watching it explode. And don't say they do not know it is going on. That won't wash.
    Geroblue likes this.
  17. vlada Active Member
  18. Miroh Well-Known Member

    So, plat just multiplies on its own. When I left the game during RoK, 5k had me the richest on my server at the time.
    Geroblue likes this.
  19. Dreamphaser New Member

    Another S-class mindless comment.
    The reason why they introduced Krono was because they wanted to (partially) stop plat selling, creating a legit way for hardcore players to acquire a subscription in return for their efforts. This has worked well.
    The reason why the economy is broken, is because a cheater has an unlimited supply of plat.
    Suidakra and Sigrdrifa like this.
  20. Dreamphaser New Member

    The previous huge exploit, during the 2014 era if I recall properly, took them 3 years to fix. This was a dupe that allowed a player to duplicate his coin count within a matter of minutes. This player that caused the multiple thousand % inflation was banned on multiple accounts. However, his trick only required a fresh account, no sub needed.

    Either Daybreak is aware of what this exploit is, and it would take out an aspect of the game for them to fix. Or they figured that when someone buys a lot of kronoes, krono price rises while everything else on the broker stays at the same price for a bit, which leads to players buying krono from daybreak to sell and make a quick profit on supplies.