If you log off in Elddar Grove Treehouse you log back in under it

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Zhaanish, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. Zhaanish Well-Known Member

    I've had two Elddar Grove Treehouses in my main house since it came out on the market place. I have all of my TS apprentices as well as crafting tables in them so I've always logged all of my characters out in the treehouse. I've been away from the game since April 2015 and never had an issues prior to that date. Since returning, every time I log out in the treehouse, I end up logging in under it. This would be a minor inconvenience except where I have them placed, I end up basically "stuck" in my own house having to gate to get "out". I know the easy answer is "don't log out there" but this is an item I paid real money for in the market place and it used to work great, so it really needs fixed.

    Thank you!
  2. Zhaanish Well-Known Member

    Actually this seems to be a much wider spread problem than just the Elddar Grove Treehouse. I logged off on the Rickety Stage Stairs house item that lead up to the Elddar Grove Treehouses and had the exact same thing happen - I ended up underneath the item on the "ground".
  3. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    it gets better.. the new dhalgar flooring and roofs... well you can expand them and fall thrpugh the floor or fly up through the roof, no log out required.
    Zhaanish likes this.
  4. Eradani Well-Known Member

    they've changed it so that toons render Before the content so, since the treehouse isn't there yet, you sink to the floor. same thing has been happening with several quest NPCs - Hwal in Ardent Needle in Ant and some guy on Nek Docks come to mind - for as long as i can remember.
    Zhaanish and Ceyllynn like this.
  5. Zhaanish Well-Known Member

    That's really disappointing - needs fixed!
    GrunEQ likes this.
  6. Elduren Well-Known Member

    My burynai shiny guy falls through my tiled GH floor as he's loaded too soon!
    Zhaanish likes this.
  7. Kamoj Well-Known Member

    This is causing issues with housing as well - if you have raised the floors artificially, you end up under the floors and have to zone back in. It's causing all sorts of havoc, but it doesn't seem to effect everyone - maybe graphics processing speed? Anyone know if there is a fix in the works for this?
  8. Talathionwins Active Member

    This isn't a bug, its how the game was designed. Eldarr Grove House is an object, so are tiles. You load in before the objects do, then the objects load. So you go through them.
  9. Kamoj Well-Known Member

    OK it may not be a bug, but they changed something with the way things load when they released ToT. I never had this problem with my houses before and some of them are causing characters to get stuck. I wish they would undo whatever it is they did.
  10. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    oh i don't know... being able to fly up through a dhal domed roof, or go through the floor randomly, well after rendering is a bug to me. it's not just players going through floors it's objects as well. i kept finding npcs and a few tables not where i placed them, to the point i gave up and put them in a different location. there's the fact i can enter a room well after rendering and even though it's on the ground floor i sink in constantly and so does everything else... since ToT.
  11. Wurm Well-Known Member

    It is definitely a bug and it is definitely something they changed recently.
  12. Tetrol Well-Known Member

    Our guild hall has a platform balanced on the tip of the tallest point of the tier 3 Antonica hall, all set up for all of the crafting requirements - with a great view. Lately it has become a death trap on logging in if your character renders before the platform.
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  13. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    I thought it was just me... my home crafting stations are on a platform over water. More than once I've logged back in to find myself drowning... :eek:
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  14. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    i was going to deco my krom using the dhal stuff since it works well with the colours/design already, and while i used parts, i refused to use it for flooring etc... because i had already discovered by making a nice crafthall with two floors in my t3 GH the issues with it. it's a damn shame we have this gorgeous set to play with and it's unreliable. floors that were fine before tot aren't fine anymore... *sigh*
  15. Sharann Well-Known Member

    This is indeed very annoying especially with housing and guild halls. Appearing stuck under something is not working as designed. It was working very well till a couple of months ago. You have no options but to port somewhere else.

    Therefore, could you please revert this back to how it was before whatever change was made to the loading process? That would prevent a lot of "oh noes!!" moments...
    Ceyllynn likes this.