Becoming an Overseer

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Frostii, May 6, 2020.

  1. Frostii Member

    I am a player that has many alts. Early on when I began the starter quest to become an overseer I realized that the amount of status I earned was based upon my character level, so I stopped doing the beginner quest.

    Now that I've leveled some characters up to max level I decided I'd do ahead and do the overseer beginner missions on some alts. But now since I am overseer LV 11, I cant seem to get the beginner tutorial type quests. This robs those characters who did not become an overseer yet a free treasured overseer, but also the status I could have earned for myself and for the guild.
    Whilhelmina likes this.
  2. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    That shouldn't happen, you need some overseers to start doing quests, even if you could pass some along over time. And it sucks for status.
    Breanna likes this.
  3. dorotea Well-Known Member

    Whilhelmina - the OP is talking about the second overseer quest - to continue using agents - not the first one that gives two agents. All the second one gives is two starter missions that you can't use unless it is your first time on the account, and some status.

    The second quest was missing for me as well but came back a few days ago.
    Breanna likes this.