Completing epic 2.0 without Obulus Timeline

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Jabbso, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Jabbso Active Member

    So what gives here? We were told as part of game update notes 13th February that:
    • Epic 2.0 Quests now only require Ascension Level 5 to start. City and Epic 1.0 quests are no longer required.
    Whilst this is true, I have been unable to complete the questline as I do not have access to:
    • Arcanna'se Spire without completing Obulus Sig Timeline (someone zoned me in and I did get the update)
    • Vaedenmoor A Witness to the past.
    It would appear that the Obulus Signature Questline is a pre req to completing Epic 2.0 and getting the orange rune.

    This has annoyed me more than you will ever know DBG, great job!
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    They said you didn't need to complete the KA sig line to start your epic 2.0.
    They never said the removed the zone-in requirements to the various instances.
  3. Jabbso Active Member

    Yeah I know, it's absolutely no use being able to start something if you need the very same pre reqs to finish it.
  4. Mermut Well-Known Member

    You don't need to finish the sig line to get into Arcanna'se Spire. I've gotten into it on multiple toons that have started, but not finished, the line.
  5. Jabbso Active Member

    Apparently (several people mentioned in chat) you do need to finish the Obulus Sig line to access Vaedenmoor A Witness to the past and to get the orange rune. No point in doing Epic 2.0 if you don't get the rune.

    So unfortunately it does look like you need to complete Obulus Signature Quest to fully finish Epic 2.0
  6. Malleria Well-Known Member

    So take an afternoon and crank out the obulus sig line. It's not difficult.
  7. Quigly Active Member

    Kunark Ascending Signature is also still required to start the Mage epic 2.0. The Wander Chest was visible without the timeline complete, but would not interact with me. After finishing the timeline, it successfully flagged my character.
  8. Jabbso Active Member

    You've missed the point somewhat......
  9. Leed Active Member

    Except, requiring the KA sig line isn't about the 30 someodd quests in Obulus. That might be an afternoon like you said. Problem is - you have to first do to speak like a dragon if you haven't done it (and that makes you run all over the place), then you have to do Greenmist, etc etc. Now, I've heard it all before 'but you should do to speak like a dragon anyway', and 'it isn't hard', but it is a lot of running around grey zones for hours to do all the pre-requisites so you can then do the KA sig line quests.

    I've done it, and I can agree that it isn't hard, but if the change to requirements was about taking that weight off people's necks of 'this grey prerequisite is required to do this, and to do that it has it's own grey prerequisite, and then another grey prerequisite to start that', getting us out of that rabbit hole of hours spend doing nothing really challenging, then why not just let people see the zone in if they've finished the epic 2.0?
  10. Mermut Well-Known Member

    While the celestial gate rune is very nice, it is NOT 'the point' of getting your epic 2.0.
  11. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Why not just use the chronomage and level down so the content is at least green and not grey.
  12. Jabbso Active Member

    I like you Mermut, you add a lot to the forum however this comment is rather wide of the mark in my opinion.

    Anyway, I ran the questline and it took about 4 hours in total. Tedious but it's done.
  13. Mermut Well-Known Member

    You think the adorn is better then the weapon, the epic 2.0 abilities and the purple adorn slot? You have a very different view then I do.
    If the adorn procced as much as it did initially, you'd have a point. With the current proc rate? not so much.
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