Leveling Ascensions past 10?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Observing, Nov 28, 2017.

  1. Observing Active Member

    What are the requirements to do this? I have max ascension exp, but won't gain any more, and the OF trainer won't level me.
  2. Gninja Developer

    You can get celestial items from quests/missions which can be consumed or heirloomed to alts that will raise you 1 ascension level for your currently active ascension class. They are fairly easy to get and you can get a bunch of them just from progressing in the expansion.
    Xillean likes this.
  3. Observing Active Member

    So grinding 40 million exp above level 10 to the max before the expansion is totally wasted?
    Fairin likes this.
  4. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    But this does NOT address the fact that people who start the expansion at less than level 10 are absolutely wasting Ascension EXP. This WAS brought up in beta and we were told there would be plenty of scrolls available in the quest lines so we wouldn't have that problem.

    The +1 baubles are nice, but they do not address the problem.

    However, to the person who is looking to go to L11, you have to visit the new trainers to go above 10. At least that is what was being discussed in General chat before the server went down.
  5. semisus Does not play this game

    i think its pretty stupid , i had all 3 different acensions maxed out ahead of POP and i cant lvl em now?
    you even said you could get xp in em but couldent lvl em before POP launched?
  6. Sucha Active Member

    Where would the new trainers be located? I heard in game earlier that they were in Valor but no way to get into there I know of until you are on the sig line at the appropriate step. At least it would not let me in earlier when I tried just to see if it would work.
  7. Steelviper Active Member

    You would need to progress to a certain quest step in the signature line to gain access to Valor, yes. Same as for KA, you had to finish the sig line to become able to level Ascensions, until they adjusted that later.
  8. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Coliseum of Valor
    Your best bet is to be on the class you used the lvl 11 bauble on.. play that class until you get into the coliseum.. and then lvl the 3 classes that are 'almost' lvl 11 by talking to the trainer. Decide which class to use the baubles gninja linked in from there.
  9. Chillispike Active Member

    Oh there they are .. i guess i should have checked that in the beta doh! Thanks for sharing the information :)
  10. Mermut Well-Known Member

    They weren't IN beta.. or if they were, they were added last week. I was too busy prepping for T-day to venture into beta :p