The T4's that are left

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Yards, May 13, 2017.

  1. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I've got only so many hours in the day. I have to focus on providing feedback to companies that want it.
    Snikkety, Mizgamer62 and Kioske like this.
  2. Gninja Developer

    The personal attacks need to stop. Keep the thread on topic please. We do want your constructive feedback!
  3. Djwidem Member

    One quality of life change on Trak would be to get rid of the death on power drain.

    The biggest issue is that since the raid content is so terrible, and the amount of work it takes to be raid ready is so mind numbingly restrictive, recruitment sucks.

    If you were to make this change I could betray to troub rather than be a terrible dirge which is only around for the 1 fight where i need to have a full power rez.

  4. Gninja Developer

    Not a very good way to ask for changes. I won't be making changes to raids just to make it where you don't have to bring a specific class.
    Scalo likes this.
  5. Zelox Active Member

    eq2 has become overly complicated on live it seems :p
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  6. Djwidem Member



    My point was look at all the underlying issues. You are getting to the point where you simply smooth combat mechanic disparity with some scripting.
  7. Djwidem Member

    can't smooth....wouldnt let me edit
  8. Gninja Developer

    I hear your complaint. What's your solution? Just getting rid of mechanics because your class doesn't do well with it, isn't a reason to get rid of the mechanic.
  9. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Ideally outside of tank/dps/utility/heals classes should be a choice, not a requirement. This is why historically 'class agnostic' mechanics were most well received.
    Snikkety, Kioske and Mathafern like this.
  10. Mathafern Well-Known Member

    When it was easy to have a couple backup alts available when specific classes were needed, the swiss-army approach to raiding worked fine.

    Now that getting a character ready for raid, much less T3-T4 raid, is a full time job with extensive overtime, it is not as practical for some raid forces to have available every possible class combination.

    Archetypes, yes. Even alignment specific like Order and Chaos fight. Fine. But not a specific class.

    A solution is not so much changing the mechanic, which the devs are so very happy with, as providing a fight-specific solution which works around the need for the class. Make an exception to how rezzes work in the zone, for instance. Or provide an item which helps if you use it at the right time.

    I get that in order to merely make it challenging for some groups, you have to make it frustrating and impossible for others. But don't make it frustrating just to make it challenging. Try to make it FUN and challenging. Remember Roehn Theer? Make that your goal.
    Kioske and Mizgamer62 like this.
  11. Earar Well-Known Member

    exactly, u cannot gear up .; ascend up alts easily. When u reach T4, u cannot play with switching toons over and over again.

    even worse with the orange adorns grind now.
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  12. Veta Well-Known Member

    Well, there were some inplementations that could have been changed for the better. Example would be the panic script. Panic script is the most frustrating part of raiding at the moment. You stated it is technically an exploit to kill mobs before they perform their scripts. We are only able to do that because of ascension abilities, which are given to everyone.

    Ascension can be combo'd to make twice as strong. If devs don't want us to kill mobs in 30 seconds, then ascension should have been rebalanced a long time ago. Cut the damage and reuse, but over the duration it could do just as much damage. This would allow them to be good fillers instead of pre-click your best charms, temps, spike stats, etc, and unleash super hard hitters. Or, just remove ascension all together and then there wouldn't be any worry for killing mobs before the scripts activate.
    Absin, Yoube, Snikkety and 4 others like this.
  13. -Soteria- Well-Known Member

    Tbh, plenty of classes can give rezzes with enough power to avoid blowing up again; off the top of my head, I have two rezzes that work and mystic can spec for at least one. Those are just the two classes I know, I'm sure there are others. And once rezzed there are any number of ways to replenish any remaining power with no further risk of dying. Dirge is handy, but the fight could easily be done without one. So... Mission accomplished, there is already flexibility.
    Jrox and Revanu like this.
  14. Veta Well-Known Member

    Necromancers also have a 50/50 rez with AAs (a necro should have the AAs anyway), but it has a 30second reuse. If a necromancer filled out the left side completely, which would lead to a loss in dps, the rez sickness would be removed as well as the base cast time being cut in half. Each rez would then also have a 50% chance to clear the reuse of elemental toxicity, so I suppose more deaths = better. As you stated, there are plenty of ways to replenish power.
  15. Yards Well-Known Member

    The panic script should have been taken out a long time ago. It was essentially was put in as a band-aid for the broken ascension abilities. Once ascension was tuned to where the devs wanted them to be, panic script should have been removed at that time. The only function panic script serves now is to ensure that at some point every encounter will be an afk fight. At this time I am down to being able to participate in 3 encounters that we can kill and the other 2 we cannot kill. When we are not doing those 5 encounters, I am afk autofollowing someone (usually veta) that makes for a really boring raid experience. Basically I am gearing up my toon so I can afk more in raid, sounds legit to me.
    Yoube, Earar, Snikkety and 2 others like this.
  16. Veta Well-Known Member

    Veta is usually a leader and yards is a follower confirmed. Glad that is out of the way.
    Yoube, Snikkety and Kioske like this.
  17. Revanu Well-Known Member

    IS there any reason behind panic scripts not being removed entirely? 5% on a mob and panic script triggers thus wiping raid due to a SPIKE in dps is quite....... whats the word..... unnecessary?

    Another side note, it seems to be quite a common occurance that people are spec'd so badly regarding the capabilities of their class that they don't even understand how to negate certain aspects of encounters etc... (completely unrelated side note; ergo a shaman without spiritual foresight -just 1 minor example) Just using this to touch base on the lackluster rez's or whathaveyou.
    -Soteria- likes this.
  18. Kioske Well-Known Member

    I fully agree, panic script needs to be removed. If you're worried about raids killing bosses before they start the script, add more hit points and remove the enrage timers. This would allow the guilds that do far superior DPS to kill the named slow enough that the script starts, and it would allow the guilds that don't do enough DPS to just take 15-20 minutes to kill it if they need to. Depending on how far the list of guilds you go down, the top 5 guilds are doing upwards of 10x as much DPS as a lot of them these days, that's how bloated stats have become (*Ahem* tithe).

    Personally there's a lot to be fixed. No one in the game should have 10k+ more potency than anyone else in the game, period, ever. Doesn't matter what gear they have, doesn't matter how much tithe. The fact that this is still a thing is a detriment to the raiding community. Currently you are trying to gate T4s against raid forces who have raiders online constantly grinding tithe into excess of 70 points, and 40-50k potency, while people who don't have that kind of time to dedicate to the game are trying to do it with 30k potency, it's never going to work out in your favor. I grind tithe between 4-6 hours a week outside of raids, and I already log in 10 hours for raids. Should I really be required to log in 40+ hours a week to a video game to even try to stay within 10k potency of raiders in top guilds that you are currently trying to gate? Stat separation has NEVER been this insane between players, and since some guilds were possibly given advanced information concerning the tithe change by devs who raid with them, got a jump on and spent a huge amount of time grinding it before the change was announced, it's surprising to me that this game mechanic hasn't been adjusted further. Don't say it didn't happen, because no way was ANYONE in this game spending hours upon hours, and I mean 40+ hours a week, grinding contested to gain 1% actual potency per tithe last expac when they had 12k, yet players started this expansion with 30+ points in potency already. No way anyone spent 10+ hours for one tithe point to go from 12,000% potency to 12,001% potency, but they sure as hell would if they knew that "next expac" that 1% potency was going to be worth so much more.

    In my opinion, Tithe should be capped at 20-30 instead of capping it at 100 and remove the "diminishing returns". I know it won't happen because all the people that spent countless hours grinding it will cry or leave, but it's just my opinion. How on earth you guys think you can balance things around tithe and gear having 1000% more potency than previous gear (like the stat progression from T3 to T4 mobs) is beyond my comprehension. Gear needs a steady stat progression, and the stat progression needs to be smaller. We don't need stats to go from T1 500% potency to T2 800% potency to T3 1200-1400% potency to T4 2200%+ potency. It should be more like 500% to 600% to 700% to 800% (or even smaller) etc etc. because the way tithe is currently set, a 1200% potency piece of gear vs 2200% potency piece of gear is soooooo much more than just 1000% more potency.
    Earar and Snikkety like this.
  19. Yards Well-Known Member

    I let the team mascott lead on non important stuff. Got to make everyone feel important sometimes.
    Yoube and Kioske like this.
  20. Conifur Well-Known Member

    I don't raid but when DB decided to kill alts you pretty much locked everyone into whatever main they were playing at the time. The class problem is DB's doing, not the player base. EQ2 is a job for you, not your customers.
    Errrorr, Mizgamer62 and Kioske like this.