Rune of the Tainted Blade

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Wizftw, Feb 18, 2019.

  1. Beee Well-Known Member

    Transfer the heirloom marked weapon (with the rune) to the correct character, unadorn and put the notrade rune on the weapon you like.

    But it's easier (and cheaper) to get the flag for the follower blue rune on the live servers :)

    Having the flag you can buy the rune in Myrist
    Dude likes this.
  2. Tagg Member

    Where in Myrist?
  3. Beee Well-Known Member

    Trader Frank in the Hypogeum (Entrance to Fabled Drakkel is in Myrist) sells the Ragebourne Insight and the Vindicator's Rune of Greater Myteries once you have the flag.
    Both are Heirloom :)
  4. Observing Active Member

    But you need raid currency to buy more than one Vindicator's Rune