Best way to get known recipes.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Mysstie, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    I know I can get a list of my known recipes with: /json/get/eq2/character_misc/863289273747?c:show=known_recipe_list and can then get the recipe information with /json/get/eq2/recipe/?crc=1033405

    But is there a way to do with one URL query a list of my known recipes with at least the ID and name of each one rather doing thousands of individual queries for each recipe?

    So far what I've tried hasn't worked.

  2. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, character_misc was never setup with Resolves so you have to do multiple queries. You can see what resolves exist by going here: . Spoiler: It's only Guilds and certain things off Characters.

    If you wrote a query that pulled the name, level, and ID of every recipe from /recipe/, then you could run a second query to load the known_recipe_list from your character_misc record, and then use the master recipe list as a "master key" to then populate what your character knows. It's not terribly hard to do depending on what programming language you are using and you know the right queries.
  3. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    Playing around with /recipe/ queries and trying to figure out how to get sequential sets of recipes, using c:limit=10&c:start=xx where "xx" is increasing values doesn't seem to stay consistent which batch of recipes I get with the same start values.

    Anyway, using PHP with Curl to pull info from the site and putting the stuff in a MySQL database. All of that I have no problems with.. it's just figuring out the right URL queries to use to get the data I want.
  4. Alphonsus Well-Known Member

  5. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Mysstie likes this.
  6. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    Geez "Added 9254 new recipes to Thairee list.". She has the most of my characters. So far just a table of character and recipe IDs. Now time to populate the recipe table with info.
  7. Mysstie Well-Known Member

  8. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    Well, it looks like out of the 30,236 recipes, 2 do not have an Elaborate ID:

    1471903027,Peaceful Link VI (Grandmaster),0
    3967309181,Test Quick Blade,0
  9. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Yep. There are a few test items in there that you'll never see on a character. And there are over 9,000 (!) recipes that date back from when the game launched with Subcombines. I've got a huge block list that I've populated and keep hidden from EQ2U. But just for displaying what recipes your characters know, your master list should be great.
  10. Alphonsus Well-Known Member

    Peaceful Link 6 GM has been broken since it was added to the GM recipes in game. It creates nothing. The final product field is blank in game. It's been on their bug tracker site for months, but obviously not a priority even though it would take about 30 seconds to fix on their end.
  11. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Mysstie likes this.
  12. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    Sweet! Thanks! :)