Grand Temple and Gardens of Erollisi (SS2015)tHE

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Severai, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. Severai Member

    (Not sure what on earth happened to the title of this post but it seems I can't go back and change it, so, umm, just ignore the typo at the end please? Ta ...)

    The combination of the return of Erollisi and the Sacred Spaces competition meant that I couldn't resist revamping and upgrading my Temple of Erollisi! (Especially as changes to building blocks since I initially made it meant that I had a few hundred spaces to play around with to fill with More Plants And Stuff).

    For those of you who aren't on AB and/or hadn't seen it before, I made the Temple 2-3 years ago when Kaian bore witness to Erollisi's return from the dead (in the 'A Goddess Risen' quests) and wanted to create an area for her free from the corruption, killing and, quite frankly, dead-Erollisi-in-a-coffin-ness of the Shard of Love. Since then, Erollisi failed to fully return to Norrath and Kaian was reduced to sitting in taverns, drunkenly insisting to people that he'd spoken to the Lady and was the High Priest of Love, yeah? - before staggering back to sit in the Gardens incase she appeared. To no benefit ..... until now ;)

    The Temple Complex includes wooded gardens, perfumed bowers, statues, fauna, pavilions, baths and a library, shrines and altars and all the most exotic and beautiful plants I could possibly cram in there, as well as the Grand Temple itself. The Temple comprises an inner and outer area, with a High Altar, and, at the very back of the gardens, the Shrine of the Loving Huntress with Kaian's depiction of the Lady herself. It might not be entirely accurate. He was too dazzled when he last met her. And perhaps not 100% sober.

    Server: Antonia Bayle
    Leaderboards: Hall of Fame (best to look for it under 'Newly Published' if you want to visit)
    Title: Temple and Gardens of Erollisi (SS2015)

    For those who can't visit .... this gives an idea ...

    The Grotto of Sacrifice
    The Grotto of Compassion
    The Perfumed Bower, with closeable curtains for those devotees that prefer a little privacy ...
    The Library, and Shrine of Truth
    The Golden Lotus Pavilion, and Shrine of Honour
    The Baths, and Shrine of Charity
    The approach to the Outer Temple Arena, incorporating the Shrine of Valor
    Looking down at the Outer Temple arena
    The Shrine of Love, and 'What if ......?' (yes, that is Antonia and Lucan on there being quite pleasant to each other ...)
    View of the entrance to the Inner Temple
    The High Altar
    View from the High Altar (that's a book of the Wedding Ceremony).
    The Shrine of the Loving Huntress
    Thanks for looking!
  2. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Is that a house actor? What is she wearing?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Severai Member

    Erollisi? Yes, an actor ... wearing the crafted set from the Erollisi Day recipes. I've just checked, and the set is the Supple Hart Leather Chest Wrap and Leggings (unfortunately there weren't any arm-pieces).

    I wanted to get a bit of the look that Erollisi has at the end of the deity questline, but of COURSE none of those items are actually able to be replicated. Out of the other options, these seemed to work best.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    And being made out of Hart (deer) leather, that outfit works thematically, too! :)

  5. Severai Member

    *nod*nod* Hence it being the 'Loving Huntress'. Although I'm not sure what the fawns at her feet think of it all.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    "She killed Fritz! That dirty, stinkin'--"
    "Whoa there, Bambi, ixnay on the ussing-kay; She might be listening..."

    Severai likes this.
  7. thulia Active Member

    damn you, damn you, i don't have a character slot open...hmm who do i delete, must go see it in person, it's so beautiful
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    When in doubt, save up 2 months of Station Cash, and buy another sense in throwing away one of your "children." :-/

    who luvvvs his alts, every single one :)
    Severai likes this.
  9. Sharann Well-Known Member

    I've just toured this place and it is stunning!
    You have done a lot of research finding the right item combination, with regards to color and theme-matching. It's absolutely worth visiting! Big congrats to you :cool:
    Severai and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  10. Severai Member

    Thanks so much!

    I was delighted that lots of different stonework and arches had been added to the Marketplace since I initially built the Temple and my rebuilding could run riot (not quite as delighted as if they'd been carpenter-made, but nevermind).

    *grins* I keep a couple of slots spare on a Silver account to go server-hopping with ;)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I have 4 Silver accounts for that reason...well, I only needed 3, but then the Powers said they were going to kill off that aspect of F2P, so I had to get another one. ;->

  12. Andarta Member

    Great work, looking forward to touring! I love how creative you were with the shrine display.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.