Expansion is exhausted. bad content design.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Payton, May 7, 2014.

  1. gixxisgod Member

    Yes that's why I quit until a new expansion comes out then ill just buy more accounts then and start over...Tired of running the same stuff over and over and over and over and over and over.. and the new HK is just not worth the loot...
  2. d1anaw Well-Known Member

    Here we go again. I'm bored, there's nothing to do. The expansion was bad, etc, etc, etc. We could almost write the whole thing verbatim from every previous one. Here's a suggestion: if you hate it so much, feel free to exit and find something productive to do with your time. The never ending, never changing, constant complaining about every little thing and every expansion gets old. And no matter what they do, they aren't going to please the same people, even if they do exactly what they ask for. They will always find something wrong with it.
    Deveryn likes this.
  3. Astealoth Member

    My interest in EQ2 has been severely waning lately too, been playing GW2 instead. It's a lot more difficult to stay interested in replaying content in EQ2. EQ2 actually has a lot of current content compared to other MMOs on the market. EQ2 just doesn't make any effort to make repeating that content rewarding.

    In GW2 replaying the same old dungeons that have been around for years isn't tiring. First: they have a group finder that works. Instead of having a bunch of nonsense scripts try to auto build pvp and pve groups they just have an extremely intuitive menu. It has some tabs for different types of pvp and pve. Click what you want to do and it lists all the groups looking for people. If there's no group there you click start a group and you can type a brief description of what you want to do. That's all there is to it and it works.You also auto delevel and stat reduce to a proper level for lower level dungeons so every dungeon in the game is always relevant and has some degree of difficulty, even if it's not very high.

    Second: in the actual related content you are greatly rewarded for your effort. If you get a piece of gear you don't need it's still useful. You can salvage it without having to train a convoluted salvaging skill and the materials are valuable because every crafting material in the game is either directly related to crafting an extremely high end item or able to be refined into a material for crafting a high end item. The game has insanely high gold sinks and material sinks in legendary cosmetics, but very low gold sinks for general game play. Not much money is actually generated in game but since the crafting materials that come from dungeon gear is so sought after, you can actually make a decent amount of gold from dungeons by selling mats to other people on the auction house.

    All EQ2 needs to improve is some thought on making the economy work and dungeons stay relevant in the long term. This isn't an impossible feat. Not saying EQ2 needs to copy GW2, but GW2 is proving that it is possible to keep content relevant and rewarding. All the tech for the things GW2 does to create a fluid gaming environment exists within EQ2, it's just all too rough and/or overcomplicated to a point where the majority of the player base ignores it.

    I love the look and feel of EQ2. I like the variety of spells and classes in EQ2. I love the lore of EQ2. But imagine an EQ2 where people wanted to run old dungeons, an EQ2 where getting loot was fun and rewarding even if you'd gotten it 1000 times before. That would be a pretty fun EQ2.
  4. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    GW2 is a very interesting casual game.

    Don't get me wrong, I love GW2 for what it is. It's an entertaining game with a lot of interesting features. But in the end, it's not a very deep game. Consider that in GW2 it's possible to reach level cap without ever killing a single mob. You could, in theory, craft your way to the adventuring level cap. It's a fun game if you like a completely pointless PvP / WvW end game.

    It's not however EQ2 with the extreme depth of mechanics and content. There are certainly some ideas that I think would work well in EQNext, and I hope the devs are paying attention. The biggest of course is the single sharded nature of the game, which is what makes their Dungeon Finder work.
    Neiloch likes this.
  5. Kaedian66 Active Member

    Puff puff pass, seriously.
  6. Oldtimer Active Member

    doom, gloom. I guess all games come to an end really, and then go into maintenance.
  7. Balbasur Active Member

    I think alot of people that hate it had to settle for a class they don't like in order to raid because they weren't good at the one they really wanted to play, or some one was just better.
    Deveryn likes this.
  8. Mermut Well-Known Member

    And EQ2 isn't in that state yet...
    Bansidhe, Wirewhisker and Neiloch like this.
  9. Grainer Active Member

    Actually EQ2 is in that state and has been for a while. I have been playing since launch and have done everything from high end raiding to solo play. I log on every night 7 days a week during prime time and there are never groups doing instances, because most have already farmed the instances for whatever they want and have no reason to even do them. If you like to repeat the same instances over and over again 10000000 times then this is the game for you, but keep in mind you will probably be doing 1 instance a week if you can get a group with the dead servers. Anyone Fanboy that comes here and says the game is booming and groups are abundant of full of it or has 5 other Fanbuddys to group with.

    Oldtimer likes this.
  10. Paperplane-like Silence New Member

    Unfortunately I can't even experience new content yet, but I'd like to hope for the most part that there is a good amount of stuff to endure in one day.
  11. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    See, I used to think this way as well, until I played Guild Wars 2. A game without healers is *very* boring game in the end. There need to be class dependencies in order to promote depth. I'm actually really concerned that SOE hasn't come to grips with this, which is sorta scary since their games are the ones that prove it.

    There are definitely ways to get around this problem without castrating a games depth, Rift does a *fantastic* job of this for instance. Other ways to alleviate this problem are already in the hands of EQ2 players, and specifically the guild leaders.
  12. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Which server and what do you consider 'prime time'? I'm on Butcherblock and have little problem getting groups.
    Avahlynn likes this.
  13. Terron New Member

    The aspect of EQ2 I like the best is the quests and ToV does have a shortage of them, compared to other expansions.