I'm kinda upset, paid 140 for premium and already better mounts drop

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Altho, Dec 3, 2018.

  1. Altho Well-Known Member

    Now I know theres bound to be better mounts in game that top the 140$ version of the expac, but we're not even a month in and theres better mounts coming from heroics! I'm sitting here kicking my self in the *** for buying this not even a week ago now. I should have kept my basic. So I ask, please up the stats on the premium version or nerf the heroic dropped one, its not fair this early in.
    chattie and Kheldar like this.
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    There aren't better that 'drop'. You if you get -4- to drop, there is one that is, very marginally, better than the upgraded CE mount. That isn't unreasonable.. it's good for the health of the game for items in game to be comparable with bought items.
    Tekka likes this.
  3. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    So because a P2Win item from collectors edition is being replaced by a heroic item (See numerous threads on how hard heroics are to get into) it should be nerfed?

    Collectors editions are as they say, for collections. Not for P2Win.
  4. Finora Well-Known Member

    Hasn't this been the same for every other mount from CE or PE since we've had stats on mounts? For them to have lesser stats than the ones that you actually earn during the expansion. The benefit is usually getting a jumpstart with the stats (you get better stats faster than people who don't buy the CE) and you can claim it on every character so even ones you don't run heriocs/raid with can get a mount with decent stats.

    They aren't included to be the end all be all of mounts for the expansion.
    Lucus, Siren, Pixistik and 4 others like this.
  5. Dead Alt Account Well-Known Member

    Should have saved your money for premium infusers in the cash shop. You are going to need them!
  6. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    wait, was I the only one that bought premium just cuz the horse was red and fiery ?

    Juraiya, Kaid, Pixistik and 1 other person like this.
  7. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Go to the Merchants gallery and spend 24 coin to upgrade Hestia, it's worth it. the mount you can get by first obtaining four elemental mounts isn't better, I don't think:

    \aITEM 189145774 -1574781983:Czernobog, Goliath of Chaos\/a
    \aITEM 1069122252 -723691385:Hestia Emberhoof, the Infinite Flame\/a (the upgraded premium mount)
    Bhayar likes this.
  8. Twisty Well-Known Member

    well the Chaos Goliath is definitely better, tho not by much,

    heroic mount what? and 3 specific types... yea ok

    it was discoed by person with pre-order mounts because they count for 2 of the 3 u need to get lucky with

    but in a newly-acquired habit of ending everything on a positive note, i appreciate you buying the collectors edition. thank you
    Kaid, Momo, Lateana and 2 others like this.
  9. SikkoB New Member

    I bought the expansion to use the Mercenary at level 20...then the marketing managers were like nooo we are going to lose too much money! We can't give up a Fabled merc for a merely $50 and allow it to be used by every character 20+. How do we fix that...; ... lets just make the zone 100+ and do what we normally do and screw over our customers :) YAY
    Kheldar and Lateana like this.
  10. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    That sounds like the Heat Miser to me!
    Breanna, Praaji, Cyrrena and 5 others like this.
  11. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    I want the blue mount! its only 500 of whatever currency :)
  12. Dude Well-Known Member

    Just in case someone doesn't know what you mean.

    Breanna, ttobey, Praaji and 3 others like this.
  13. Arieva Well-Known Member

    So for those of us that don't know and are curious how is it gotten exactly?
  14. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Wish this was the case on TLE servers, instead you pay for an expansion you will never play for the best mount/familiar!
  15. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Get a water, fire, air and earth mount. It's a hidden achievement that gives the mount in question.
  16. Uwopo Active Member

    Goliath of Chaos is not the reward for obtaining four elemental solo mounts. Angra, Titan of Chaos is. I assume the Goliath is the reward for obtaining heroic mounts.
  17. Cyrrena Well-Known Member


    "I'm Mister Heat Miser, I'm Mister Sun. I'm Mister Heat Blister, I'm Mister 101. They call me Heat Miser, whatever I touch, starts to melt in my clutch. I'm to much!"

    "I'm Mister Frost Miser, I'm Mister Cool. I'm Mister Icicle, I'm Mister 10 below. Friends call me Snow Miser, whatever I touch, turns to snow in my clutch. I'm to much."


    And no, I did not have to look these up. I have known them for well over 40 years.
    Breanna, ttobey, Praaji and 1 other person like this.
  18. Leed Active Member

    Are they T2 drops only? Haven’t seen a single one but I have only been in groups that could finish T1 heroics.
    Dethrayzin likes this.
  19. Dethrayzin Active Member

    Where do we get these mounts? I haven't seen any mounts. I've only heard of the one you get for completing the overland PQs.

    lol I just saw that Leed beat me to the question.
  20. Bella222 Active Member

    This thread is really irritating me. What "hidden quest"? Why all this hidden stuff? This account is FTP cause it is an extra but my 2 others are all access and bought the premium editions. Don't I deserve to know about being able to trade in mounts. And what is the Merchant's Gallery and where is it exactly? I liked the silvery horse mount. Do you want to make some of us customers feel like second class? Important information should be available to all of us. OH, and I regularly read the forums and the update notes.
    Lateana likes this.