Fixed Internally 5% double salvage (tradeskill prestige aa) does not affect uncommon lunar material

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Leonitas, Jun 3, 2021.

  1. Leonitas of Potato Situational Awareness

    After crunching 501 mastercrafted items, and receiving 501 uncommon lunar material, i have concluded this AA will not proc on these salvages.

    How do i know i crunched 501 exactly? I crunched 1 to make sure it produces lunar material, and then i mass crafted batches of 100, 5 times.

    99% of players will not take the time to get all the rares, fuel, etc, craft and then blow up 500 or more items. The ones who do should be getting, on average, around 30 more lunar material per 500. If this was intentional, please rethink your stance. Crafting has been destroyed enough as is. The AA's we spend should work as they are written. Anything salvagable should be effected by double salvage.
    Gharyn, Miragian, Juraiya and 3 others like this.
  2. Carizia New Member

    OMG the timing on this thread. In the past two days I crafted and then salvaged 750 items. Not one of those salvages returned a double salvage. Please fix and/or change this AA so that it is useful.
    Beee likes this.
  3. Hreysti Member

    You did 6 combines and something that is supposed to proc 1 out of every 20 combines did not fire. 5% of 500 is 25.
  4. Leonitas of Potato Situational Awareness

    Nice try. Salvaging is from salvaging the 601 items, one at a time, not crafting 6 items. Learn the game better please :)

    Edit: as for the math, yes, i had a minor math error and it should be 25 on average, not 30. Still, when correcting someone, be aware of the basic functions of the game, and how salvaging is an entirely different thing from crafting. the rewards and aa is tied to salvaging in this case; not crafting or combines. Salvaging is more similar to transmuting than crafting combines fyi. ;)
    Beee and Xianthia like this.
  5. Ratalthor Developer

    We have not been able to reproduce this issue. Our testers were able to get double salvages.
    Are the specific reproduction steps we can follow?
  6. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    Not sure this is step reproducible. Is the 5% working consistently and as expected?

    I crafted the same item. Ten at a time (was equipped with Hand of the Maker, didn't spec for mass production).
    Crafted until reached 220 items (due to inventory/bag limitation).
    I then salvaged the items and repeated the steps until I reached 750.

    I was spec'd for the five percent double harvest chance.
    Thank you for looking into it. Maybe it's all bad rng on my part.
    Beee likes this.
  7. Aeriel Active Member

    Just for clarification Ratalthor - this issue relates specifically to mastercrafted level 120 items such as Voidpiercer's Cowl of Force from recipe book Advanced Tailor Studies 20, made and salvaged specifically for the uncommon lunar material. Not any other tier mastercrafted items. I have made boatloads of these and never had a double salvage.
    Beee, Ratalthor and Xianthia like this.
  8. Miragian Well-Known Member

    150ish Voidpiercer's Robe of something, bottom option for my 120 tailor. zero double salvages.
    Beee likes this.
  9. Beee Well-Known Member

    Anyone had a double salvage of mastercrafted 120 items? I did not .. maybe it simply does not work ;)