[Feedback] Damage Floaters

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by TheSpiralAim, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. TheSpiralAim New Member

    I just got back into the game after 6 years. I am both amused and confused by the huge numbers I have been seeing. Is it possible to get some sort of UI setting to get these damage floaters, and maybe in the tool tips, listed in some kind of short hand. Scientific notation, or perhaps based in the Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera. For example Instead of 54,000,000 I would see 54M or 54x10^6 to help reduce the amount of screen clutter. Maybe limit the significant digits displayed to 5.

    Thank you for your time,
  2. Bludd Well-Known Member

    most people turn off damage floaters, especially for damage from other people
  3. Bleanienia New Member

    Quick answer, Turn off damage floaters period, and judge your damage output by % health decrease per second of the mob you are fighting..
    Long answer, the dev's need to number crush bad the numbers and % are so high, i cant even keep track of anytihng anymore, compairing stats on gear ? is this an upgrade ? yes ? no ?,
  4. Svenone Well-Known Member

    EQ2 needs to use this rule, because large numbers without commas are meaningless. Even better would be to use shortened notation, with the whole comma-separated number in a tool-tip (ex. 3.23m with 3,234,198 in the tool-tip)

    Rule 3a. With figures of four or more digits, use commas. Count three spaces to the left to place the first comma. Continue placing commas after every three digits.
    1,054 people
