Mountain Saliraptor broken?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Maechelle, Apr 5, 2021.

  1. Maechelle New Member

    I've had this thing for years, specifically the Horned Mountain Saliraptor it's been a leaping mount all the way up until the last crash. Since then, it's like it hits a ceiling when it's barely off the ground, making it mostly useless as a mount. I wouldn't be that annoyed, except there's now a new version of it in the Marketplace (Vicious Mountain Saliraptor), but I paid DBC for this thing the first time around, and I'd hate to pay twice for effectively the same mount, when one is broken.
    Carynn likes this.
  2. Bludd Well-Known Member

    sure you didnt put it in the wrong slot? appearance slot and nothing in the mount slot?
  3. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    horned mountain saliraptor of my toon jumps as high as before, allowing to jump to very high elevations (you perhaps loaded stones in his bags? or iron and are trying to jump up from neodymium magnet?) if you have problem said by you, send ticket to support, because that for example i have no problems with this saliraptor.. or just try jumping somewhere else, in other place. perhaps you were in place where jumping was not allowed. and of course check what Bludd said..
    Breanna likes this.
  4. Maechelle New Member

    I don't have bags or any of that. Says it requires the Chaos Descending expansion to use those features? Is this why my mount is now useless? Or am I just bugged?

    Also, I get the same result in Kylong Plains and Butcherblock Mountains, where this mount was practically essential for getting across quickly.
  5. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    about bags is metaphor. buying an expack will give you option to upgrade your toon's mount, but that has nothing to do with your perplexity. when your toon has flying mount, you will find that you cannot take off there in same places where you could not jump.
    in this game, in many open zone there are many places where there is lower ceiling that limits your toon's aspirations to heights. question of why this is so is directly related to how this game developed. once there were no jumping mounts or flying mounts. and you were happy with horse that had no wings. and speeds were lower..
    thus one might think that this is heritage of old times, however, if you think about layout of particular place where you cannot jump or jump high, you will see that you certainly need to get through lot of mobs that are not necessarily friendly to you (depending on action of radius of their aggression towards your toon, that there it's not constant value. besides, there is also stealth and detection. those. some components of fun of gameplay. and in recent years, when many began to rapidly jump or fly, part of feeling of pleasure from solving problems and overcoming difficulties has disappeared.. and it happened in those days when flying ships became unnecessary) before getting where you want. rather than cheating and just jumping over mountain..
    lot of things have changed and i wish you good luck in finding those who will definitely answer why in certain places ceilings were drewed so that your toon rests against them and they don't allow him (her) to fly up or jump higher. in many cases seems answer is obvious - there are many places in open zones that are only drawn, but there was no play space created for your toon to act there. like bags on your toon's raptor are simply drawn. just learn to distinguish between play and design space..
    this game, like many other games, didn't focus on ensuring that everything that you see in game has ability to interact or that it always corresponds to mechanics of world you are used to. so after your toon gets flying mount, you can probe in more detail places where your toon limited in movement when striving upward, and then persistently demand from devs to raise ceilings if it seems to you that it limit your enjoyment of game. but note that this requires some indefinite amount of work - rewriting and testing of certain amount of code, and it's unlikely that if you alone, demand it they will go to meeting. in this game there are lot of aspects worthy of player's attention so that most not are very puzzled by this, as it seems, some flaw. but what is true is that this isn't bug. and your toon is also not buggy. perhaps you'd better write about it in another section of forum with mark [suggestion]
    ed.: also, if it's reliably known that somewhere before "ceilings" were higher than now, then their (presumptive) limitation could be do, for example, for faster loading of some zone. i have nothing to say about how geometry has changed for some zone over years and has it been really changed over years devs after it was first loaded into game. in any case, if it's true that some geometry "fix" (if any) allowed some zones to load faster, then many are really interested in this..
    in this case, chances of raising "ceilings" (where they are for one reason or another low) are even more minimal.. for comparison visit with your toon riding raptor, for example, one of intersections of many paths of dropship landing zone in moors of ykesha, and jump in that place, to make sure everything is okay with raptor..
    in addition, raptors are not relevant mounts today for most (they are often found in home stables), but rapid, mostly horizontal flight at relatively low altitudes (as if scouring in search of prey, somewhat reminiscent of behavior of apache pilots)..
    for example, when dbg recently arranged free distribution of mounts, they were all flying and not jumping or gliding..
    there is also simple explanation why you cannot jump if the "ceilings" allow you to do this, if your toon or his lagging servant is in radius of attention of one or another aggressive mob (some of them can be hidden and be in invisibility mode and deprive your mount of opportunity to jump), which may not attack you directly, but hinder your toons in free movement. [shrug] if you continue to consider bug what you are writing about, take the trouble to provide more comprehensive info about incident. i find no problem with my raptors, except that someone forgot to paint wool on them..
  6. Maechelle New Member

    Getting tired of repeating myself, but "the places where you could not jump" is EVERYWHERE. There's not a single zone, or section of zone, where my mount jumps, without being attacked, in areas 70 levels below my toon, for no outside reason other than "it just won't".

    I'm not stupid.

    These are places I know it's jumped before, places I can fly with my other toon. All level requirements have been met. I don't have access to expansion stuff, having not purchased expansions, but this was never an expansion item. I purchased it with DBC and it worked fine UNTIL THE LAST CRASH. Now it doesn't.
  7. Bludd Well-Known Member

    okay you need to contact customer support, go to when they are done with the network maintenance that is currently ongoing and file a support ticket