Skyfury and Thunderclap - BoT: Storm Surge T2 raid

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Baiji, May 14, 2018.

  1. Baiji New Member

    Hi, folks. I'm confusing they are missing:(

    We have defeated them about two weeks ago, but have not seen even after that. In other words, we have reset the zone twice, but there were only trashes in the place they should be. I saw the next 23th bird named was flying in non-active state.

    It needs to clear particular conditions to make them spawn?
  2. Gninja Developer

    They will be back after tomorrow's update. (Tuesday, May 14th) You may need to either reset your zone or contact me during the week to get it reset if its an old zone set previous to tomorrow's update.
  3. Baiji New Member

    Aya, they were enjoyning vacations:rolleyes:

    Ty for fix.
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