TLP Assassin Broken

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Pryckle, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. Pryckle New Member

    Why is no one up at arms about how broken Assassin is. I play on TLP and can't say how they fair on Live but on TLP they are super broken. Concealment btw is complete junk and needs to be reworked to act like Chechins stealth proc. Btw it's complete nonsense that in order to parse well at all you need to spend several hundred dollars on grandmaster and LoN packs for a familiar not to mention buying the 130$ new expansion for the mount and still can't compete with tier 1 DPS. Oh wait nevermind assassin is tier 3 dps and we still can't compete with healers (sarcasm). I get that DBG wants to make money but come on. These things need to be addressed. Please for the love of all assassin's fix this class
  2. Heinzy Active Member

    I was actually considering betraying my Rng to Assassin.
    You suggest holding off for now?
  3. Virgil Member

    This is disheartening. I just plunked all my money down to get the familiar and it sounds like that won't even be enough to bring me up to T1 where I should be.

    Anybody know if DB has identified that there is even an issue and that they care to look at it? Or should I just pick a new class or quit? Assassin is fun but being a crappy player at the fault of the game makes it not fun.
  4. Skadad Member

    assassins are still decent enough dps, not on par with wizards though.