Russian Guild "Рим"

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Eirin, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Eirin New Member

    Сервер TLE Fallen Gate

    Приглашаем вас в ряды славной и могучей гильдии "Рим".

    Будем рады любому адекватному русскоговорящему человеку любого уровня, ввиду засилья англоязычных бургов.

    Мы ходим в подземелья
    Делаем вместе квесты
    Помогаем новичкам

    Успешно рейдим треснолапов х2.
    В данный момент собираем х4.

    Пишите в игре Darklight или любому другому рекрутеру в игре (сможете найти нашу гильдию в окне поиска гильдии).

  2. Ummmyeh Active Member

    Best guild recruitment ever--Wish I could speak Russian!

    We invite you to the ranks of the glorious and powerful guild "Rome".

    We will be glad to any adequate Russian-speaking person of any level, in view of the dominance of English-speaking burgs.

    We go to the dungeons
    Doing together quests
    Helping Beginners

    In the future we plan to go to raids.

    Write in the game Darklight or any other recruiter in the game (you can find our guild in the guild search box).

    P.S. Do you also hate the guild nostalgia? It seems that a bunch of gray-haired grandfathers came running, they sat down to play, they played and shed tears, they played and shed tears. Straight large such crocodiles.

    P.S. Although there is nothing to cry from. Here Gremuknik, for example, he is no longer x2, he is an ordinary heroic ^^^.
  3. Shangluk New Member

    Все супер, забыл только написать, что речь идет о TLE сервере Fallen Gate в заголовке темы :)
  4. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    Who else click the thread thinking the guild name was Puu .... ;)
    удача !
  5. Eirin New Member

  6. Eirin New Member