Terrors of Thalumbra EQ2 Census Additions

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Feldon, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. Feldon Well-Known Member

    In recent weeks, EQ2 developer Maevianiu has added additional Census data to support the Terrors of Thalumbra expansion.


    First up, Items have gained RELIC, ETHEREAL, and PRESTIGE flags. These are stored a bit differently and so appear in a new section called unique_equipment_group:

    <unique_equipment_group text="RELIC" wearable_count="1" prestige="true">
    <unique_equipment_group text="ETHEREAL" wearable_count="3" prestige="true"/>
    You may be surprised to see ETHEREAL here since "ETHEREAL" already appears on ~250 items in the tier field. It turns out that tier is a display override and existing ethereal items are actually Fabled and just have a display tier of "ETHEREAL".

    More important are the RELIC and the wearable_count fields which determine how many of an item can be equipped at once. RELIC and wearable_count means only one can be equipped. Also the Prestige field determines whether the item requires an All Access subscription to equip.

    NOTE: unique_equipment_group.prestige is true or false, however it is currently stored as a String rather than a Boolean. As a result, you must use ?unique_equipment_group.prestige=string:true or
    ?unique_equipment_group.prestige=!string:true to match it. In a future update, this may be fixed to a boolean search.

    Bonusmod (Infuser) Info

    Infuser items, whether dungeon-dropped or crafted, contain a new information block which breaks out exactly what that infuser will do when it is applied to an infusable item.

    This information is from the dev team:

    Bonusmod_list is the list of bonusmods that the infuser could give.
    • If infuseall is true then ALL of the bonusmods will be applied (or try to). If infuseall is false then one mod will randomly be chosen and applied.
    • The infusionlayer is the “slot” for the infusion. Currently this is “base”, “drop” and “bonus”. During beta these were referred to as Deity [Plat], Physical [Dropped or Crafted], and Premium).
    For a bonusmod entry:
    • Name: Is the name of the mod. This uses the same names as all of our normal mods like basemodifier = potency and such.
    • Grantsnewstat: If true, this could add a stat that an item does not already have. Otherwise it will only increase the stat if the item already has it.
    • Maxvalue: the maximum amount that this mod could possibly add to the item. If the item already has a bonus higher than this, the mod will not be able to apply
    • Chancetoupgrade: roll this to see if your upgrade works or not. 20.0 is a 20 percent chance.
    • Minpercent: the min percent of the maxvalue to apply to the item on a successful roll. So 10.0 is 10 percent. With a max of 4 means that this will apply at least .4 potency if you win your chancetoupgrade roll
    • Maxpercent: the max percent of the maxvalue to apply to the item on a successful roll. So a 20.0 is 20 percent. With a max of 4 means that this will apply at most .8 potency if you win your roll. So if you make the roll this will add between .4 and .8 potency to an item up to a max total bonus of 4.
    • Critchance: chance to critically apply the bonus. On a crit you get a max roll plus a bonus roll.
    Failure is Always An Option

    Each time you fail to infuse the item, you build a hidden multiplier with builds each time until you get a successful one. On the next successful one you will consume the multiplier to get even more bonuses than what are listed here. IE do not expect in game values to match these values 100% in all cases. There is some randomness involved.

    Example Stamina Infuser (drop layer):
    <item displayname="Exceptional Stamina Infuser"...>
    <typeinfo infuseall="false" name="equipmentinfuser" infusionlayer="drop"/>
      <bonusmod chancetoupgrade="25" name="sta" maxpercent="10" critchance="5" maxvalue="40" grantsnewstat="false" minpercent="5"/>
    The Terrors of Thalumbra Premium Infuser (bonus layer):
    <item displayname="Thalumbra Equipment Infuser"...>
    <typeinfo infuseall="true" name="equipmentinfuser" infusionlayer="bonus"/>
    <bonusmod chancetoupgrade="100" name="basemodifier" maxpercent="40" critchance="0" maxvalue="10" minpercent="30" grantsnewstat="false"/>
    <bonusmod chancetoupgrade="100" name="critbonus" maxpercent="40" critchance="0" maxvalue="10" minpercent="30" grantsnewstat="false"/>
    <bonusmod chancetoupgrade="100" name="All" maxpercent="40" critchance="0" maxvalue="600" minpercent="30" grantsnewstat="false"/>
    <bonusmod chancetoupgrade="100" name="sta" maxpercent="40" critchance="0" maxvalue="100" minpercent="30" grantsnewstat="false"/>
    Dedith likes this.
  2. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Before we go any further, a brief history of how Reforging, Refining, Experimentation, and Adorning done to a Character's Equipment is exported in Census. The final stats of the equipped item appear in a <modifiers> block, and various flags appear to help us determine how the stat was boosted.

    Reforging Example:
    <spelltimecastpct reforged="true" displayname="Ability Casting Speed" type="modifyproperty" value="3"/>
    <all reforged="true" displayname="All" type="normalizedmod" value="1949"/>
    We have two stats which are flagged as reforged="true" -- spelltimecastpct (Ability Casting Speed) and all (Ability Mod). We look at the original dropped item stats and see that it has 15.2% Ability Casting Speed and 0 Ability Mod. We do the math and know that that 15.2% Ability Casting Speed was reduced to 3%, and then 1949 Ability Mod was added through Reforging. On EQ2U, we display this as:

    15.2% 3% Ability Casting Speed
    +1,959 Ability Mod

    In-game, this is now shown as:

    (15.2%) 3% Ability Casting Speed
    +1,959 Ability Mod

    Adornment Example:
    <critbonus displayname="Crit Bonus" type="modifyproperty">
    <addon value="6.25"/>
    <spellweapondamagebonus displayname="Spell Weapon Damage Bonus" type="modifyproperty">
    <addon value="6"/>
    <weapondamagebonus displayname="Weapon Damage Bonus" type="modifyproperty">
    <addon value="6"/>
    <adornment color="white" id="2716311684"/>
    <adornment color="purple" id="3156414528"/>
    <adornment color="cyan" id="1650993076"/>
    This item has three adornments equipped. Adornment #2716311684, #3156414528, and #1650993076. These are standard itemids which can be loaded from the /item/ collection. One of these adornments adds 6.25% Crit Bonus. One of these adornments adds 6% Spell Weapon Damage Bonus and 6% Weapon Damage Bonus. One of these adornments is a more complex spell effect which must be parsed directly.

    Experimented / Refining Example
    <critbonus displayname="Crit Bonus" value="21.734999" refined="true" type="modifyproperty" boosts="1">
    <addon value="6.875"/>
    <agility displayname="agi" refined="true" type="attribute" value="379" boosts="1"/>
    <strength displayname="str" refined="true" type="attribute" value="314"/>
    <dps displayname="Damage Per Second" refined="true" type="modifyproperty" value="43.919998" boosts="1"/>
    <critchance displayname="Crit Chance" refined="true" type="modifyproperty" value="125.76001" boosts="1"/>
    <basemodifier displayname="Potency" refined="true" type="modifyproperty" value="20.790001"/>
    <wisdom displayname="wis" refined="true" type="attribute" value="314"/>
    <stamina displayname="sta" refined="true" type="attribute" value="685" boosts="1"/>
    <attackspeed displayname="Attack Speed" refined="true" type="modifyproperty" value="57.640003"/>
    This item has had all of its stats boosted by 5-10% because it was mastercrafted with 5 Refined rares rather than standard rares. The following Experimentation was also applied:
    • Crit Bonus - 1 boost
    • Agility - 1 boost
    • Damage Per Second - 1 boost
    • Crit Chance - 1 boost
    • Stamina - 1 boost
    NOTE: There's also a 6.3% Crit Bonus adornment being applied to this item.

    Infusing (new with Terrors of Thalumbra)

    Because Reforging was limited to non-crafted items, and Refining/Experimentation was limited to crafted items, it was always possible to determine exactly how the stats on an item are being increased. Because Infusing can apply to nearly any item, and because Infusing can add new stats or boost existing stats, a whole new data block called <bonusmod_list> was required.

    NOTE: Fansites will need to add all the stats increases from the <modifiers> block and the <bonusmod_list> to get the final stats of each equipped item. Alternately, applied infusions may be displayed as adornments in a separate block or popup.
    • Each item in Terrors of Thalumbra drops pre-infused with a small boost to stats in the "base" or deity layer. Additional boosting to the "base" layer is done either by spending Plat in the Deity/Infusion window, or by buying Infusers from the Loyalty City Merchant.
    • Infusers that affect the "drop" or physical layer drop in dungeons, raids, and can also be crafted.
    • Infusers that affect the "bonus" layer are rare. For example the Premium edition of the expansion comes with some.
    Infusing Example Data on a Character
    <item id="2795436245"...>
    <bonusmodlayer tries="5" name="base">
    <bonusmod type="modifyproperty" name="basemodifier" value="0.748201"/>
    <bonusmod type="modifyproperty" name="critbonus" value="1.306033"/>
    <bonusmod type="normalizedmod" name="All" value="8.104997"/>
    <bonusmod type="attribute" name="sta" value="1.820421"/>
    <bonusmodlayer tries="59" name="drop">
    <bonusmod type="normalizedmod" name="All" value="125.31192"/>
    <bonusmod type="modifyproperty" name="critbonus" value="1.699117"/>
    <bonusmod type="attribute" name="sta" value="8"/>
    <bonusmod type="modifyproperty" name="basemodifier" value="0.779312"/>
    <bonusmodlayer tries="0" name="bonus"/>
    This item has been boosted several times via Plat or from Loyalty merchant-purchased infusers all affecting the "base" layer. This item has also been boosted some 59 times from crafted or dungeon-dropped infusers on the "drop" layer. As yet, no infuser affecting the "bonus" layer has been applied.
    Dedith and Laiina like this.
  3. Feldon Well-Known Member

    The INFUSABLE tag is now showing on many of the Items in Census. It may require another game update to see all Census items updated with this information.

    The Quests and Collections data have been re-exported to include Terrors of Thalumbra data. Recipes should also contain all the new recipes from the expansion.

    "Weapon Damage Bonus", "Spell Weapon Damage Bonus", and "Fervor" have been added to Stats.Combat block under the Character collection.