Desert of Flames Voting

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ruallin Ebonhammer, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. GBlack Active Member

    Speaking of Deathtoll - we did. You know, pre KoS pvp is kinda non-existent. So, personally, I hoped that D's majority are pvpers who will want to reach KoS , as true PvP expansion, ASAP. But I guess I was wrong. The majority of Deathtoll are the same PvErs who wants to abuse easy t5 content for months. Sad.
    Jord likes this.
  2. Vunder Well-Known Member

    Vote YES for the first expansion that actually mattered!!:D

  3. Yuudai Member

    I was 100% against it being released early on, but now it does need to come out..I don't want an expansion every 30 days..60 is fineish for me

    How will everyone be voting?
  4. Fleshdecay Well-Known Member

    Agreed. The idea was that the majority of Deathtoll was in it for the best pvp experience. Which would mean getting to KoS quickly and taking our time from there. Obviously more PvE'rs have flooded the server so we are stuck with little content and a lot of imbalances because we can't reach the premium pvp destination before everyone starts calling it quits.
  5. Aliramar Member

    Judging by Stormhold's General 80% vote NO :rolleyes:.
  6. Fleshdecay Well-Known Member

    Sadly, Deathtoll is in dire need of a yes vote to regain some population. Deathtoll is a pvp server and therefore needs to reach the point where pvp was at it's best.....KoS and so on. At the moment there are too many imbalances and too little content for pve/pvp to flourish on the server.
  7. Lord of the Flies New Member

    Considering that the core desire of flower sniffers is to get rid of "rushers", I am sure the NO vote will win this time also.
  8. BulletCatcher66 Active Member

  9. Tylia Well-Known Member

    I voted Yes. It's definitely time for new content. (And while yes, I have a lvl 50, I did not rush to get there. In fact, I raised another character to 41 before I even created SH Tylia. I've enjoyed playing the zones, doing quests, crafting, and raiding. But honestly.. there's only so much one can do in the current amount of content, and it's beginning to get "old" really fast.)
    Moonpanther likes this.
  10. Adevil Well-Known Member

    Ah, the usual eye rolling and dissing speculators. I'm just going to wait to see the results, because I have no idea, and won't begin to guess, how the vote is going to turn out.
  11. Aliramar Member

    Well, it's easy. I can give you a rough estimation. The amount of yes votes won't reach 50% this time, will be around 40-45, I assume.
  12. ltankhsd New Member

    <--- Level 30 (Didn't start at TLE release)

    Will vote yes.
    Fleshdecay likes this.
  13. Fleshdecay Well-Known Member

    Started a couple days ago, I'm only level 24. I'm voting yes. It's what's best for the server, not just me.
  14. BulletCatcher66 Active Member

    No way you played at launch. There were access quests to get to EL, LS, etc. T3+ bells at docks didn't take you everywhere with little effort. You had to run there, on foot, or with an expensive (very expensive mount) No way travel is worse now then during launch.

    Awwwww... see not everyone on the internet lacks humility. There is hope.
    If the yes vote passes wont that mean the majority has decided to move forward? In my experience it has only been a very loud minority of players that are complaining about the No votes (Deathtoll perspective)

    What part of the TLE makes you think the server is for a specific set of people? A specific set of loud, very loud, people? It isn't. Deathtoll isn't for the max cappers to push forward ASAP. Increasing the cap will only widen the disparity between end game and low levels.

    Im at cap, I find planety to do at level 50 in vanilla content. Maybe you're not familiar with it seeing as you rushed and acquired great gear. Now its time for the rest of the server to move forward at your (or your play style's) pace? Nah... not until the majority decide it to be so. Majority in the context of DBG is 66% of the voting population. Thats the way it is here, but not outside of EQ2, but in EQ2... 2/3 is the majority.

    DoF will come. Just not this month probably.
  15. Mitten Active Member

    I wonder if I'll ever turn general chat back on ..
    Kelvani, Tylia and Eradani like this.
  16. KhaineUK Active Member

    I actually expected this as well. I don't PvP, but I do remember a lot of PvP'ers saying that the AA's made a massive difference and really improved the game. So I expected Deathtoll to be way ahead of Stormhold in terms of expansions unlocked.
  17. Lord of the Flies New Member

    Good to see actually thinking people in this topic. At least someone can finally understand that laying a pile of excrements under people's doors (i.e. voting "NO") is not going to bring anything good to a game.
  18. Adevil Well-Known Member

    Personally I'd round up and call it 67% rather than round down to 66%. 66.666666666 etc is closer to 67 than to 66.
    BulletCatcher66 likes this.
  19. Adevil Well-Known Member

    During the discussions before the servers were released there seemed to be PvPers who were looking forward to all the PvP and grand battles that would be required to get the prismatic weapons. Maybe not enough of those players have it yet? Or are the PvPers currently more focused on PvE than they are on PvP?
  20. Hyiero Active Member

    I will be voting yes along with majority of my guild.