Channeler Epic Quest.

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Xurben, May 28, 2014.

  1. Xurben New Member

    A bit of a rant here, as a player who likes to spend time playing.

    The prereq's on the channeler epic are just mind numbingly boring. These are not challenging, they are not noteworthy to the quest itself and I don't care about signature quest lines that mattered 2-5 years ago or more.
    can you consider removing so many dead end, long, tedious, and unwanted barriers? (Yes I know other people did it, but I've shelved my channeler due to frustration on this. (I did epics back when you had to do them, and they weren't this bad, ever, not even the assasin)

    I have spent 2 weeks of my evening playtime working to knockout prereqs so that I can do this quest and im 1/2 done. Really???? just to get my buff that evens me out with other priests that can all do a quest taking (if you are bad at it) an evening? I really like this class, and the playstyle is something I love. But I am unwilling to continue being forced to do tedious no reward having quests that take all the time I have to play. Missing out on groups with friends is the worst. I already have a bow thats the same as what I'll end up with too..

    Please consider this, or at least reply with why its a good thing?
  2. Ainaree Well-Known Member

    I think my only complaint is the Chains of Eternity Timeline. The Harrows End key should have been usable to keep me from having to do that tedious nightmare all over again.
  3. Ciroe Active Member

    That would also be my only complaint really.... And I'm not sure what kind of play time you get each day, but 2 weeks seems like PLENTY of time to have the thing finished.

    With regards to you already have a bow already as good as the final bow? I would like to know what bow this is. Unless you are comparing the Dom bow to the EPIC version. The Mythical is if i am not mistaken, best in slot.