who would be a good warden to look up on eq2u?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by suka, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    My fury can cap PI (with ~750k hp) with 1 spell. I am 80% sure wardens can cap PI with auto attacks over the course of 10 seconds.
  2. Elhonna Member

    I threw the formula up for PI a long time ago, but here it is... 5% of damage done for 10 seconds up to a cap of 30% of max health at the time the spell is triggered. When I was hp crazy, I broke a million hp at one point one night that I had an inq in group for whatever reason. A 300k ward on everyone in group is freaking amazing...

    So, on a fight where you parse 2 million dps... it would take three seconds of sustained dps to cap a 300k ward. Considering spike damage, where an AoE (from a fury that is) might hit four targets for a total of over 6 million in one second you'd probably cap it easily. Considering the obscene amounts that auto attacks can hit for this expansion, it's not hard to imagine that a warden, with a couple of CAs and a couple of good auto attacks, could easily cap out a PI easily enough, especially when most healers aren't sitting at a million hp. For a player sitting at 700k, you could sustain around 1 million dps for 6-8 seconds and cap PI. (Would be less than 6 seconds, but I'm giving allowances for MA/flurry not counting towards the PI charge. Only initial hits of auto attacks and DoTs count. All hits from aoes count. Never did check AE auto...)

    Quick update. To cap a PI at 750k hp, the minimum dps for 10 seconds would be 450k...
    Koko likes this.
  3. Koko Well-Known Member

    You're making it way too convoluted. Anything that does not register as an independent damage 'hit' (e.g. item procs, skill procs, MA, flurry, DoT, etc.) will not charge PI. Likewise, these damage sources will not trigger damage shields, HoTs, HWtP, VC, or charge RO.

    Attempting to relate EncDPS (which is heavily proc based) to PI charge rate, while under good intentions, is delusional at best. ='(
  4. Ucala Well-Known Member

    Zalza on splitpaw doesn't raid on the WW level but he is the best warden I have ever talked to, could easily push down all other wardens if he cared
  5. Elhonna Member

    Dunno about that. I speak from the point of view of a fury. A large majority of fury encdps is direct damage from nukes, depending on target numbers. Regardless, the formula is what I was trying to get across, and it is unchanging. My estimates on how long it takes to charge PI are likewise close to on the money, considering the dps numbers I gave out are easily attainable in decent gear while raiding before proc damage is taken into account.

    Higher end players are easily parsing two/three times what I estimated after procs are added to their base dps. And burst dps is easily over that amount for even heroic-geared players. Considering damage will scale with available HP, it's not too convoluted in my opinion. Honestly I was showing the absolute, non-proc damage that had to be done for different amounts of PI charge, since I've not seen it discussed in any other druid posts since the forum revamp.

    Lastly, I did address what you talked about in the next to last line of my previous post.
  6. Koko Well-Known Member

    True! However the initial math did not support this, and I'd like to avoid contradictory information.

    Procs tend to be 20~40% of a character's EncDPS these days, T1 or otherwise. =/
  7. Elhonna Member

    Yeah, no biggie :) And I agree on the proc thing being a large chunk of dps.
  8. Koko Well-Known Member

    Yurr! :3

    I have confirmed your PI formula [one spell event shown here, PI ward scales linearly].
  9. Kiry Active Member

    Horses for courses, I personally dislike PI and use HwtP and FotF, even then that's overkill I just like Howling for the CC immunity, longer recast sure but bigger heal and not limited by your oown HP pool.
  10. Pinstripes New Member