Elite bard VC's. What's your biggest?

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Tackk, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. Doomey Active Member

    just fyi, i've had searing hit for 200+ mil but always unlucky with it landing on like only 3 targets... but the potential for ridiculousness is there lol
  2. Stix New Member

    Nicely done. I haven't had a myth eth bow hit on my Searing Passion yet. I'm looking forward to it. I'll post when I do.
  3. Neth New Member

    66 mil in temple tonight.

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  4. Doomey Active Member

    got this tonight on grimlings again. group was zerker, mystic, templar, assassin, coercer

    searing passion max hit was 272 lol

    Jrel likes this.
  5. Neth New Member

    GDI Doomey
    Doomey likes this.
  6. Stix New Member

    Finally got a myth hit on Searing Passion, group: bruiser, defiler, temp, coercer, ranger

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  7. Doomey Active Member

    myth crit with the bow is pretty incredible. I've been having hit rate issues with searing (been hitting like 70% of the encounter). I swapped in some spell casting adorns. Not really sure if it helped but it seems like I have been hitting more frequently. I had one the other day where literally every hit missed. Probably just unlucky. It was pretty disappointing to see the vc afterwards, lol.

    also forgot to post the fight i charged last night on. hit rate suffered a little bit again due to me tanking this set of adds.
    searing hit 16 times due to doublecast. wish dc recorded as most of the highest hits from it were from the doublecast -_-
    Jrel likes this.
  8. Stix New Member

    So sick, I haven't had your unlucky streak of misses when I use Searing Passion. Maybe debuffs can increase the hit rates? Not sure what Searing Passion would be classified under, maybe disruption? At the rate I'm going so far, the myth hits are too rare for me so I can't expect these super VCs.

    Great job on your VCs!
  9. Doomey Active Member

    the myth crits are ultra rare. i was super lucky to get one on that encounter. I use brews and get miracles every time I can during raids and maybe see 1 every 2 nights if i'm lucky. I would think it's disruption as well.

    I could be getting those in before everyones debuffs though. I tend to not auto attack, debuff the mob, then rhythm blade and temp buff, wait to hear the ethereal triggers and RO. I could just be doing this too soon into the encounter. idk
  10. Stix New Member

    Yeah, it can be challenging to time the RO with the trigger. I normally pop my Words of Exarch before, debuff, then Rhythm Blade before hitting my auto. In most cases I'll hear the trigger from the first auto.
  11. Neth New Member

    I'm swapping my bow out for a few seconds while I build increments and the debuffs come in. Then swap back in just before RO
  12. Genghes Active Member

    I felt like a dps class with that 89.5 mil vc haha
  13. Treson Member


    Tanking Yermon and most of the other Grimlings, charged on the trash just before.
    Neth and Doomey like this.
  14. Rocketjones Active Member

    What WDB are peeps sporting without procs?
  15. Doomey Active Member

    185 out of combat idle, 500-600ish in raids during RO
  16. atunnx New Member

    [IMG]Biggest VC so far, searing passion hit for 55mil.

    Nezette likes this.
  17. atunnx New Member

    Highest VC for me 73mil, searing Passion hit 153mil. Where are all the other troubs vc's at?

    Nezette, Jrel and Doomey like this.
  18. Doomey Active Member

    pretty badass for not having a bow!
    atunnx likes this.
  19. Ishmel Member

    nice vc
    atunnx likes this.
  20. atunnx New Member

    80 mil VC, Searing Passion 115mil, Thanks for EV during the charge Hypno!

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