Whither am I bound

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by Komatus, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. Komatus Well-Known Member

    Kaladim, Kaladim, where do you roam...

    To a land far away or more oft to your home...

    For gone are the days of glory and fame...

    Now all the battles seem the same...

    Give me valor or death, or even something more...

    For ever I strive to lead thru the door...

    Thus keeping life from being a bore.

    Hartsmith, Hartay, Breanna and 2 others like this.
  2. Komatus Well-Known Member

    For Ever Questing

    Slogging through forests looking for a den...

    Searching for shiny things in a place called Fenn...

    A quest, to kill a dragon!? Holly crap!...

    Maybe it's time to take a nap...

    Look, a circus with things to buy...

    Possibly get wings so I can fly!...

    Or a strange device with a boot above my rump...

    Which causes me to leap high with a painful thump...

    The dragon is slain, the treasure is mine...

    Time to relax and drink some wine...

    Hartsmith, Lidahn, Dusano and 3 others like this.
  3. Dusano Matron of Lore and Innovation

    What a talented bard.....
    Komatus likes this.
  4. Komatus Well-Known Member

    Snow Blind

    Hunting attacking orcs in the snow...

    Capturing baby panthers on an ice floe...

    Showing icy undead who has the might...

    Stealing eggs from lizards...is that right?

    More attacking orcs from under the water...

    The orc fighting is getting much hotter...

    Searching and finding the orc's secret lair...

    A new quest or is it a dare...

    The orcs know I am raising hell...

    Bonus, getting lots of gear to sell...

    A Boss to kill? Nay to put to sleep...

    For peace to reign he cannot make a peep...

    The fight is over, I get a horse!

    To Halas I go, war stories to tell, of course...

    Left behind all the blinding snow and ice...

    Hoping the next quest takes me somewhere green and nice...!

  5. Lidahn Lady of Light And Crystalline Hydromancer

    It seems a very enjoyable journey.....
    Komatus and Breanna like this.
  6. Komatus Well-Known Member

    It is for the most part. This is Frostfang questline of course. Lots of white snow and ice!
    Breanna likes this.
  7. Komatus Well-Known Member

    Looking for the Precious

    Benny Moore, riding thru the fenns...

    Searching high and low, looking around the bends...

    Finding pretty shinys...oh how they glow...

    And maybe locate reds and blues if they show...

    Seeing another hunter eying one glimmering so fine...

    I say, "get away, that one is mine!"...

    Collect enough and a prize you will get...

    Possibly some gear or maybe a throne for a home to set...

    Though some are pages that earn you a book...

    And let you peruse them with a look...

    Unique items are best to place in a home...

    But many times it's just a tome...

    If you see me in the wild, looking to be on a roam...

    It's for the sparklies on the land that do I comb.

    Dusano and Breanna like this.
  8. Komatus Well-Known Member

    The Shin Boy

    Met a boy in Shin, who wants harvested stuff...

    So off I go to icy waters hoping to get enough...

    The boy say, "That's nice, but I need more!"...

    Away I go to a far likely shore...

    Not enough for him, needs some fish...

    Pole in hand, to waters hunting a seafood dish...

    The boy says this is the last - Amen...

    To some dark forest I hunt pelts in a strange den...

    Swimming in a circle, the boy looks puckered...

    I offload the harvests, I am tuckered...

    He says, "Once more and no more from you."...

    I have a strong urge as to where to plant my shoe...

    Breanna likes this.
  9. Komatus Well-Known Member

    Seeking Fortune

    Sitting twiddling my thumbs in my New Halas home...

    When in barges a mad eyed gnome with a tome...

    With an "aha!" he threw it willfully at me...

    Then with a spin ran off as fast as he could be...

    The tome offered a curious and wondrous quest...

    So off I went in a flash without a rest...

    Grabbing my bat filled hat and trusty backpack...

    Stopping only to seize a nice weapon from the rack....

    For I knew what waited was fortune and fame...

    In a strange land filled with weird creatures to tame...

    Where exciting treasures are surely to be found...

    And evil rampaging monsters are dying to be put down.

    Breanna likes this.
  10. Komatus Well-Known Member

    Moldy Joe

    I once had a pet zombie named Moldy Joe...

    He would wander about to and fro...

    I would occasionally throw him a bone...

    Which he would gnaw on with a moan...

    One day I went adventuring on a quest...

    Telling Moldy Joe to take a rest...

    Came home to find Joe picking his teeth with a nail...

    And my neighbor missing, no answer to a hail...

    Then I remembered some old lore about them being caged...

    Else they get hungry wanting flesh and becoming enraged!...

    Breanna likes this.
  11. Komatus Well-Known Member

    Ode to Speedy Moe

    There once was a warrior named Speedy Moe...

    Whose armor gleamed with a magical glow...

    Wielding a powerful shining sword of might...

    Mobs were decimated within it's sight...

    His strength was great, large beasts he could hew...

    In the end, of enemies he had few...

    But he made a mistake and moved too slow...

    So here lies the grave of Speedy Moe!

    Hartay and Breanna like this.
  12. Komatus Well-Known Member

    Sie sehen, wie das Eichhörnchen mit seinen Nüssen spielt.

    This means Winter is coming! ;)
  13. Komatus Well-Known Member

    A Sojourn in Somborn

    A questing I went to the village of Somborn...

    Where everyone was skittish and looked very forlorn...

    I went around questioning the people in town...

    But little or no answers were to be found...

    I came upon a witch at her kettle...

    She told me to clear out the spirits, it should test my mettle...

    A researcher wanted wolf saliva, oh Ick!...

    Some "thing" with a bite was making people sick...

    A giggling guy sent me to a cematary on a quest...

    Was attacked and hit so hard that I took a rest...

    Woke up in a mansion and searched high and low...

    Fought many a vampire laid low with a hearty blow...

    Found the Master, it was a massive fight...

    He will no longer give anyone a fright...

    Got some strange bite marks on my neck...

    Now I am very thirsty, to the local bar I go, what the heck!

    Breanna likes this.
  14. Komatus Well-Known Member

    Fright Nights

    Running thru a spooky town, it is giving me the shivers...

    It's Nights of the Dead time, enough going on to give one the quivers...

    Looking for the occasional sparkly shiny...

    Even tho they be kind of tiny...

    Dodging the random bomber of pumpkin...

    Or the giver of flowers by some romantic bumpkin...

    Citizens on corners wearing strange masks...

    Willing to give you scary tasks...

    Ghosts flitting about seemly without cause...

    Still they give me a shock and pause...

    Digging in a cemetery at an old grave...

    At night, in the dark, you have to be brave...

    Merchants wanting to sell you unusual items to be worn...

    All for a few candy corn....

    All in all, a wondrous time...

    So play or watch and drink some wine.

    Breanna likes this.
  15. Komatus Well-Known Member

    For Erollisi Day

    Blood is red,

    The seas are blue,

    I love killing orcs,

    And so do you!

    Twyla likes this.