Overseer quest question

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Silkmyst, Oct 29, 2020.

  1. Silkmyst Active Member


    I recently started overseers on my second account, which is kind of a low level account. I claimed
    the overseer starter agents and have two quests. The problem is, I do them over and over and just
    get high level potions, not new quests. I finally did get one more agent.

    Can't seem to buy more quests at the quest vendor, probably b/c I haven't leveled beyond overseer

    Am I missing something obvious? It's probably a "duh" moment.

    Thank you for any response/help :)
    Lateana likes this.
  2. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    There are three quest vendors... for instance, in Qeynos Harbor in the shipyard, there is one standing on hte dock, and a second one (the fuy who has quests) is up on the scaffolding above him. Then in the black market grotto (almost under the statue of Queen Antonia, you have to jump in the channel and swim to find the hole in the wall) there's a merchant who sells Heritage Crate stuff who should sell you the daily Heritage Crate overseer mission as well.
    Juraiya likes this.
  3. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    It is rough at the beginning, but eventually you do get other quests to do as well as other minions. I have an account that started just as they announced that all access accounts would have access and now I finale have enough minions and quests to keep two critters busy. It just takes a while and with a good RNG.
  4. Juraiya Well-Known Member

    It helps if you do them on multiple characters. You can start off with the two starter agents on each character (and if you have CE or PE of BoL, several more agents on each character), and then keep picking up and turning in quests as often as you can. If you have mercs and familiars, that helps for increasing bonuses and preventing mishaps; even one Celestial or Fabled familiar can make a huge difference.

    Just keep grinding them. It's about all you can do. Eventually you'll be paid off for your persistence by getting Legendary, then Fabled, and eventually Celestial quests. :) I'm not sure if you have to be a certain minimum Overseer level to get those, because I didn't keep track of all of that when it was happening.
    Breanna likes this.