[BUG] Inaccessible shiny in Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Tower Breach [Solo]

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Noizette, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. Noizette Active Member

    If I stand on the edge of the ledge at 554.06, 38.37, -732.24 going up the tower there is a shiny floating in mid air approx 17m from me. See screengrab:

  2. Gninja Developer

    Thanks, will take care of it.
    Noizette likes this.
  3. Noizette Active Member

    I just found another unreachable one in a new version of the same zone just now, so thought I should mention it as not sure if your fix magically takes care of them all or you need to know specifics.

    I had to use a floaty cloak to even find this one! Standing at 533.20, 42.30, -779.33 looking out it is 12m from me.

    You're making the shiny collector in me have panic attacks not being able to get'em'all!

  4. Gninja Developer

    there were like 3 or 4. I fixed them in other version of the zone but missed this one, they should be fixed now.
    Noizette, Spindle and Shmogre like this.
  5. Noizette Active Member

    Thank you Gninja!