A Valzen Double Feature - Island of Designed and The Enterprise (omg \o/) - {Video Tours}

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Febrith, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. Febrith Well-Known Member

    \o/ - that's me with my arms in the air, cheering:)

    I belatedly realised that the uniforms on Valzen's Enterprise are like Wrath of Khan style uniforms, rather than the original Series uniforms - I nearly lost my mind touring this place:)

  2. Valzen Well-Known Member

    Awww Thank you so much, Feb! I was just letting you know where you can find most of my homes quickly in one place, because I thought you had asked once (?) Maybe it was someone else?? lol Anyway, thank you for touring. It's always a joy to hear your voice and expressions. :) You rock.
  3. Febrith Well-Known Member

    My pleasure! I wouldn't go to one of your homes without booting up the OBS - I'm so glad you reminded me as your Enterprise was an absolute gift to me, I can't believe I missed that last time. I was raving to Paul about it and he was like "Blimey, there's two women who obsess about Star Trek?" /boggle <3
    Moena, Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Ethini like this.
  4. Karamella Well-Known Member

    What an awesome artwork, unbelievable!
  5. Ethini Well-Known Member

    Three :D
  6. Kenana Well-Known Member

    To quote my friend, Febrith, WOW ... just Wow! The portal house is just so beautiful. I have visited it before but I must have missed the foggy hilltop with the Frostfell portals. That is just fantastic!

    Valzen, your Enterprise is a must see for anyone who remembers seeing the first Star Trek movies that came out after the first series ended. We were so excited when the first one came out! We sat in movie theaters for 2+ hours very happily watching the crew watching the scenery from the ship's view port as they made their way toward "V-ger"! I just love all the movies with the original cast. Your Enterprise SO captures that era for the Star Trek franchise. Really it just took me back. I will be hopping over to visit this in person :)

    Feb, I loved watching you explore the Enterprise. You are always such a pleasure to watch and this time you were like a little kid in a candy store :) Wonderful. BTW I really like the Enterprise series as well. I thought they really held true to the whole Star Trek vibe and had some very interesting stories to tell.

  7. Angelieque Furia Active Member

    Sooo excellent! Im a trekky too! So Absoultely astounded by your Enterprise!!

    I love transforming places into something entirely different but cant even BEGIN to imagine how you did this!!! The planning must have been painstaking! Love love LOVE!
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Five! :D

    And one of the things I loved the best from "The Motion Picture" (well, besides the long view of the Enterprise [though even I was getting a little weary of 20+ minutes of it... ;)]) was the opening bit with the Klingon ships encountering V'ger ("Identify yourself now or be shot. You have 'til the count of three..." or something like that). Vastly love the original version, with the physical models and the lighting effects; not too fond of the modern remake attempts with all CGI. Bleagh. :-/

    Loved the original "Wrath of Khan" even more, and "Voyage Home." It's odd that I wasn't all that fond of the odd-numbered Treks and the even-numbered Indiana Jones movies... ;->

    who's loved Valzen's places from the very first, long ago :D
    Moena and Febrith like this.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    And about transporters...well, you can tell just by the fun Scotty's having with them that they aren't exactly foolproof. :-/

    All the theories I've been hearing about them is that once you get into them and you beam anywhere, you're basically disintegrated. All your matter is converted to energy (like when a Time Lord regenerates), then reconverted back (hopefully!) at your destination. Wouldn't that, y'know, like, KILL you?? Granted, people can be brought back from heart attacks, drowning, freezing, having a heart attack whilst drowning in freezing water, etc., but what if all that comes out on the other side of a teleport beam is just a copy of you? :-/

    On the other hand, we've seen scenes in the original movies where folks were chatting blithely away as they're beaming out, or in, or whatever, and continuing pretty much where they left off as they beam in (better effects budgets for the movies). So one has to wonder, but you can see how Bones would get leery of the things. ;->

    who does NOT want to see a sky full of flying cars around L.A....don't get me wrong, I love my people, but they're crazy enough in two dimensions (and don't even get me started about the tourists)... X-P
    Moena and Febrith like this.
  10. Febrith Well-Known Member

    Lol Kenana /hug, you are such a kindred spirit - sometimes when I go to houses it's really hard to keep myself under control when inside my head I'm squealing. I try to be objective and remember that not everyone is the same as me or likes the same things and keep the decibel levels within a reasonable limit but sometimes the squeals slip out:)
    Moena, Ethini and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  11. Ethini Well-Known Member

    your middle name is Squee! ?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Moena like this.
  12. Febrith Well-Known Member

    I've been called worse;P
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Moena like this.