Of VoV TS Missions and Harvests

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Denmum, Dec 6, 2021.

  1. AOE1 Well-Known Member

    Why should that lower the already ridiculously low drop rate? I run 12 toons through the daily and weekly and my spread sheet shows that I am getting very little for the time I spent not only creating these 11 crafters but the plat to get them there (the hard way not through an insta-bump). These books have never been this hard to get and now when we get one it has 1 recipe in it?
    Observing likes this.
  2. Zartil Active Member

    The truth of the matter is they have given us less and less for our money each year. The drop rates on the dailies and weeklies is way to low. PERIOD. All it does is reward the raiders who have the coin to gobble up the few rare recipe books that get posted on the broker. The amount of time for the daily and weekly TS quest is fine the REWARDS on the other hand are garbage. As others have pointed out we do not get harvests to put in our depots, the leftover items are just clutter. How about letting us trade a stack of 100 of these junk items for a random bundle of harvest. Say 100 junk gets us 50 random harvest items. That would at least make our time spent worth something tangible. Yes DenMum I know you do not want to allow safe harvest but this is way messed up. After 2 weeks doing the daily/ weekly it is getting old. If all we get are junk items why do them?
    'If that is not going to happen make the junk items disappear if you do not have a quest that needs them in your quest journal. I should not have to go in every other day and delete stacks of junk.
  3. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    What's wrong with "Safe" Harvests?? I am a SQUISHABLE. I cannot survive being attacked but a mob that is 4 levels above me and takes med at LEAST 45 mins to Kill. .. if I CAN kill it! while harvesting. You guys gave us a safe place to harvest in Luclin . . even the Bazzar wasnt that bad. . . . but this?? I fear for my LIFE out there! If you cant give us "Safe" harvests. . . maybe let p on the amount of mobs at least. . . .
  4. Zartil Active Member

    I do most of my harvesting on scouts, monk or my conjy the scout and monk have feign death ability.. the conjy if I get something real nasty that is going to take a long time to kill or kill me I send my pet, merc and communion pets then run like hell. Pets and merc die but give me time to get away (usually). As a last resort I have a hearth defibrillator that allows me to feign death as well.
  5. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    there are plenty of areas with lots of nodes and fast respawn and NO mobs, you juyst have to look around. Hint: places around TS signature quests, plus half of Svarni.
    Thanks Denmum for putting all those nodes there
    Alenna and Doobius40504 like this.
  6. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    the safe harvesting mentioned by Zartil is not what you are thinking Q. This is about no regular harvests in a zone where crafters get an immunity potion.
  7. Roald Member

    IMO, I think that the starter NPC for the TS Signature line should also become the recipe book's vendor only when you complete the entire signature questline.
    Each quest completed along the line gives you some tokens you use to purchase along with status points and/or plat.
    You can additionally earn tokens through the daily/weekly TS missions and perhaps with TS writs also.
    chattie likes this.
  8. Nelie Well-Known Member

    It would be cool if they updated the Journeyman timeline to where you can get a recipe for each tier again. At least give us a shot for ONE of the 5 VoV recipes.
    AOE1 likes this.
  9. DENSER Well-Known Member

    maybe we'll see that later, who knows. knowing that spell research is a source of income for them, it doesn't surprise me to see a system of luck, lottery, controlled by them.
    You have to put yourself in their shoes, new levels, new spells, more chance of seeing players spent on upgrades.
    So what would be the point of seeing these loots fall so quickly, none for the moment.
    And unfortunately all the recipes suffer the same fate, no difference in luck between the outfitter and the spell crafter.
    If ther graph concerning players buying dbc to upgrade spells go down, there, yes, maybe there will be 'innovation' .

    I don't think this is paranoia, this is what I would do if I had a game with an upgradable spell system Payable with cash.

    So for now, u enjoy that game still and pray for something better for tradeskillers in few weeks, months
  10. Yavie Active Member

    Nope, like Vetrovian Tailor's Primer volume IV as well as Vetrovian Tailor's Primer volume V. I can't see that these are rare at all as they are primers. But I could be wrong.

    And, yet again, I beg for the transmutation stones back as rewards for the daily and weekly. I mean, it's okay to get house items every once in a while, but gosh, golly, gee whiz! I have 10 ts'ers and the majority of items I get is house items.

    Also, as far as time, since the harvesting is in one zone and is a free for all, it makes for an interesting weekly/daily node hunt sometimes. But it's not bad really, and it's nice to be able to run around the whole zone and not be agro while looking for the nodes, so thank you very much for that!!

  11. Rattophaxe Well-Known Member

    The profession primers are purchasable from any recipe merchant on completion of the timeline. It's the profession advanceds (and all the tinkering and adorning books) that are gated behind that miserable RNG lottery in Forlorn Gist.

    I completely agree about the transmutation stones though.
    chattie likes this.
  12. chattie Well-Known Member

    Many tradeskill questlines were done in this way. only recently have the advanced books been so hard to get that your lucky to have a complete set before the next expansion appears. Once the tradeskill line was completed the advanced books could be purchased from a vendor, either in the home city or from a vender in the questing zone.. I dont know why the tradeskill line has been negated or why no one listens. No longer is crafting gear a sought after profession because by the time you have the advanced books every player is already geared out and isnt interested in what what you have for sale so your only hope is to leave it on the market for those who are an expansion behind and will want the gear next expansion. This is ridiculous, and a kick in the face to tradeskillers.
  13. Cochuyt New Member

    I was thinking one way to make it better as far as quest rewards would be to go to a coin based system similar to the Corpselynn rewards vendor. Complete the TS weekly and say get 10 coins, Daily mission maybe 2 coins. Have a vendor with all the advanced crafting books and put them at a price that makes sense to maybe at least get 1 book per week or two. This could also be a system that continues on through expacs where the currency remains the same, maybe a far seas currency or something like that, where not only could you buy the books, but also the potions, maybe crafting minded familiars/mounts etc etc. I can only plant so many clumps of grass next to my expanding collection of chess pieces, meanwhile stuck using apprentice lvl spells since there are 2 people on the server who can make 1 lvl worth of experts..........
    Shonshazzitt and Breanna like this.
  14. CatGrayson New Member

    I agree when the tradeskill line is completed the advanced books could be purchased from a vendor, either in the home city or from a vender in the questing zone. The reward for the daily quest is to rare. I am very much thinking about quitting the game. We have RL and not time to run the daily quests for useless loot.
    AOE1 and Breanna like this.
  15. CatGrayson New Member

    After running through the daily VoV with my 7 crafters again I cancelled my memberships. The rare drops of advanced crafting books is to rare to give it my time. I played almost since the beginning of the game and this is the worst.
    AOE1 and Daelini like this.
  16. Daelini Active Member

    I did not cancel my account - I just refuse to run any of my crafters through the daily / weekly quests until Denmum decides to unscrew the drop rates (or at least impresses to whomever is in charge of it that what they are doing is complete and utter worthless garbage that needs to change).

    Seriously, it might be time for her to tell her boss what needs to happen and not back down until they fix it the right way - be forceful and direct and not cowering down when the big bad boss shrugs it off.
    Breanna likes this.
  17. Denmum Developer

    While I appreciate that the ones coming up with constructive feedback are trying to help, there are those who are close to crossing the line into trying to tell me how to do my job, how to interact with my team, my boss, etc., and that's definitely not-so-appreciated.

    I KNOW people are impatient, and having a (badly needed) holiday so soon after an expac has all of you even more antsy, but the holidays made it very hard to get consensus. (It is a "team", I cannot decide things in a vacuum, especially when it touches on itemization.)

    Nothing will happen for tomorrow's patch, but trust me, this has not been forgotten, there IS agreement that something needs to be done, and we are hammering out what form that will take. When I have more information I will post, but until then know that silence doesn't mean it has been forgotten, or that I am "cowering" (or any other demeaning term folks like to throw around). It means I am working my fingers off on MANY things at once and making a total nuisance of myself rattling cages until something gets done about the books.
    Breanna, Kethryl, Cisteros and 3 others like this.
  18. Tanto Done, finished, gone.

    Now you've all been told. So simmer down or you'll get the rolling pin!

    In the meantime, line up your chess piece armies and take a screenshot. Whoever has the most impressive collection by the time the rewards are fixed gets.. er... cookies?
    Alenna, Breanna and Komatus like this.
  19. Denmum Developer

    I just got done with our weekly team meeting. A change will go in for next week's patch, allowing the player to choose their reward from a list of advanced recipe books when completing the VoV tradeskill weekly.
    Alenna, Breanna, Kethryl and 13 others like this.
  20. Kaldrun Member

    absolutely right. I didnt see any of the 3k+ pot ones for quite awhile because of the lack of food/drink that was on broker on ab at the time.