Seller addresses in the broker

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Amaal, Jan 16, 2021.

  1. Amaal Member

    I went to 3 different sellers today, and none of them were listed. I assume that's because they haven't paid rent? That really is frustrating.
    WhysperWynde likes this.
  2. Benj Well-Known Member

    If they haven't paid rent, then the broker shouldn't** list their address. Did you try searching for the character name, or just browse the list? Most houses have so many residents that it doesn't show everyone all at once.

    **Or it could be bugged. Who knows anymore?
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  3. Melkior Well-Known Member

    It could be because they aren't using a container that is placeable (like a strongbox or backpack) in a house, or they moved and forgot to place the containers. In those cases there is no way to avoid the broker fee.
    WhysperWynde likes this.
  4. Amaal Member

    No I didn't search, just looked at the list. I will try that. I have sent the character a mail msg, so we'll see. Thanks for the responses.
    WhysperWynde likes this.
  5. WhysperWynde Well-Known Member

    I sometimes place some of my character's Sales Displays in another character's home .. in that case I don't know under which name it'd be listed. I do that sometimes because I want a display in a certain house but the owner has all of her sales containers already placed elsewhere and I don't fee like rooting them up.
  6. Mermut Well-Known Member

    When it's in another character's house the broker (used to at least) indicate the owner of the house in parens
  7. WhysperWynde Well-Known Member

    Yes you're right Mermut, I forgot that. So both would be indicated that way .. the seller and the location in other character's house.